test gr.2


test gr.2
Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III
gimnazjów w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
(etap szkolny - 60 minut)
[suma punktów]
Imię i nazwisko ...................................................................................................................... kl. ………..
A. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź A, B, C lub D i przepisz odpowiednią literę do arkusza. (40 pkt.)
1. What about ......... his parents?
a) calling
b) to call
c) call
d) have to call
14. He said he .......... seen the film.
a) had already b) already
c) has already d) already has
2. The police didn't ......... anything in the car.
a) found b) find c) finds d) founded
15. No, I didn't forget .......... her. I told her
everything more than two hours ago.
a) ringing
b) ring c) to ring d) rang
3. Steve has bought ......... new smartphone.
a) an b) the c) such d) a
16. Her sister told us .......... the old glass.
a) not to touch b) to not touch
c) not touch
d) don't touch
4. This is the boy ......... plays the piano.
a) which b) whose c) who d) whom
5. I've got very ......... time.
a) small
b) few c) little
17. You .......... tell lies – it's not ok.
a) don't have b) must not
c) should
d) hadn't
d) a little
6. A: These shoes are yours? B: No, …...... .
a) him b) your c) their d) hers
18. He isn't coming, .......... ?
a) is he b) does he c) isn't he d) doesn't he
7. He hasn't lost ......... .
a) a
b) some c) nothing
19. I don't really enjoy .......... to music.
a) listen b) to listen c) to listening d) listening
d) anything
8. ......... beautiful view!
a) So b) Such c) What a d) This is
20. They have done it all .......... .
a) them b) their c) theirs d) themselves
9. Let's go! The shop ......... in five minutes.
a) will be close b) close
c) closes
d) closing
21. .......... read a lot of books?
a) Did he used
b) Used he to
c) Were he used to
d) Did he use to
10. Philip ......... to school five days a week.
a) go b) going c) goes d) is going
22. I'd rather .......... the car.
a) not to take b) don't take
c) not take
d) didn't take
11. The end of school year is ......... June.
a) at b) on c) in
d) of
23. I prefer cooking .......... washing up.
a) then b) than c) to d) by
12. I ......... to him since May.
a) did talk
b) not talking
c) haven't talked
d) don't talk
24. His brother .......... Spanish for three years now.
a) studied
b) studying
c) had studied d) has studied
13. Tomorrow? I don't know. Maybe I ....... at home.
a) am going and stay b) stay
c) will stay
d) am staying
25. I .......... I could drive a car.
a) want b) wish c) love d) like
26. She is lazy. She never does .......... work.
a) some b) no c) any d) a
34. I have too much to do. I .......... by six o'clock.
a) am not finishing
b) won't finish
c) don't finish
d) have finished
27. The text was translated .......... French.
a) into b) to c) on d) for
35. Who are .......... people over there?
a) this b) these c) that d) those
28. We have known each other .......... two years.
a) from b) for c) since d) by
36. This year my sister usually .......... at 5 am.
a) gets up b) get up c) getting up d) got up
29. .......... me the salt, Mary?
a) Do give
b) Are you given
c) Will you give
d) Don't give
37. He has been .......... for two weeks.
a) out b) away c) off d) from
30. This time tomorrow we .......... in the Alps.
a) will ski
b) skiing
c) will be skiing d) are skiing
38. Here .......... the evening news!
a) is
b) come
c) are d) shows
39. He has .......... a serious mistake.
a) done b) founded c) made d) did
31. The question was quite easy - .......... than we
a) easier
b) more easier
c) more easiest d) the easiest
40. I don’t want to know what .......... people think.
a) other b) another c) others d) all
32. Don't worry .......... late tomorrow morning.
a) if he is
b) if he will be
c) he is
d) if he was
33. I saw him .......... a concert last night.
a) in b) on c) by d) at
B. Przetłumacz słowo/słowa w nawiasach tak, aby pasowały do reszty zdania. Przepisz
przetłumaczone słowo/słowa do arkusza. (15 pkt.)
Przykład: We didn't have (niczego) to eat.
1. I always forget (zrobić pracę domową).
2. We spend (zbyt wiele) money.
3. (Masz coś przeciwko) opening the window?
4. He slept (aż do) 12 am.
5. (Im większy) the house, the more expensive it is.
6. I can’t help you (chyba że) you tell me what’s wrong.
7. (Chociaż) she is very old, she likes football.
8. A: I love vanilla ice-cream. B: (Ja też)
9. He (ma piętnaście lat). (w tłumaczeniu użyj przymiotnika: „old”)
10. (W piątek rano) we go to the doctor.
11. Debbie was the only one (wśród nich) who had ever ridden a horse.
12. (Jest) a lot of good answers!
13. The journey (potrwa dwie godziny).
14. (Przestańcie rozmawiać)! I can't hear anything.
15. What does (on wygląda)?
C. Zapoznaj się z poniższymi sytuacjami i wybierz najlepszy / najnaturalniejszy wariant odpowiedzi A,
B lub C. Przepisz odpowiednią literę do arkusza. (5 pkt.)
1. Żegnasz się po lekcjach z kolegą. Co mówisz
na pożegnanie?
a) I will miss you!
b) Good luck!
c) Take care.
4. Właśnie się dowiedziałaś/dowiedziałeś, że
Twoja ulubiona koleżanka nie przyjdzie na
imprezę. Trochę Ci żal. Jak zareagujesz?
a) What a pity!
b) Here you are!
c) I don't like it.
2. Jesteś bardzo zadowolony z czyjejś propozycji.
Co powiesz?
a) That sounds great.
b) Welcome.
c) I don't mind.
3. Kolega chce Cię odprowadzić późnym
wieczorem na przystanek. To miłe, ale nie
chcesz nadużywać jego uprzejmości. Co mu
a) I have no idea.
b) I can manage.
c) Cheer up!
5. Twój kolega bardzo denerwuje się przed
pierwszym meczem. Chcesz go jakoś wspomóc.
Co mu powiesz?
a) Take it easy.
b) Just do it!
c) Don't mention it.
D. Zadaj pytanie do podkreślonej części zdania tak, żeby podkreślony fragment zdania stanowił
odpowiedź. Czas gramatyczny pytania powinien być taki sam jak odpowiedzi. (5 pkt.)
Przykład: My name is Peter.
What is your name?
1. Somebody gave me the key.
2. I am going to the cinema tomorrow.
3. She is afraid of dogs.
4. This is our house.
5. They go to the gym three times a week.
E. Z podanych słów utwórz sensowne zdania twierdzące/pytania. Pamiętaj, że w danym
zdaniu/pytaniu musisz wykorzystać wszystkie podane słowa. Przepisz pełne odpowiedzi do arkusza.
(5 pkt.)
1. go1 when2 he3 we4 comes5 will6 out7 .
2. time1 you2 it3 know4 do5 what6 is7 ?
3. parents1 was2 this3 my4 by5 built6 house7 . .
4. out1 not2 raining3 go4 I5 if6 were7 it8 would9 .
5. been1 last2 have3 met4 what5 you6 we7 since8 doing9 ?
F. Zapisz słownie podane wyrażenia/liczby (wraz z jednostkami). Przepisz odp. do arkusza. (5 pkt.)
1. 2012 (rok)
2. -13oC (temperatura)
3. 6 ft (wzrost)
4. 1/3 (ułamek)
5. 368 km (odległość)
G. Wskaż w każdej z grup jedno słowo do niej nie pasujące i przepisz je do arkusza. (10 pkt.)
1. Landscape: desert, beach, plane, summit, stream
2. Animals: tale, claw, wing, horn, paw
3. Sports: pool, pitch, rink, court, ward
4. Jobs: purse, accountant, plumber, vet, firefighter
5. Containers: carton, crate, trunk, chest, cough
6. Clothes: socks, dresser, tights, tracksuit, suit
7. Shops: shells, discount, checkout, trolley, queue
8. Body: forehead, language, elbow, thumb, toe
9. Food: flour, spices, noodles, pasta, tip
10. Illnesses: flu, rash, sneeze, fever, eyelash
H. Zapoznaj się z tekstem, a następnie przeczytaj zdania 1-5 umieszczone pod tekstem. Jeśli dane
zdanie jest prawdziwe napisz literę P, jeśli fałszywe - F. Przepisz litery P lub F do arkusza. (5 pkt.)
One hot summer day, two men wanted to go swimming. They drove down to the lake
and parked their car. On a little rock, they saw a boy. He had a fishing rod in his hands. The two
men went up to the boy. "Are the fish biting?" one of the men said. "Well, the fish aren't biting,
but the worms are," the boy answered. The two men laughed and went on. "That was a funny
answer, wasn't it?" one of the men said. "Yes, what he said was really strange," the other man
Two hours later the men came back. When they came to the rock, they did not see the
boy at first. Then they saw him. "Look!" one of them said, "he's lying on the ground. What's the
matter with him?" "Maybe our strange little friend is tired. Maybe he's asleep," the other man
said. But then they found that the boy was not tired. And he was not asleep. When the men
looked at the boy, they saw that his hands and arms were full of little red bites. "What did he
say about the worms?" the first man said and opened the can with the worms in it. "What's
that?" he cried. "Oh. my God!" the other man shouted. The two men looked at the can. It was
not full of worms. It was full of baby rattlesnakes.
The men thought that the boy's answer was a joke.
The worms bit the boy's hands and arms.
The boy caught some fish.
The men thought for a moment that the boy was asleep.
The boy was lying on the rock.
I. Gdzie możesz natknąć się na niżej podane napisy? Dopasuj po jednym napisie A-E do każdego
miejsca 1-5. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza. (5 pkt.)
in a park
at a crossroads
in an airport
on the door of a hotel
in a restaurant

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