Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III


Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III
Język angielski – test dla uczniów klas I-III
gimnazjów w roku szkolnym 2007/2008
Etap szkolny (60 minut)
[suma punktów]
Imię i nazwisko ............................................................................................................................... kl. ………..
A. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź A, B, C lub D i przepisz odpowiednią literę do arkusza.
1. John .......... here every day.
a) are
b) has
c) comes
d) go
10. We .......... to the radio now.
a) listen
b) listening
c) are listening
d) are listened
2. Peter plays football very .......... .
a) nice
b) well
c) good
d) better
11. We don’t go to school .......... Monday.
a) in b) on c) for d) to
12. They have too .......... books to read.
a) much
b) any
c) many
d) a lot of
3. The book .......... very interesting.
a) has
b) are
c) does
d) is
13. I .......... here for three years.
a) lives
b) live
c) have lived d) have live
4. His older sister Jenny .......... .
a) very likes nuts
b) likes nuts very
c) likes nuts very much
d) likes very nuts
14. Don’t let him .......... it!
a) doing
b) do
c) did
d) to do
5. The Smiths .......... a summer house.
a) haven’t got
b) don’t have got
c) doesn’t have
d) hasn’t
15. What about .......... for a walk?
a) go
b) going
c) to go
d) go out
6. This is .......... house.
a) Johns’
b) John
c) John’s
d) Johns
16. Please don’t take it. This notebook is ......... !
a) my
b) the mine
c) me
d) mine
7. .......... the film on TV yesterday?
a) Saw you
b) Did you saw
c) Did you see
d) See you
17. I saw her .......... we were having dinner.
a) until b) to
c) while
d) during
8. Please, .......... talk during the lesson!
a) no b) don’t c) not
d) none
18. Betty suggested .......... the shopping
on Mill Road.
a) doing b) to do c) of doing
d) do
9. They don’t want .......... home yet.
a) go
b) going
c) to go
d) gone
19. Hurry up! The train .......... in five minutes!
a) leaves
b) is leave
c) will left
d) leave
20. What did you have for .......... breakfast today?
a) some
b) a
c) d) the
33. If you went to bed earlier you ………. so tired.
a) would feel
b) wouldn’t feel
c) didn’t feel
d) not feel
21. I am always in a hurry. I wish I ........ more
a) didn’t have
b) had
c) don’t have
d) hadn’t
34. They come from Paris. I am sure they ……….
be French.
a) could b) can’t c) must
d) had
22. She answered .......... all my questions.
a) b) to
c) of
d) on
35. They don’t drink coffee, ………. ?
a) do they
b) don’t they
c) are they
d) aren’t they
23. Plastic is quite different .......... rubber.
a) from
b) to c) then
d) of
36. Look at the black clouds! It ………. !
a) will raining
b) is going to rain
c) will be rain
d) rain
24. If you .......... out, please buy today’s
a) will go b) goes c) go
d) going
37. Chris wanted to know if I ………. the book.
a) red
b) reading
c) had read
d) will
25. It’s .......... beautiful day! Let’s go to the beach!
a) such
b) so
c) such a d) very
38. Can you play ………. guitar?
a) the
b) a
c) - d) on
26. .......... he is very nice, I don’t like him.
a) Despite
b) In spite of
c) Although d) Even
39. Our father told us ………. open the door.
a) not
b) to not
c) not to
d) no
27. English .......... in many countries.
a) is spoken
b) spoken
c) is speaking
d) speaks
40. Nobody said anything about her, ………. ?
a) do they
b) did they
c) don’t they d) didn’t they?
28. There is some cheese left but only .......... .
a) any b) one c) a little d) a little
41. Can you tell me when ………. Paul?
a) you saw
b) did you see
c) you did
d) did you saw
29. I'm going to have .......... piece of cake.
a) other
b) one other
c) another
d) someone
42. John didn’t come by car today - it ........ .
a) is repaired
b) is repairing
c) is being repaired d) has been repaired
30. If I .......... you, I would talk to your mother.
a) am b) are
c) were
d) will be
43. Have you ………. seen the Malbork Castle?
a) every b) yet c) still d) ever
31. We like travelling ………. train.
a) on b) with c) at
d) by
44. Would you mind ………. the window?
a) to open
b) opening
c) open
d) opened
32. My father is not here. He is still ………. work.
a) in b) at c) by d) on
45. She ........ that she wasn’t hungry.
a) said
b) speaks c) tells d) told
B. Przetłumacz słowo/słowa w nawiasie tak, aby pasowały do reszty zdania. Przepisz
przetłumaczone słowo/słowa do arkusza.
Przykład: We haven't bought (niczego) to eat.
1. (dziś jest) really cold!
2. (powinniśmy) go now.
3. This car is (większy) than yours.
4. (nie ma) time!
5. He has worked here (przez) many years.
6. We came here (żeby porozmawiać) to you.
7. (nikt nie wie) where we bought it.
8. (ani) Peter (ani) Cathy know the answer.
9. He asked me (czy lubię) ice cream.
10. I bought (sobie) a new jacket.
11. We have (za mało) water.
12. I will not repair the car (chyba że) you have the tools.
13. She'll be coming tonight, (chociaż) I don't know exactly when.
14. I was up (aż do) three o’clock in the morning.
15. A: ‘I can’t paint!’ B: (ja też nie)
C. Przetłumacz następujące zdania twierdzące/pytania. Przepisz je do arkusza.
1. Jak Ci na imię?
9. Gdzie jest najbliższa poczta?
2. Co to znaczy?
10. Poproszę rachunek.
3. [w sklepie] Dziękuję. Rozglądam się.
11. Skąd pochodzisz?
4. Gdzie się urodziłeś?
12. Proszę skręcić w prawo na
5. Proszę mówić powoli.
6. Ile masz lat?
13. Proszę mi dać spokój!
7. Poczęstuj się ciastem.
14. Co za wspaniały pomysł!
8. Czy możesz mi pomóc?
15. Najwyższy czas iść do domu.
D. Podaj przymiotniki o znaczeniu przeciwnym. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza. Musisz
wykorzystać pierwszą literę podanego słowa.
Przykład: small – big
1. open
- c ...............................
6. clean
- d ..............................
2. quick
- s ...............................
7. narrow
- w ..............................
3. dark
- l ...............................
8. curly
- s ...............................
4. ugly
- b ...............................
9. wrong
- r ...............................
5. tall
- s ...............................
10. sharp
- b ..............................
E. Zapisz słownie następujące liczby. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.
1. 2002 (rok)
2. 11:45 (godzina)
3. £10.75 (cena)
4. 2/3 (ułamek)
5. 389 (liczba)
F. Wskaż w każdej z grup jedno słowo do niej nie pasujące i przepisz je do arkusza.
1. Jobs:
nurse, liar, engineer, plumber
2. Classroom:
desk, cheer, blackboard, chalk
3. Weather:
noisy, stormy, sunny, foggy
4. Clothes:
sleeves, collar, sales, gloves
5. Shop:
shell, customer, trolley, cashier
6. Furniture:
rag, cabinet, bed, cupboard
7. Body parts:
breast, cheek, back, tear
8. Health:
bold, flu, fever, headache
9. Family:
niece, cousin, ant, uncle
10. Fruits:
peach, strawberry, onion, plum