application for opening the habilitation process - FEI


application for opening the habilitation process - FEI
Návrh na zahájení habilitačního řízení
Ing. Anna Gawlak Ph.D.
v oboru Elektroenergetika
na FEI VŠB-TU Ostrava
Personal data
Name and surname: Ing. Anna Gawlak Ph.D.
Date of birth:
16.02.1962 Sulmierzyce
Wysocki Street, 15b 42-218 Częstochowa
Employment: Technical University of Częstochowa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Habilitation thesis title: Technical and economical conditions of electrical
energy billing in distribution networks
Ph. D. doctoral dissertation, received from Electrical Faculty of Technical
University of Częstochowa.
M. Sc. degree in the field of electrical power engineering, received from
Electrical Faculty of Technical University of Częstochowa;
College of teaching in the field of vocational education at the Technical
University of Częstochowa
Secondary-school certyficate, II Secondary School in Radomsko
Professional experience
junior assistant, Technical University of Częstochowa, Faculty of Electrical
assistant lecturer, Technical University of Częstochowa, Faculty of Electrical
tutor Technical University of Częstochowa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
For twenty five years I have been dealing with the following questions: 1) analysis of the
electrcial energy losses in the distribution network, 2) optimisation of the distribution
network, 3) economics of the electrical energy distribution.
Participation in more than 100 research projects, which had been ordered by Institute of
Energetics, Ministry of Energetics, and Distribution Companies; actual cooperation with
several Distribution Companies.
Co-authorship of three books, editor of one book, author and coauthor of 106 articles and
papers, being delivered on the native, international, and foreign conferences.
Authoress and co-authoress of the computer programs in the field of electrical energy
implemented in 27 distribution companies (out of 33 in Poland)
Pedagogical work
Lectures and exercises on the following subjects:
• Transmission and distribution of electrical energy
• Exploitation of distribution networks
• Economics of electrical energy distribution
• Electrical energy
Co-organizer of the post-graduate studies for:
 Cracovian Distribution Company: Criteria and limitations of the distribution
network development – 1997,
 ENION S.C. – Enterprise on European Market – aspects of efficacy – 2006,
 ENION S.C. – Energetics of tomorrow – 2007.
 Manageress of the post-graduate studies: Energetics of tomorrow, being financially
supported by European Union funds – the project POKL02.01.01.00-740/08.
Promoter of about 20 diploma works on the first and about 40 diploma works on the second
degree studies, and about 30 diploma works on the post-graduate studies.
Research works, leader
Manageress of the post-graduate studies: Energetics of tomorrow, being financially supported
by European Union funds – the project POKL02.01.01.00-740/08
Research works, member of team
The member of the research team; the team deals with the electrical energy losses in Poland in
the frame-work of the government program CPBR, the aims: 5.1.5-17, The
authoress and co-authoress of algorithms for the computer programs: STRATY, STRAHA,
KONSORCJUM. The co-performer of over 100 research works.
List of the ten last resarch works:
1. BZ 600-09/2004 Pakiet oprogramowania STRATY2002 Plus dla ZE Warszawa-Teren
S.A. Politechnika Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2004
2. BZ 600-10/2004 Temat: Pakiet oprogramowania STRATY’2005 PLUS dla ZE Kalisz
Politechnika Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2004
3. BZ-600-3/2005 Pakiet oprogramowania do kompleksowej oceny sprawności rozdziału
energii elektrycznej w ENION S.A. Politechnika Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2005
4. BZ 600-02/2005 Pakiet oprogramowania STRATY’2005 PLUS dla ZE Lublin.
Politechnika Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2005
5. BZ 600-04/2005 Pakiet oprogramowania STRATY’2005 PLUS dla ZE Łódź.
Politechnika Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2005
6. BZ 600-04/2005 Świadczenie opieki autorskiej nad programami STRATY i
KONSORCJUM Politechnika Częstochowska, 2005
7. BZ-600-05/2006 Zarządzanie sprawnością rozdziału energii elektrycznej w sieci
Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2006
8. BZ-300-03/2006 Pakiet oprogramowania do kompleksowej oceny sprawności
rozdziału energii elektrycznej dla ZE Rzeszów S.A. Politechnika Częstochowska,
Częstochowa 2006
9. BZ-3-301-1/2009 Dostawa systemu oprogramowania STRATY 2009 Plus dla potrzeb
PGE ZEORK Dystrybucja sp.z.o.o. Politechnika Częstochowska, Częstochowa 2009
10. BZ-3-301-1/2010 Dostawa systemu oprogramowania EUROSTRATY wraz z asysta
techniczną na okres jednego roku dla ENEA S.A. Politechnika Częstochowska,
Częstochowa 2010
Papers in the impact periodical magazines ( 3 – published ones, 2-accepted to be published)
Papers in the reviewed periodical magazines – Scopus database - 3
Papers on the ISI Proceedings conferences – 2
Books -1
Monographs – 1
fragment in a book – 12
Monographs – charter – 3
Articles in the native periodical magazines -14
Papers on the foreign conferences – 15
Papers on the international conferences – 17
Papers on the native conferences – 37
Papers in the ISI Web Knowledge (ISI WoK)
Gawlak A.: Podział środków inwestycyjnych na rozwój sieci rozdzielczych przy
zastosowaniu metody taksonomicznej (s. 157-160) Przegląd Elektrotechniczny ISSN
0033-2097, R.85 nr 3/2009
Szkutnik J., Gawlak A: Dynamiczna efektywność rozdziału energii elektrycznej w
sieciach rozdzielczych. (s. 36-41) Rynek energii nr 2 (81) ISSN 1425-5960 kwiecień
Gawlak A.: Wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego na prognozę strat bilansowych Rynek
energii nr 1 (81) ISSN 1425-5960 styczeń 2010
The papers on the ISI Proceedings conferences
Gawlak A. Analysis of technical losses in the low and medium voltage power network. 11
th International Scientific Conference EPE 2010 Electrical Power Enginering 2010,
Brno, Czech Republic ISBN 978-80-214-4094-4
Gawlak A: Efficiency analysis of the distributive power network. 10th International
Scientific Conferenc Electric Power Engineering 2009. May 12-14 2009, Kouty over
Desnau, Czech Republic ISBN 978-80-248-1947-1
ISI WoK – 13,
Google Scholar – 9.
Lectures performed for invitation
lectures for students of Electrical Power Engineering Department of VSB-Ostrava,
November 2010,
Silesian Department of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), June 2008.
Theme of the lectures
- Methodology of the analysis of the distribution network losses on the basis of Polish
electric power system,
- Set of the computer programs for the analysis of the electrical energy distribution
efficiency in the distribution company power network.
Děkan FEI VŠB-TU Ostrava navrhuje pro habilitační řízení Ing. Anny Gawlak Ph.D.
v oboru Elektroenergetika komisi ve složení:
Předseda komise:
Prof. Ing. Stanislav Rusek, CSc., VŠB-TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroenergetiky
Odborné zaměření: Elektroenergetika
Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Hradílek, DrSc., VŠB-TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroenergetiky
Odborné zaměření: Elektroenergetika
Prof. Ing. Jiří Tůma, DrSc., ČVUT Praha, FEL, Katedra elektroenergetiky
Odborné zaměření: Elektroenergetika
Prof. Ing. Michal Kolcun, PhD., TU Košice, FEI, Katedra elektroenergetiky
Odborné zaměření: Elektroenergetika
dr hab. inż. Jerzy Szkutnik, prof. PCz., Politechnika Częstochowska
Odborné zaměření: Elektroenergetika
prof. RNDr. Václav Snášel, CSc.
děkan FEI VŠB – TUO
Ostrava 7.2.2011

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