2013 xiii edycja ogólnopolskiego konkursu języka angielskiego


2013 xiii edycja ogólnopolskiego konkursu języka angielskiego
13 marca 2013
klasa I szkół ponadgimnazjalnych, test trwa 45 minut
Prosimy o sprawdzenie czy otrzymałeś prawidłowy test i czy jest on obustronnie zadrukowany.
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 112 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci
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Życząc sukcesów, serdecznie Cię zapraszamy do testu konkursowego ENGLISH ACE 2013!
Komitet Organizacyjny Konkursu
Roswell UFO’s
„Do you believe in aliens?” If somebody asked you that question, what (1)……….. you answer? I am quite sure
most of you would say: “No”. But if you spend some time and think it through, maybe your answer would be
(2)………………. One of the greatest science-fiction (3)…………………., and an astronomer, Carl Sagan, in his book
“Contact”, which described the first (4)………………….. of the human race with extraterrestrial creatures wrote:
“The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” In the past, during the
Dark Ages and later, many strange events observed in the sky were thought of as divine intervention. Of
course, now we know that most of them were completely non-divine (5)………………, like comets, supernovas,
or ball lightning. (6)…………………, there are some that cannot be explained in this way. They could be
mysterious and unbelievable encounters with powers that are (7)…………….. our knowledge and
understanding. Some people, and even some scientists, believe that they can be explained by connecting
them with alien intervention. (8)……………….. this is true or not, nobody knows, but it makes you wonder.
Text based on: English Matters magazine; issue 29/2011
1. A) do
B) would
C) will
2. A) different
B) not that obvious
C) yes
D)the same
3. A)writers
B) scientists
C) novelists
D) people
4. A) contact
B) encounter
C) call
D) network
5. A)phenomena
B) happenings
C) doings
D) events
6. A) Otherwise
B) In fact
C) However
D) Although
7. A) above
B) within
C) among
D) beyond
8. A) If
B) Is
C) Whether
D) Does
9. Bad driving………many accidents.
A) gets rid of
B) causes
C) injures
D) eliminates
10. The Olympic Games …………… every four years.
A) took place
B) takes place
C) have taken place D) takes places
11. The cat is hungry. Did you ……. him in the morning ?
A) clean
B) feed
C) breed
12. “Grandpa, when did you leave school?” – “It …………. in 1964”.
A) appeared
B) happened
C) was
D) consume
D) occurred
13. “Look at you! Your trousers are torn, your shoes are muddy! Where ……. ?”
A) have you been
B) did you go
C) were you
D) has it happened to you
14. Which is the odd-one-out ?
A) route
B) journey
C) trip
D) cruise
15. ……soon…. taxi arrived, they set off for the airport.
A) So/as
B) No/as
C) As/as
D) As/so
16. Tom telephoned during lunch to invite us to go camping. = ….
A) We were having lunch when Tom telephoned to invite us to go camping.
B) We will go camping with pleasure.
C) We were invited to go camping by Tom.
D) We have never gone camping.
17. ………… of the two suspects admitted to the crime.
A) Either
B) Nor
C) Nobody
D) Neither
18. It was a silly argument – just ……………..
A) a storm in a glass of water B) a blizzard on a plate C) a storm in a teacup D) a spoonful of thunder
19. The phrasal verb break up means:
A) a man and woman are not together anymore
C)offer hospitality
B)decompose something
D)stop for a period of time
20. - “What’s the weather like today?” - “It’s fine at the moment, but it …………. rain this afternoon”
A) is able to rain
B) should
C) might
D) can
21. If you look forward to something, you ….
A) can see it coming soon B) can’t wait for it
C) anticipate something very much D) hate it
22. You can have a slice of …..
A) beef
B) apple pie
C) milk
D) bread
23. Tony is very …………….. He never remembers our anniversary.
A) thoughtful
B) forgetful
C) absent-minded
D) tactful
24. For a person who has …………………. Harvard, he has a rather low salary.
A) graduated
B) graduated on
C) graduated at
D) graduated from
25. If Tom had told me you’re here, I …………………. you.
A) would visit
B) would have visited
D) will visit
C) would visited
26. The first English settlers (Pilgrims) who came to America in 17th century travelled on a ship called ….
A) Santa Maria
B) Mayflower Compact
C) Mayflower
D) Britannic
27. Which anniversary of Oscar Academy Awards was organized in 2013 ?
A) 85th
B) 90th
C) 92nd
D) 100th
28. The nickname “the People’s Princess” refers to:
A) Lady Diana Spencer
B) Marilyn Monroe
D) Camilla Parker Bowles
C) Kate Middleton
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ, Wilczyn 2013, www.jersz.pl