Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th


Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th
Mass Intentions for Monday, January 30 to Sunday, February 5
Mon, Jan. 30
Tues, Jan. 31
Wed., Feb. 1
Thur. Feb. 2
Fri, Feb. 3
Sat, Feb. 4
Sun, Feb. 5
8 AM
7 PM
3 PM
7 PM
8 AM
5 PM
Mass in English
+ Ludwik & Alexandra Wiechula - De Araujo Family
Mass in Polish
+ Henryk Janus - Zofia Sanca & Henryk Krasinkiewicz
Mass in English
+ Rozalia Lorek - Maria Pradyszczuk
Mass in English
+ Richard Harris - Janina Koziol & Family
Mass in Polish
Special intentions for all parishioners
C ha p le t o f Di vi ne Me rc y a nd Ex p o s it io n
Mass in Polish
O zdrowie I blogoslawienstwo Boze dla Mari Pradyszczuk
Mass in English
+ Franco Pecora - Naccarato Family
Vigil Mass English Health & Blessings for Fr. Zbigniew on his birthday
Mass in English
For Parishioners
11 AM
Mass in Polish
+ Henryk Janus - Polski Chor
Ewangelia Mateusza na określenie „błogosławieni” używa słowa „makarioi”, co tłumaczy się jako
„szczęśliwi”. To słowo oznacza ludzi, którym życie się udało. Powierzchownym słuchaczom Kazania
na Górze mogłoby się wydawać, że Jezus kpi w żywe oczy z przygniecionych ciężarem losu biedaków.
Jak można do tak nieszczęśliwych ludzi mówić, że są szczęśliwcami losu? A jednak ukrywa się w tym
zestawie błogosławieństw wyjątkowa mądrość. Komu nie udaje się to życie, ma większe szanse na
udaną wieczność. Przysłowie afrykańskie mówi: Gdy twoja strzała chybia antylopę, trafia z podwójną
siłą w bawołu. Błogosławić to także mówić Bogu: dziękuję. Wszystko jest darem, za wszystko trzeba
więc Bogu dziękować, czyli Go błogosławić. Czy można jednak dziękować za płacz albo za ubóstwo,
albo za czyste, czyli puste serce, które nie jest wypełnione żadną miłością do kogokolwiek? Czy można
błogosławić Boga za prześladowanie i wyzwiska? Żydzi błogosławili Boga przede wszystkim za
przyjemności, radości, pokarmy i za to, co moglibyśmy dziś nazwać szczęśliwym trafem. Tymczasem
Jezus poszerzył granice błogosławieństw nawet na to, co nie jest przyjemne i radosne. Okazuje się
bowiem, że Bóg objawia swoją dobrotliwość również w tym, co w pierwszym zderzeniu zdaje nam się
nieszczęściem. Ubóstwo Jezusa nas ubogaciło bogactwem łaski. Jego smutek nas pocieszył. Jego
cichość i pokora serca uzdrawiają do dziś z napięcia i lęku. Jego pragnienie sprawiedliwości uczy nas
postępowania wobec bliźnich. Jest miłosierny i głęboko się wzrusza, dlatego wielu może naprawdę
dosięgnąć ulgi w sumieniu. Jest najczystszego serca i stąd nikt nie czuje się przy Nim zniewolony czy
zmanipulowany. Wprowadza pokój, jakiego ten świat nie potrafi dać. Cierpiał prześladowanie, abyśmy
uniknęli potępienia piekielnego, słyszał niejednokrotnie urągania i kłamstwa pod swoim adresem, ale
błogosławił nawet swoich wrogów. Czy można Go nazwać kimś nieszczęśliwym?
Last Weekend Collections, $2,132..60
Thank you for your Genorosity
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church
Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
566 Rosedale Avenue (at Ellwood), Sarnia, ON N7V 1Z4
Fr. Zbigniew Rodzinka CSMA
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Bronisława De Araujo Viana
Tel:519.337.7943; Fax: 519. 491.1831; E-mail: [email protected]
January 29, 2017– Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 PM and
30 minutes before weekday Mass’.
The Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment
The Sacrament of Marriage: Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance.
Zephaniah is one of the least-known of the Old Testament prophets. He speaks in today’s first
reading of impending judgment. But the Lord will leave a “remnant” in Israel. This image of a remnant,
or remainder, was to become vital to both Judaism and Christianity.
Paul’s letter to Corinth makes obvious his deep concern for the Christians there. They are too selfconfident, he says, too sure of themselves. He admonishes them to remember that Christ has given
them all they have.
Today’s Gospel comprises the opening of Jesus’ “Great Sermon.” As God gave Moses the law
on Sinai, so now Jesus gathers his disciples on a hillside to teach them the new law. Each of these
Beatitudes contrasts the humiliation of the present with the glory of the future: poverty vs. the riches
of God’s kingdom, hunger for holiness vs. fulfillment in the Spirit, persecution vs. the reign of God.
Jesus is here speaking to God’s chosen “remnant.”
Ash Wednesday will soon be here. Please bring in your old palm branched, there will be a basket at the
back of the church.
On the first weekend of February, there will be coffee and dessert available after every Mass. Everyone
is welcome to come and socialize and get to know fellow parishioners.
February 12 is World Marriage Day. At the Saturday and Sunday Masses, please come with your spouse
to renew your marriage vows during the Mass and to receive a special blessing from Father.
On January 30th we honour blessed Bronisław Markiewicz, founder of the Michaelite Fathers. Father
Bronisław Markiewicz was born on 13th July 1842 in Poland. He was a priest who from the very
beginning of his priestly life was particularly sensitive towards the religious, moral, and material
negligence of children and youth and to the misery of simple people. Following the divine voice, he
became a follower of Saint John Bosco. In 1892, returned to Poland and began providing proper education
of young people and founding a new religious congregation to provide for spiritual and material needs of
children. 9 years after his death, in 1921, a decree was issued establishing the Congregation of Saint
Michael the Archangel. Fr. Bronisław Markiewicz was beatified in Warsaw, Poland, on June 19th, 2005.
If you are making a donation to the church please make sure that your name and/or envelope number are
on the envelope.
On February 2nd we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. According the Mosaic Law, a new
mother was “unclean” for 40 days after she had given birth. She would then enter the temple with her
child, bringing an offering of either a lamb and a dove or pigeon, or two doves or pigeons, to be cleansed
by prayers. In the Middle Ages, a tradition began of blessing candles and holding a procession of light on
this day. As a result, this feast is also known as “Candlemas Day”.
It is that time again when we begin promoting our “kinderSTARt” registration and secondary school
open house for 2017. Registration forms will be available at the back of church. The open house will be
Thursday, February 9th at St. Patrick Catholic High School. Student open house is at 9:30am to 12:15 pm
and the Family open house will be 6pm to 8:30pm. For more information please call Lori Gray at 519-3323976, ext. 20410.
This day is also a World Day for Consecrated Life. The purpose of the day is - in the words of John Paul II
- “to help the entire Church to esteem ever more greatly the witness of those persons who have chosen to
follow Christ by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels” as well as “to be a suitable occasion for
consecrated persons to renew their commitment and rekindle the fervor which should inspire their offering
of themselves to the Lord”.
We would like to inform parishioners that since December we have had Polish Movies on DVDs
available for borrowing. You don't have appropriate equipment to view them? No problem! The CWL
financed purchasing two personal DVD players for our mini-library. You can borrow this equipment and
take home. These players are small, light and very easy to operate. Big THANK YOU to CWL for a
wonderful gift to all of us!
Divine Mercy Sunday will take place at Queen of peace Church on Sunday April 23, the Sunday after
Thursday February 2 is ‘’The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord” or ‘’Candlemass”. Please bring
your prayer candles (preferably made from beeswax) to be blessed by Father. There will be two Masses,
one at 8am, English and one at 7pm, Polish .
Informujemy, że od grudnia tego roku można pożyczać polskie filmy na DVD w naszym kościele. Nie
posiadasz sprzętu do wyświetlania? To nie problem! Katolicka Liga Kobiet zaopatrzyła naszą minibibliotekę w dwa personalne DVD odtwarzacze. DVD odtwarzacze można pożyczyć do domu. Są bardzo
lekkie i bardzo łatwe w obsłudze. Zapraszamy do skorzystania z tej oferty. Dziekujemy Lidze za ten
wspaniały świateczny podarunek!
On Saturday, February 11th at the Our Lady of Mercy Hall, Father Steve Savel is profiling the life of
the real St. Valentine prior to a wonderful evening performance of music conducted by The St. Cecelia
Conservatory. This semi-formal event will be a great night out, an evening of music and dancing, wine and
cheese and pastries. Steve Collins, the Conservatory’s curator is also the lead Viola player in the
International Symphony Orchestra. He and his wife Katriana and some guests will be performing. Please
invite your family and friends to join us. The cost is $50/couple, $25/single and there is a tax receipt for
50% of ticket price. Tickets are available by contact Pete or Shelley Aarssen @ 519-384-8031 or by calling
Pillar Academy @ 519-245-6000 or emailing them at [email protected].
A devotion to Divine Mercy is celebrated each Friday at 3:00pm here at Queen of Peace throughout the
year. Our Devotion to Divine mercy is led by Father Zbigniew Rodzinka where the following is included:
- A brief reading/reflection from the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
- Praying the Chaplet of Divine mercy
- Reciting St. Maria Faustina’s Litany of praises
- Father’s Benediction/ Blessing
- Concluding with Holy Communion
Each Friday at 3:00pm, all are welcome to come to Queen of peace Church for this twenty minute
Devotion to Divine mercy.

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