Loans for companies


Loans for companies
Loans for companies
You know how to develop your enterprise but you lack capital?
Malopolska Loan Fund for entrepreneurs looking for additional sources of financing offers loans for developing and
running business activity with favourable interest rates.
For whom? Enterprises from the Malopolska region.
How much? Max. PLN 120,000.
Conditions: For a period of 60 months with a 6 month grace period. Interest rates from 5.49% annually (fixed for the
whole of the loan period). Interest rates are set in accordance with the guidelines on setting repo rates. We require 20%
own input. The granting of a loan is charged with a one-time commission fee of 1.0% (for loans to be repaid in up to 24
months) or 1.5% (for loans to be repaid in a period of over 24 months) of the amount loaned. The loan is secured with
a blank bill of exchange agreement; the security may also take the form of a: guarantee by natural or legal persons,
registered pledge on machines, equipment, vehicles etc, property mortgage. The value of the proposed security
should be appropriate for the loan applied for. In the case of the applicant running a business activity for more than 12
months and their enterprise is in good financial condition, a loan of up to PLN 20,000 may be secured with only a blank
bill of exchange.
To obtain detailed information, please contact the MARR Department of Financial Instruments: contact
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Małopolskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego:
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odpowiadającym własnem u użytkowi osobistem u oraz dozwolonem u użytkowi publicznem u. W celu uzyskania zgody na korzystanie z m ateriałów udostępnionych na stronie www.m, prosim y o
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