contents - about seminare


contents - about seminare
33 (2013)
Fr. Krzysztof Grzemski, An Exegetical Analysis of the Hymn about Christ, the Suffering Servant
of God . ................................................................................................................................... 11
Fr. Erwin Mateja, The Place of Baptismal Symbolism in Liturgical Mystagogy ............................ 27
Sr. Halina Wrońska CMW, The Importance and Specificity of Dialogue in Catechesis ................ 39
Fr. Jan Słowiński, The Protection of Intellectual Property under the Law of the Vatican City
State . ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Fr. Arkadiusz Domaszk SDB, The Internet as a Benefit and a Threat: Formational Challenges
to Seminaries . ........................................................................................................................ 63
Fr. Ryszard Sadowski SDB, Religious Sources of Concern for the Environment .......................... 81
Sue Ralph, Do We Really Want to Include Disabled People in Society? . ...................................... 95
Dariusz T. Wesołowski, The Social and National Character of Archbishop Antoni
Nowowiejski’s Recommendations for the Clergy of the Płock Diocese in the Context
of Unemployment and Emigration after 1918 ..................................................................... 115
Fr. Mariusz Chamarczuk SDB, Twenty Years of the Social and Educational Work of the Polish
Salesian Community in Sweden ........................................................................................... 127
Fr. Janusz Zawadka MIC, Basic Aspects of Christian Education According to Blessed Jerzy
Matulewicz ........................................................................................................................... 141
Marcin A. Stradowski, The Role of Symbols in Civic Education ................................................. 153
Marcin Choczyński, Elements of the Social Character of Education in Waldorf Pedagogy ....... 165
Lidia Marszałek, Transgressive Acts as an Expression of the Pre­‍‑School Child’s Spiritual
Nature . ................................................................................................................................. 179
Ewa Kulawska, Causes of Peer Rejection and its Consequences for the School Age Child ........ 193
Przemysław E. Kaniok, The Father’s Absence and Children’s Well­‍‑Being in the Light
of International Research . ................................................................................................... 209
Bartłomiej Skowroński, The Internet as a Potential Risk in the Opinion of Students and their
Parents ................................................................................................................................. 221
Radosław A. Gawroński, The Italian Cohort from Caesarea Described in the Acts
of the Apostles ...................................................................................................................... 241
Fr. Tadeusz Kołosowski SDB, Ethical and Anthropological Aspects of Abortion in the Light
of the Classical Literature of Greece and Rome .................................................................. 251
Fr. Brunon Zgraja, Love of Enemies in the Light of the Sermons to the People by St. Caesarius
of Arles ................................................................................................................................. 263
Łukasz Karczewski, Theodore Abu­‍‑Qurrah’s Dialogue with the Muslim World ......................... 277
Czesław Grajewski, UKSW, Blessed Herman of Reichenau: The Millennium Birthday ............. 293
Fr. Jan Pietrzykowski SDB, The Development of the Salesian Historiography in Polish ........... 299
Fr. Janusz Nowiński SDB, 400 Years’ Presence of the Miraculous Painting of Our Lady
of Consolation (Matki Bożej Czerwińskiej) at Jasna Góra in Czerwińsk . .......................... 319
Fr. Adam Wiśniewski SDB, The Establishment of the Young Jesus Oratory in Kraków–Łosiówka
and its Activities in the Years 1939–1945 ............................................................................ 339
Eugeniusz Wiązowski, The Salesians in the Holy Family and St. Jude Thaddeus Parish in Słupsk
in the Years 1949–2012 ........................................................................................................ 353
Fr. Stanisław Garnczarski, Nowenna ku czci świętego Józefa w pieśniach wraz z litanją
na chór 2-głosowy (A Novena in Honor of St. Joseph in Songs with a Litany
for a Two-Voice Choir) by Fr. Walczyński ........................................................................... 369
Marek Szemiel, Edmund Sobiś: Propagator of Music in the Diocese of Szczecin-Kamień
in the Years 1959–2005 ........................................................................................................ 387
Fr. Wojciech Krawczyk SDB, A Report on the Functioning of the Salesian Society Seminary
in Cracow in the Seminary Year 2011/2012 . ....................................................................... 399
Fr. Mariusz Chamarczuk SDB, A Report on the Functioning of the Salesian Society Seminary
in Ląd upon Warta in the Seminary Year 2011/2012 ........................................................... 405
Fr. Jerzy Koperek, Fr. Włodzimierz Wieczorek, The International Conference Family Policy
in the European Union (The Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, May 23, 2011) ........... 411
Fr. Jarosław Wąsowicz SDB, A Report from the International Conference The Catholic Church
in Central Eastern Europe in the Face of Communism: Attitudes, Strategies, Tactics (Rome,
April 24, 2012) ..................................................................................................................... 414
Fr. Ryszard Sadowski, A Report on the Activities of the Saint Francis de Sales Learned Society
in 2012 ................................................................................................................................. 417
R. Meynet, La Lettera ai Galati, (Retorica Biblica 17), Centro editoriale dehoniano, Bologna
2012 — reviewed by Fr. Dariusz Sztuk SDB ...................................................................... 423
Memory of States and Nations. World Register of UNESCO Programme Memory of the World,
ed. B. Berska, W. Stępniak, transl. A. Sobczak­‍‑Kövesi, Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów
Państwowych, Warszawa 2011 — reviewed by Fr. Mariusz Chamarczuk SDB ................. 425
F. Stalder, Manuel Castells. Teoria społeczeństwa sieci, transl. M. Król, Wydawnictwo
Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2012 — reviewed by Magdalena M. Kosche........ 427
G. Cucci, H. Zollner, Kościół a pedofilia, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2011 — reviewed
by Fr. Piotr Szlufik SDB ...................................................................................................... 430
Fr. S. Garnczarski, Stanisława Serafina Jagodyńskiego Pieśni katolickie nowo reformowane
i z olskich na łacińskie, a z łacińskich na polskie przełożone, niektóre też nowo złożone,
Wstęp i opracowanie, Tarnów 2011 — reviewed by Fr. Piotr Wiśniewski ......................... 432
Editorial Requirements for Publications in Seminare ................................ 435