Prof. O. Cordon


Prof. O. Cordon
Wykłady Prof. Oscara Cordóna z Hiszpanii
Genetic Fuzzy Systems. Fuzzy Knowledge
Extraction by Evolutionary Algorithms
9-10 marca 2009 r.
Prof. Oscar Cordón pracuje w European Centre for Soft Computing w Mieres. Jest jednym
z najlepszych specjalistów w zakresie inteligencji obliczeniowej, a w szczególności genetycznych
systemów rozmytych. Jest autorem 210 publikacji, które uzyskały ponad 900 cytowań w SCI.
Program pobytu Prof. Oscara Cordóna na Politechnice Wrocławskiej:
Poniedziałek 9.03.2009, godz. 9.15-11.00, sala 4.48 – B4
Seminarium dla pracowników naukowych: Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing in Forensic
Identification (Algorytmy genetyczne i miękkie obliczenia w antropologii sądowej)
Abstract: In this talk, we will describe the most recent developments of a coordinated project
between the European Centre for Soft Computing and the University of Granada’s Physical
Anthropology Lab where soft computing techniques are being applied to forensic identification. In
particular, the procedure followed by a forensic anthropologist to identify missing people through
photographic supra-projection is being automated. We will show how fuzzy logic and evolutionary
algorithms can be used for the automatic reconstruction of tridimensional models of human skulls
and for the automatic superimposition of those skull 3D models with pictures of the missing people.
The results obtained in several real-world cases will be reported.
Krótka biografia:
Oscar Cordón received his M.S. degree (1994) and his Ph.D. (1997) both in Computer Science
from the University of Granada, Spain, where he has been professor at the Dept. of Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence. Since April 2006, he is the Principal Researcher of the
"Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms" research unit at the European Centre
for Soft Computing, located in Mieres, Asturias. Last December, 2008, he received the Full
Professor accreditation from the Spain’s National Quality Evaluation Agency.
Prof. Cordón has a wide international experience in the area of soft computing, specifically in the
fundamentals and applications of evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics, as well as in
fuzzy systems. He has published more than 210 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including a
co-authored book on genetic fuzzy systems and 47 SCI-JCR-indexed journal papers. In February, 5,
2009, his publications had received 917 citations, carrying an h-index of 17, and being included in
the 1% of most cited researchers in the world (source: Thomson’s Web of Knowledge; h-index=27
in Google Scholar). He has participated in 24 national and European research projects and
contracts, coordinating 9 of them. Dr. Cordón is associate editor and editorial board member of six
scientific journals. He also created the Genetic Fuzzy Systems Task Force, Fuzzy Systems
Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, in 2004 and chaired it till 2007.
Moreover, he is a member of the IPC of more than 80 conferences and frequently acts as a reviewer
for more than 20 international journals.
His current main research interests are in the fields of soft computing for forensic anthropology and
medical imaging; genetic fuzzy systems; soft computing and visual science maps; and evolutionary
computation, ant colony optimization and other metaheuristics.
Poniedziałek 9.03.2009, godz. 11.15-13.00, sala 409 – B4
Otwarty wykład dla studentów i doktorantów.
Lecture 1’s Title: Brief Introduction to Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems and Genetic Algorithms
Abstract: This first part of the lecture will be devoted to introduce the basics of fuzzy rule-based
systems and genetic algorithms, the two constituents of genetic fuzzy systems. First, the topic of
system identification with fuzzy logic techniques will be reviewed, and the different kinds of fuzzy
models and classifiers will be described, mainly focusing on the fuzzy rule structure and the
inference mechanism. Wang and Mendel’s heuristic method to derive the fuzzy rule base will be
also presented. Then, the main principles of genetic algorithms will be shown, starting from their
natural inspiration, reviewing their components, analyzing some design issues (such as coding,
genetic operators, evolution model, …) and providing some applications.
Poniedziałek: 9.03.2009, godz. 13.15-15.00, sala 4.48 – B4
Otwarty wykład dla studentów i doktorantów.
Lecture 2’s Title: Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Brief Introduction and Historical Development.
Classical models for the Evolutionary Tuning of Fuzzy Rule-based Systems
Abstract: In the second part, the topic of genetic fuzzy systems, composed of soft computing
techniques augmenting the approximate reasoning method of fuzzy systems with the learning
abilities of evolutionary algorithms, will be introduced. A simple taxonomy of these approaches
based on the pioneering genetic fuzzy rule-based systems proposals that comprised the birth of the
area in 1991 will be described. Then, the historical evolution it suffered will be reviewed. Finally,
the basics of evolutionary tuning processes will be analyzed.
Wtorek 10.03.2009, godz. 9.15-11.00, sala 4.48 – B4
Otwarty wykład dla studentów i doktorantów:
Lecture 3’s Title: Classical models for the Evolutionary Learning of Fuzzy Rule-based
Systems. Some Real-World Applications
Abstract: The third part deals with the main branch of study of genetic fuzzy systems, fuzzy
knowledge base learning by means of evolutionary algorithms. The three classical genetic learning
models, Michigan, Pittsburgh, and Iterative Rule Learning, will be first introduced, as well as
different genetic fuzzy systems taking them as a base to learn the fuzzy rule base. The very
important topic of genetic selection of fuzzy rules to decrease the fuzzy system complexity will be
studied then. Next, the problematic associated to the evolutionary learning of the whole knowledge
base will be posed. Finally, some real-world applications solved with genetic fuzzy systems will be
Wtorek 10.03.2009, godz. 11.15-13.00, sala 4.48 – B4
Otwarty wykład dla studentów i doktorantów:
Lecture 4’s Title: Advanced Genetic Fuzzy Systems approaches. What’s Next?
Abstract: The aim of the fourth and last part of the lecture is to introduce the attendees to some of
the existing advanced evolutionary fuzzy knowledge base derivation techniques, as well as the
modern genetic tuning approaches, developed in the last few years. Hot topics in the area such as
the fuzzy system interpretability-accuracy trade-off will be studied and some future lines of
development of the discipline will be identified.