Pobierz konspekt szkolenia


Pobierz konspekt szkolenia
Cel szkolenia
About this course
This five-day course describes how to assess operating system and
application deployment options, determine the most appropriate
deployment strategy, and then implement a deployment solution for
Windows devices and apps that meets your environment’s needs.
Solutions that this course details include operating system deployment
scenarios ranging from high-touch solutions to zero-touch solutions. It
also discusses the technologies that you use to implement these
solutions, including the MDT and Configuration Manager. Audience profile
At course completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Assess the network environment to support operating
system and application deployment tasks.
Identify the most appropriate operating system
deployment strategy based upon organizational
Assess application compatibility issues and identify
mitigation solutions to ensure that applications function
successfully after an operating system deployment.
Describe and configure strategies to migrate user state
during operating system deployments.
Determine the most appropriate image management
strategy to support operating system and application
Describe and use the tools provided in the Windows ADK to
prepare for and support automated deployment strategies.
Identify solutions to support PXE-initiated and multicast
solutions when performing operating system deployment
Configure an operating system deployment strategy by
using the MDT.
Configure an operating system deployment strategy using
Configuration Manager.
Integrate the MDT with Configuration Manager to support
operating system deployment procedures.
Implement volume license activation and configuration
settings for client computers.
Customize and deploy Microsoft Office 2016 to an
enterprise network environment, and describe how to use
the Windows ICD.
Dodatkowe informacje
W cenę szkolenia wliczony jest:
Certyfikat Microsoft
Materiały szkoleniowe, notatnik, długopis
Kontakt z trenerem po szkoleniu
Kawa, herbata, słodki poczęstunek .
Firma posiada wpis w Urzędzie Miasta Łodzi jako placówka kształcenia
Szkolenie MS
20695C: Deploying
Windows Desktops
and Enterprise
Czas trwania: 5 dni
Ilość godzin:
Autoryzowany trener
NT Group Łódź,
siedziba klienta, lub
dowolne miasto w
3900 PLN
Dostępne terminy
NT GROUP Sp. z o.o.
90-418 Łódź, Al. T. Kościuszki 39
III piętro
infolina 801 011 684 Tel.: +48 42
Fax: +48 42 630-15-63
e-mail: [email protected]
NT Group Systemy Informatyczne Sp. z o.o.
Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy
Konto Bankowe
90-418 Łódź, Al. T. Kościuszki 39 III piętro
KRS 0000214993
Kredyt Bank S.A.
tel.: +42 6553377
Sąd Rejonowy dla Łodzi-Śródmieścia
Rozliczenie Krajowe:
tel. / fax. +42 6301563
w Łodzi, XX Wydział KRS
71 1500 1246 1215 4005 5991 0000
e-mail: [email protected]
Rozliczenie Zagraniczne:
Regon: 470557218
PL 71 1500 1246 1215 4005 5991 0000
NIP: 7251888624