Little Amelia - sentenced to death


Little Amelia - sentenced to death
Little Amelia - sentenced
to death
Amelia was born with immunodeficiency. It’s a
very rare illness. She is the second child in Poland
suffering it. An average, health, adult person has
got 200 thousand leukocytes but Amelka has got
just 3, (not hundred, not thousand), just one,
two, three. It means that every moment she is
due to die.
It was 7 months ago when the doctor said: ‘Your daughter was born with a heart disease, DiGeorge’s
Syndrome, immunodeficiency. It was a nightmare , we felt pain and fear of losing our baby. My little
miracle can die at any time. At that time, I felt nothing but void. I was crying but it didn’t help. We
cannot leave hospital due to the fact that she will be exposed to viruses, bacteria and fungi, and her
organism will not fight off any infection. Hospital became our home. In my head I have heard many
questions. Will she survive? Will I lose her? I always look at her while she’s sleeping. She’s the most
precious treasure and I love her very much. In every moment she can die.
The only treatment for her is thumus cells transplant. Thumus, which is responsible for resistance, is
4 mm but doctors are not sure if in fact it is thumus. Without operation Amelka will die. Everyday she
takes antibiotics which are her defence against infections. However, she cannot get antibiotics until
the end of her life, she cannot spend her life with mother on the isolation ward. She can just wait for
an operation which will save her life. To make the thing worse, there is only one doctor in Europe , in
London who is able to perform the thumus operation. The operation cost is about 375 000 £. We
asked Polish National Health Service for a refund but they refused. They have been letting her die. It
was a disaster, shock, sad reality. There is no help for our child because of the rules and procedures.
We are not able to raise such a large amount of money.
We are going to appeal to the court and we hope the case will be beneficial for us. We are aware that
the trial in Poland may last for months or even years. Amelka hasn’t got time. Thumus transplant
should be performed by the end of May, 2015. That is why our daughter’s life depends on donators.
We don’t want to think what will happen if we do not raise appropriate amount of money. There was
also another child with immunodeficiency in Poland. However, a few years ago she went to London
for the treatment which was funded by National Health Service. Why did they refuse to help Amelka?
There is a chance that mass media will publicise her history but you won’t see her on TV. It is
impossible to show her. She cannot be recorded due to the fact that it will be dangerous and risky.
Neither parents nor doctors will agree on her appearance on TV. Amelia is with her mother on the
isolation ward waiting for her chance to live. We strongly believe that NHS will change its ridiculous
decision. We hope little child will more important than procedures. As a result, we cannot wait for
NHS help, we have to take actions. The deadline is at the end of May.
Help her, donate.
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