Strona bierna - e


Strona bierna - e →Moi uczniowie→Egzamin gimnazjalny
Strony biernej używamy gdy bardziej interesuje nas sama czynność lub proces, niż osoba, która jest ich
sprawcą lub rzecz, która jest ich przyczyną. Wykonawcę czynności wprowadzamy na końcu zdania
wyrazem „by”, a narzędzie, przy pomocy którego czynność została dokonana wyrazem „with”. Wykonawcę
pomijamy gdy:
a) jest zbyt ogólny (someone - ktoś, people - ludzie) np.: Tea is grown in India (by people);
b) jasno wynika z kontekstu np.: Thief was arrested (by the police);
c) nie chcemy go ujawniać np.: The window has been broken (by me).
Stronę bierną tworzy się w tym samym czasie, w którym jest zdanie w stronie czynnej. Oto schemat
zamiany zdań ze strony czynnej na bierną wg czasów:
Present Simple
am lub is lub are + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
Mum drives me to school. Æ I am driven to school by mum.
They deliver milk to your house. Æ Milk is delivered to your house.
They develop films here. Æ The films are developed here.
Present Continuous
am lub is lub are + being + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They are interviewing me. Æ I am being interviewed.
Milkman is delivering milk to your house. Æ Milk is being delivered to your house (by a milkman).
They are developing a film now. Æ A film is being developed now.
Past Simple
was lub were + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They delivered milk to your house yesterday. Æ Milk was delivered to your house yesterday.
They developed ten films. Æ Ten films were developed.
Past Continuous
was lub were + being + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They were interviewing me. Æ I was being interviewed.
Milkman was delivering milk to your house. Æ Milk was being delivered to your house.
Present Perfect
have lub has + been + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They have interviewed me. Æ I have been interviewed.
Postman has delivered post to your house. Æ Post has been delivered to your house (by a postman).
Past Perfect
had + been + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They had interviewed me. Æ I had been interviewed.
Milkman had delivered milk to your house. Æ Milk had been delivered to your house (by a milkman).
Future Simple
will + be + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They will interview me. Æ I will be interviewed.
Milkman will deliver milk to your house. Æ Milk will be delivered to your house (by a milkman).
Czasowniki modalne: can, should, must, have to, etc.
czasownik modalny + be + czasownik+(e)d/ III kol.
They can interview me. Æ I can be interviewed.
Milkman has to deliver milk to houses. Æ Milk has to be delivered to houses. →Moi uczniowie→Egzamin gimnazjalny
W stronie biernej można tworzyć pytania, pytania szczegółowe i przeczenia.
Do pytań używamy formy czasownika to be (am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been,...)
lub czasownika posiłkowego/ modalnego (has, have, will, should...), którą przestawiamy przed
podmiot. np.:
Jack is visited by Sue. Æ Is Jack visited by Sue?
They were robbed. Æ Were they robbed?
A car will be bought by her. Æ Will a car be bought by her?
The car has been washed. Æ Has the car been washed? itd.
Do przeczeń używamy przeczących form czasownika to be, czasowników modalnych lub
posiłkowych: np.:
Jack is visited by Sue. Æ Jack isn’t visited by Sue.
They were robbed. Æ They weren’t robbed.
A car will be bought by her. Æ A car won’t be bought by her.
The car has been washed. Æ The car hasn’t been washed. itd.
Pytania szczegółowe z przyimkiem.
Tworząc pytania szczegółowe z przyimkiem zaimek pytający (who, why, when. what...) stawiamy
na początku pytania, natomiast przyimek znajdzie się na końcu. np.:
What is it made of?
Who was he invited by?

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