Strategic Management


Strategic Management
Course title
Strategic Management
Course number
222621 - 0637
Wojtysiak-Kotlarski Marcin, PhD
3 ECTS points
A. Course objective
The objective of the course is to prepare the student to be able to perform advisory, analytical and project functions as
well as to fulfill the role of a manager and entrepreneur in large and complex enterprises and capital groups. The
knowledge of theoretical models of strategic management, the methodology of strategic plan development and the
competence in making choices of particular strategy dimensions will constitute the foundation for performance of the
above mentioned roles.
B. Course syllabus
Schools and mainstreams of strategic management. Strategies for growth versus competitive strategies. The
methodology of strategic plan development. Methods of analysis of a diversified company. The analysis of the company
in international context. Models of strategies for growth. Diversification strategy. Market development strategy. Vertical
integration strategy. Internal and external development. Current tendencies in enterprises' development.
C. Educational outcome
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],
c.d.Strategic Management
1. The student knows the methodology of strategic plan development at different levels in the
2. The student knows the tools and methods of analysis of large and complex economic
3. The student knows the most important theoretical models describing strategies for growth
and understands their usefulness in the development of strategic plan and diagnosing the
4. The student understands the concept of the corporate portfolio its creation and its
5. The student knows conditions, methods of measurement, opportunities and threats of every
type of growth strategy.
6. The student knows types of diversification, its objectives and its threats.
7. The student understands the sense of corporate internationalisation and its relation to
globalisation processes in macro scale.
8. The student knows different models of corporate internationalisation, distinguishes particular
internationalisation strategies ...
1. The student is able to prepare professional strategic analysis of a diversified company
defining its position on different markets and in different industries with the help of various
portfolio methods.
2. The student is capable of applying theoretical models to diagnose, describe and craft growth
strategy of the company.
3. The student is able to assess the scope of diversification and define its influence on
economic results of the company.
4. The student is capable of measuring the scope of vertical integration and assessing its
influence on economic results of the company.
5. The student is able to determine the scope and rationality of possible spin-offs and can
prepare an outsourcing project.
6. The student knows how to diagnose and assess the international value chain of the company.
7. The student is capable of measuring the level of corporate internationalisation and
diagnosing the strategy the company executes ...
Other competences
1. The student improves its command of English when reading literature and texts from Internet.
2. The student familiarizes himself or herself with data basis on industries and companies.
3. The student learns about outstanding managers, consultants and authors of books in
strategic management.
4. The student is able to prepare a case study concerning a company on the basis of materials
gathered on his or her own.
5. The student individually gathers information about industries, sectors and companies using it
for analysis and crafting strategy.
6. The student prepares studies which may constitute parts of professional documents as:
strategic analysis of a company, business plan, partial strategic plans.
7. The student is capable of preparing and delivering business presentations.
8. The student learns how to cooperate with other members in a group working on analytical
and designing tasks.
D. Semester time table
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],
c.d.Strategic Management
Methodology of strategic management. The steps and rules in crafting company's strategy.
Business level strategies (competitive strategies).
Strategies for growth, basic theoretical models.
Formulation of vision and mission statement for a company.
Stakeholders role in determining strategic objectives. Stakeholders analysis.
Designing and restructuring of the corporate's portfolio.
Diversification strategy. Diversification measurement. The conditions and threats of
diversification. Conglomerates as a special type of diversified companies.
Vertical integration strategy. The concept of value migration and principles for the choice of
place in the value system. Forms of vertical integration. Advantages and disadvantages of
vertical integration. The methods of measurement and assessment of the scope of vertical
Outsourcing and offshoring as methods of decreasing the scope of vertical integration. The
conditions for making spin-offs. Outsourcing as spin-off and based on contracts. The traps of
corporate virtualisation.
Global and local strategy context. Factors shaping globalisation of industries and companies.
Corporate internationalisation models.
Corporate international expansion. Foreign markets entry modes. Value chain configuration.
The methods of diagnosing international strategies and measuring the level of corporate
Development modes. Internal development - corporate and sector's reasons.
External development. The role of mergers and acquisitions in the development of the company.
Cooperation of companies across industries and countries. Strategic alliances as the
development mode. Network corporations and clusters in nowadays economy.
E. Basic literature
A. A.Thompson JR., A.J.Stricland III, J.E.Gamble, Crafting and Executing Strategy, 16th Edition, McGraw-Hill 2008.
F. Supplementary literature
1. C. S. Fleisher, B. E. Bensoussan, Business and Competitive Analysis: Effective Application of New and Classic
Methods, FT Press, 2007. 2. R.M. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 5th Edition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
2005. 3. G. Johnson & K. Scholes, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall, London
2006 4. M.E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, Free Press 1980. 5. R. Lynch, Corporate Strategy, 4th Edition, FT Press 2006.
G. Author's most important publications concerning the offered course
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],
c.d.Strategic Management
Doctorate thesis: "Competition models in Polish sector of non-life insurance" directly related to the course topics. Chosen
publications / reasearch of the lecturer: 1. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Recenzja ksiąĪki R. Lyncha Pt. "Corporate Strategy" na
potrzeby wydawnictwa Pearson Education, materiaániepublikowany, Warszawa 2003. (autor). 2. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski,
Identyfikacja elementów przedsiĊbiorstwa przyszáoĞci, w: Teoria przedsiĊbiorstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia., praca
zbiorowa pod red. S. Kasiewicza i H. MoĪaryna, Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie, Warszawa 2004, rozdziaáw
publikacji ksiąĪkowej, recenzowany, publikowany. (autor) 3. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, "Audyt wewnĊtrzny i jego rola w
kreowaniu wartoĞci przedsiĊbiorstwa, cz. I", raport z badaĔstatutowych KNOP pod moim kierownictwem, w ramach
tematu "Opracowanie metodologii badania áaĔcucha materialnego i wirtualnego kreacji wartoĞci przedsiĊbiorstwa"
kierowanego przez dr Stanisáawa àobejko, Warszawa 2004, recenzowany. (autor) 4. Internal Audit and Its Role in
Creating Corporate Value. Introduction. Outcomes of the research project - present situation of IA in Poland., artykuána
konferencjĊInternal Audit and Corporate Governance Fourth European Academic Conference Cass Business School 5th
- 7th April 2006, publikacja w jĊzyku angielskim. (autor) 5. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, "Czáowiek musi myĞleüw sposób
moĪliwie jak najbardziej skomplikowany, a mówiüw sposób moĪliwie jak najbardziej prosty. O globalizacji", sprawozdanie
z wykáadu publicznego KNoP z dani 19 kwietnia 2007 roku prowadzonego przez prof. W. SzymaĔskiego, materiaá
wewnĊtrzny niepublikowany, kwiecieĔ2007. (autor). 6. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Dokąd zmierza Ğwiatowa gospodarka?,
Gazeta SGH, Warszawa, paĨdziernik 2008, artykuábĊdący sprawozdaniem z konferencji naukowej z noblistąJ.E.
Stiglitzem, publikacja w jĊzyku polskim. (autor) 7. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Perspektywa aksjologiczna nauki a rola
systemów wartoĞci w ekonomii, w: Metodologia nauk ekonomicznych. Dylematy i wyzwania, praca zbiorowa pod red. K.
KuciĔskiego, Difin, Warszawa 2010. (autor). 8. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, ZmiennoĞü, záoĪonoĞü, niepewnoĞüi ryzyko determinanty wspyáczesnego przedsiĊbiorstwa, w: Zarządzanie zintegrowanym ryzykiem przedsiĊbiorstwa w Polsce,
praca zbiorowa pod red. S. Kasiewicza, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa 2011. (autor) 9. M.
Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Teoria przedsiĊbiorstwa a koncepcje zarządzania i praktyka biznesu, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH,
Warszawa 2011, monografia habilitacyjna. 10. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, O metodologii nauk ekonomicznych. Wybrane
zagadnienia teoretyczne, rozmowy z przedstawicielami profesji, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2011 (ksiąĪka,
H. Numbers of required prerequisites
not required
I. Course size and mode
J. Final mark composition
multiple choice examination
K. Foreign language requirments
L. Selection criteria
Order of applications
M. Methods applied
case studies
participation of practitioners
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],