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Council 2016, Berlin
Delegates representing the individual members at the meeting of the EMS Council Berlin, July 16 and
17, 2016
Arne Ball
Vasile Berinde
Thierry Bouche
Antonio Campillo
Piermarco Cannarsa
Jose Antonio Carrillo
Carles Casacuberta i Vergés
Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel
Krzysztof Ciesielski
Pavel Exner
Maria Esteban
Vincenzo Ferone
Christian Kassel
Paul C. Kettler
Boatjan Kuzman
Ari Laptev
Luis Narvaáez Macarro
Marta Mazzocco
Vicente Muñoz
Jiří Rákosník
José Francisco Rodrigues
Marie-Francoise Roy
Marta Sanz-Solé
Oriol Serra
Robin Wilson
(25 out of 26 slots for delegates)
Delegate representing the associate members at the meeting of the EMS Council Berlin, July 16 and
17, 2016
Mats Gyllenberg
(1 out of 1 slot for delegates)
Delegates representing the institutional members at the meeting of the EMS Council Berlin, July 16
and 17, 2016
Joaquium Bruna
Klavdija Kutnar
Alberto Pinto
(3 out of 4 slots for delegates)