

to the WIREP
Property Walk with Lunch & Talk
at the historical, mixed-used development project in Warsaw
September 23rd 2015, 13:00 - 15.00
Warsaw, ul. Żelazna 51/53
13.00 Meeting at ul. Żelazna 51/53 (main entrance)
13:10 - 13:20 Welcome
Welcome by Renate Kremer, Chair WIREP and Kinga Nowakowska, CEO ArtN
13:20 – 13:50: Presentation
Project Presentation by Wojciech Nowakowski, Investment Manager Capital Park and Mikołaj
Niemczycki, Leasing Team Cushman & Wakefield
The themes covered will consist of the following:
- Milestones in the development process of ArtN
- Modern day makeover of the post-industrial site
- Key information
- Retail concept: Make stories not stores
- Office concept: Office Plus and TECHfriendly
13:50 – 14:20 Property Walk
The “Look & Feel” Walk on the Development Site, guided tour by Artur Setniewski, CEO Open
Museum of the Former Norblin Factory Foundation
14:20 – 15:00 Lunch & Talk
Live cooking session by Marcin Jabłoński, participant of Poland’s 3rd edition of Top Chef
Zarząd: Ewa Brzozowska | Agnieszka Ciupak | Katarzyna Jasińska | Renate Kremer | Sylwia Müller Siedziba/Adres
Pocztowy: Stowarzyszenie „Women In Real Estate in Poland“| ul. Lazurowa 181 lokal 5 | 01-479 Warszawa Rejestracja
Stowarzyszenia: Sąd Rejonowy dla M. ST. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru
Sądowego | KRS: 0000552456 | REGON: 36129596100000| NIP: 5223027369 | Kontakt: [email protected] | | Konto Bankowe: ING Bank 90 1050 1012 1000 0090 3060 5670
Participation is subject to registration. The event is free of charge and will be held
in the polish language.
In case you would like to attend please register not later than September 17th 2015 to:
About ArtN
The site of the Former Norblin Factory at 51/53 Żelazna Street is a post-industrial space, very
special not only because of its historical past, but also because of the place it has in the
Varsovians’ hearts. The Norblin factory boasts a tradition dating back 200 years. In its golden
age, it was a landmark of the Polish metal industry, honoured with numerous domestic and
international awards.
The Museum of the Former Norblin Factory will be an integral part of the ArtN complex.
Forty four historic machines and appliances corresponding to the post-industrial character of
the area will be integrated into the atmospheric and revitalised space of the Norblin streets
and they will, at the same time, be a part of the shared and usable areas arrangement.
ArtN designers aimed for the contemporary part of this multipurpose project to provide a clear
visual contrast to 10 historical buildings, preserved and restored with meticulous attention to
detail. With development being limited to two levels in height, the complex will offer a friendly
space around the internal, cobblestone street stretching from Żelazna Street to a newly
designed street. The remaining streets will function as internal passageways of the new part
of the complex and will be connected by new architectural features, i.e. footbridges, display
windows and atriums. The design also incorporates 44 historical machines and elements of
equipment that will enhance the unique, post-industrial atmosphere of the place.
We are grateful to the following companies for the granted Support:
Zarząd: Ewa Brzozowska | Agnieszka Ciupak | Katarzyna Jasińska | Renate Kremer | Sylwia Müller Siedziba/Adres
Pocztowy: Stowarzyszenie „Women In Real Estate in Poland“| ul. Lazurowa 181 lokal 5 | 01-479 Warszawa Rejestracja
Stowarzyszenia: Sąd Rejonowy dla M. ST. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru
Sądowego | KRS: 0000552456 | REGON: 36129596100000| NIP: 5223027369 | Kontakt: [email protected] | | Konto Bankowe: ING Bank 90 1050 1012 1000 0090 3060 5670

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