ERANIS - ICT Session agenda and individual meetings plan


ERANIS - ICT Session agenda and individual meetings plan
FP7 International Brokerage Event
in KBBE, ICT, NMP and Energy
Warsaw, October 10th 2008
Session II.
Information & Communication
Technologies (ICT)
Presentations of the session participants
Andrzej J. Galik
National Contact Point
for Research Programmes of EU
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences
Session Agenda
ICT in FP7 and CIP. WP2009-10 call topics presentation
Krzysztof Trojanowski, Małgorzata Gliniecka
NCP Poland
Presentations of the ICT session participants
on II
1.Liudmila Araeva, Mikhail Osadchiy - Kemerovo State University
2.Ilya Voevodin - Astrakhan State University
3.Tatyana Lyadnova - Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support
for Science and Technology Sphere (BELISA)
4.Mirosław Brzozowy - Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o.
5.Viatcheslav Britchkovski - Belarusian State University of Informatics and
Radioelectronics (BSUIR), Laboratory of System Technologies
6.Konstantin Ushakov, Elena Vengerova - OKTET Labs Ltd.
7.Alexander Eremeev - Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
8.Oleg Granichin - Saint-Petersburg State University
Networking lunch
Presentations of the ICT session participants – continuation
on II
1.Viktoriya Zaripova - Astrakhan State University
2.Alexander Novoselov - Nizhniy Novgorod Political Science Center
3.Irina Saltanova - National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Joint Institute for Power
and Nuclear Research - "SOSNY"
4.Mikhail Tatur - Intellectual Processors Ltd
5.Vadim Maximov - M.V.Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics.
Meetings in thematic groups
Individual meetings and consultations
Thank you for your attention
Andrzej J. Galik
Małgorzata Gliniecka,
Krzysztof Trojanowski
National Contact Point
for Research Programmes of EU
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. świrki i Wigury 81
02-091 Warszawa
+4822 828 74 83
+4822 828 53 70
[email protected]