Smerfy/ Muchomorki -


Smerfy/ Muchomorki -
Smerfy/ Muchomorki
Toys – zabawki
ball /bol/-piłka,
doll /dol/-lalka,
teddy bear /tedi ber/- miś,
car /kar/- samochód,
train /trein/- pociąg,
blocks/ bloks/ -klocki,
“ Small and big drum”
I can play the small drum pam papam
Small drum papam, small drum pampam
Small drum papam, I can play the small drum
I can play the big drum pam papam
Big drum papam, big drum pampam
Big drum papam, I can play the big drum
Small drum papam, small drum pampam
Small drum papam, I can play the small drum
Big drum papam, big drum pampam
Big drum papam, I can play the big drum
Christmas – Boże Narodzenie
We wish you a merry christmas/Łi łisz ju mery krismes/ – życzymy wam
Wesołych Świąt
And a happy new year/End e hepi nju yer/ – I Szczęsliwego Nowego Roku
Christmas tree/Krysmas tri/ – Choinka
Christmas ball – Bombka
Snowman/Snołmen /– Bałwan
Father Christmas /Santa Claus –
Present – Prezent
Reindeer/Rejndir/ – Renifer
“We wish you a Merry Christmas”
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!
“Jingle bells”
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way.
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way.Hey!
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