Sylabus przedmiotu - Syjon


Sylabus przedmiotu - Syjon
Sylabus przedmiotu
Physicochemistry of interfaces
Kierunek: Chemia, II stopień [4 sem], stacjonarny, ogólnoakademicki, rozpoczęty w: 2013
Specjalność: materials chemistry
Rok/Semestr: I/1
Liczba godzin: 30,0
Nauczyciel: Chibowski, Emilian, prof. dr hab.
Forma zajęć: wykład
Rodzaj zaliczenia: egzamin
Punkty ECTS: 5,0
0 Godziny kontaktowe z prowadzącym zajęcia realizowane w formie konsultacji
30,0 Godziny kontaktowe z prowadzącym zajęcia realizowane w formie zajęć
0 Przygotowanie się studenta do zajęć dydaktycznych
0 Przygotowanie się studenta do zaliczeń i/lub egzaminów
0 Studiowanie przez studenta literatury przedmiotu
ekwiwalenty punktów
ECTS (łączna liczba
godzin w semestrze):
Wstępne wymagania:
Knowledge of physical chemistry issues lied out during thelectures given on 2nd year of
chemistry studies.
Received credits for laboratory and seminar on physical chemistry, passed exam on physical
Metody dydaktyczne: •
klasyczna metoda problemowa
objaśnienie lub wyjaśnienie
wykład problemowy
z użyciem komputera
1. Introduction: characteristic of interfacial phenomena, capillarity, surface and interface free
energy, surface enthalpy and entropy.
2. Surface of liquids: surface tension, Young-Laplace's equation, Kelvin's equation, methods of
surface tension determination, components of surface tension, temperature dependence of
surface tension, the liquid density and surface tension, parachor, surface tension of solutions,
Szyszkowski equation, Traube's rule.
3. Surface of solids: surface free energy and its components, methods for the energy
determination, contact angle and Young's equation, wetting of the solid surface by a liquid spreading, immersional and adhesional, interfacial solid/liquid free energy, Lifshitz-van der
Waals and Lewis acid-base interactions.
4. Films on liquid surface: methods of investigation, film pressure, classification - gaseous, liquid
and solid films, structure of the films, duplex films, black films, Langmuir-Blodgett's films,
bilayers and vesicles.
from solution on liquid surface: Gibbs adsorption and surface excess,
Zakres tematów:
Guggenheim-Adam's reduced surface excess, various definitions of surface excess and
interrelationship, Gibbs adsorption equation and Gibbs adsorption isotherm, the adsorbed
films and their structure, Gibbs monolayers, two-dimensional film and its gas law.
6. Adsorption at solid/gas interface: description of the phenomenon, physical and chemical
adsorption, Henry's equation, Freundlich's isotherm, theory and adsorption isotherm of
Langmuir,potential field theory of Polanyi, Dubinin-Raduschkievich equation, BET theory and
adsorption isotherm, types of the adsorption isotherms, capillary condensation, preparation
and structure of adsorbents, classification of adsorbents.
7. Adsorption at solid/liquid interface: Description of the process, adsorption isotherm equation,
surface excess and apparent adsorption, the isotherm types, ion exchange process, ion
exchangers and their types.
8. Colloidal systems: characteristic of colloidal systems and their occurring, methods of
preparation, properties of colloidal systems, electric charge of colloids, stability of the
systems, DLVO theory of stability.
Forma oceniania:
• ćwiczenia praktyczne/laboratoryjne
• egzamin pisemny
Warunki zaliczenia: Passed written final exam, partial tests during laboratories classes, credit for the lab exercises.
1. A.W. Adamson, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 5th edition, Interscience Publ., New York, 1990.
2. J. Ościk, Adsorption, PWN, Warszawa 1982.
3. P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 1992.
4. C.J. van Oss, Acid-base interfacial interactions in aqueous media, Colloids and Surfaces A: 78,
1-49 (1993).
5. Colloid Stability, The role of Surface Forces – Part II, V.2., Th.F. Tadros Ed., Wiley, 2007.
See websites:
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