Welcome back to Lesson 11: Neighbourhood Lekcja 11


Welcome back to Lesson 11: Neighbourhood Lekcja 11
Welcome back to Lesson 11: Neighbourhood
Lekcja 11: Sasiedztwo
In today’s lesson we will learn how to:
Na dzisiejszej lekcji nauczymy sie:
1.Talk to neighbours.
1.Rozmawiac z sasiadami
2.Understand how to be a good neighbour.
2.Jak byc dobrym sasiadem
3.Know what and when to recycle.
3.Segregacja odpadko-kiedy i jakie
4.Find local places of interest to visit.
4.Odnajdywac ciekawe miejsca wokolicy
Listen to the dialogue and use the transcript to help you understand.
Posluchaj dialogu,uzyj przypisu dla lepszego zrozumienia tekstu.
Talking to your neighbours
Rozmowa z sasiadem
Joanna: Good morning. My name is Joanna, we moved in yesterday.
Emma: Hi. My name is Emma, nice to meet you.
J: Nice to meet you too.
E: Do you like our neighbourhood?
J: Yes, it is lovely. It is so quiet and peaceful.
E:Yes, it is. There is a nice park by the train station. Do you need anything?
J: Oh, yes… What day do they collect rubbish?
E: Monday is a waste collection day. They also collect recycling sacks every second
J: Recycling?
E: Yes, you can put all your plastic bags and bottles in clear sacks and newspapers and
junk mail in blue bags, so they will be changed into new things.
J: And what about glass?
E: You can leave glass bottles and jars in plastic carrier bags with your recycling sacks.
J: Where can I buy recycling sacks?
E: You don’t have to buy them. They are free, you may collect them from the Town
Council Office. I will give you some for now.
J: That’s very kind of you. Thank you.
E: You will also need a rubbish bin with a lid, to protect your rubbish bags from seagulls.
The birds make a lot of mess!
J: Where can I get a bin with a lid?
E: There is a small DIY shop in town. I could take you there, I am going that way.
Tricky English:
podchwytliwy angielski.
Countable and uncountable nouns
Rzeczowniki policzalne i nie policzalne
In English there are two types of nouns: countable and uncountable.
Countable nouns may be counted - we may say one park, two parks, three parks. We
use an indefinite article a or an before countable nouns:
W jezyku angielskim wystepuja dwa rodzaje rzeczownikow:policzalne i niepoliczalne.
pliczalne rzeczowniki mozna policzyc-mozemy powiedziec jeden park,dwa parki,trzy
parki. uzywamy przedimka nieokreslonego a/an przed rzeczownikiem policzalnym:
A park …
An orange …
A dog …
Some nouns cannot be counted. We cannot say one sugar or one money - they are
uncountable nouns:
niektore rzeczowniki nie moga byc policzalne.nie mozna powiedziec jeden cukier lub
jedne pieniadze-to wlasnie rzeczowniki niepoliczalne:
ulotki prasowe........Junk mail
We do not use article a or an before uncountable nouns.
nie mozemy uzyc przedimka nieokreslonego a/an prze rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym.
That is the end of lesson 11. We’ll be back with lesson 12 soon.
to juz koniec lekcji 11. powrocimy niedlugo na lekcji 12.
Lesson 11 Vocabulary
Lekcja 11 Slownictwo
Neighbour................ sasiad
Neighbourhood........ sasiedztwo
Quiet........................ cisza
Peaceful................... spokuj
to collect.................. do zebrania
rubbish..................... smieci
recycling................... segregacja
sacks......................... worek
junk mail................... ulotki prasowe
a rubbish bin............. kosz na smieci
a lid........................... pokrywa
a seagull................... mewa
mess......................... balagan
DIY............................ zrob to sam