Introduction to Polish Law for Linguists


Introduction to Polish Law for Linguists
Introduction to Polish Law for Linguists
mgr Joanna Kozłowska
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the Polish legal system and to provide a
general overview of its basic legal concepts and institutions. Students are expected to develop
the skill of using Polish codes and their translations. It is assumed that students will learn how to
use legal terminology to describe and explain Polish legal realities and institutions. This course
will focus on the following areas of law approached from a linguistic perspective:
Constitutional law,
Civil law,
Commercial law,
European Law
Assessment: class participation, 2 written tests
Duration: 1 semester, 28 hrs., Tuesdays 17.00 – 18.30
Students interested in the course are requested to contact : [email protected]
BERRY E., S. HARGREAVES. 2007. European Union Law. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.
CZACHÓRSKI, W. 2009. Zobowiązania – zarys wykładu. Warszawa: LexisNexis.
FRANKOWSKI, J. 2005. Introduction to Polish Law. Warszawa:
KIDYBA, A. 2016. Prawo handlowe. Warszawa: Beck
KUCHARSKI, B. 2015. Polish Commercial Law in a Nutshell. Łódź
LEWANDOWSKI, R. 2015. Polish Commercial Law: Introduction. Warszawa.
RADWAŃSKI, Z., A. OLEJNICZAK 2016. Zobowiązania – część ogólna. Warszawa: Beck.
RADWAŃSKI, Z., J. PANOWICZ- LIPSKA 2015. Zobowiązania – część szczegółowa. Warszawa: Beck.
SKORUPA- WULCZŃSKA, A. 2016. Legal English. Civil and Commercial Law. A Handbook. Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer
WYROZUMSKA, A. 2006. Introduction to Polish Law. Łódź
Polish codes:
KUCHARSKA, E. (2015) The Civil Code. Kodeks Cywilny
MICHAŁKOWSKA, K. (2015) The Polish Commercial Code. Kodeks spółek handlowych