SECOND CONDITIONAL III. Second Conditional If past simple


SECOND CONDITIONAL III. Second Conditional If past simple
III. Second Conditional
past simple,
future in the past.
Would + bezokolicznik
Zdania warunkowe odnoszące się do teraźniejszości; jest to typowe „gdybanie”. Mówimy o
tym, co mogłoby mieć miejsce, gdyby jakaś hipotetyczna sytuacja miała miejsce. Warunek jest
niemożliwy do spełnienia ponieważ gdybanie zawsze dotyczy sytuacji odwrotnej niż ta, która
obecnie ma miejsce. Np.:
If I were you, I would go home.
Gdybym była tobą, poszłabym do domu.
1. Complete the sentences.
(Uzupełnij zdania.)
1. If my friend _____ (be) there, I _____ (talk) to her.
2. If the weather _____ (be) good, I _____ (go) for a walk.
3. If I _____ (go) to the shopping centre I _____ (buy) a new T-Shirt.
4. He _____ (win) the contest, if he _____ (read) this book.
5. If she _____ (use) a yellow paint, the picture _____ (look) better.
6. We _____ (meet) Mary, if she _____ (be) in the cinema.
7. Terry _____ (know) about the homework, if he _____ (meet) any of his friends.
8. If I _____ (buy) these beads, I _____ (wear) them.
9. If I _____ (walk) home, I _____ (not, pay) for the taxi.
10. Sam and Sally ______ (not, go) out together, if they ________ (not, fall) in love with each
2. Choose the right verb.
(Wybierz właściwy czasownik.)
1. If I were younger, I __________ to work now.
a). ran
b). would be
c). will run
d). would run
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Wojciech Lisowski
2. If the weather were sunny, we __________ at home.
a). would stay b). wouldn’t stay c). stayed
d). wouldn’t go
3. I ________ for regular walks, if I didn’t have a dog.
a). went
b). wouldn’t have
c). didn’t go d). wouldn’t go
4. I wouldn’t forget to water my plants, if I ________ more time at home.
a). would spend b). were
c). spend
d). wouldn’t be
5. If Sam _________, he wouldn’t have time to play computer games.
a). weren’t unemployed b). worked c). would work d). wouldn’t work
3. Match the halves of the sentences.
(Połącz połówki zdań.)
If she spoke more slowly,
My mum wouldn’t be angry,
Our father would take us from school,
If Mary knew Adam better,
If Josh called me more often,
Eve wouldn’t pass her exams,
Pat would be successful,
If Tom didn’t watch TV for so many hours,
Terry couldn’t speak Spanish,
If Peter visited his mum last week,
a). she wouldn’t be so angry with him.
b). if she studied more.
c). he wouldn’t be so tired all the time.
d). I would probably know about his problems.
e). if he finished work in time.
f). if he didn’t learnt it so hard.
g). students would understand her lectures better.
h). if she didn’t study so hard.
i). she wouldn’t go out with him.
j). if I came home on time.
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Wojciech Lisowski

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