The Best Publications on Mountains Competition


The Best Publications on Mountains Competition
The Best Publications on Mountains Competition
I. General informations.
1) The organizers of the first „The Best Publications on Mountains” Competition,
here-in-after stated as the Competition, are as follows:
- The Central Mountain Tourism Centre (COTG) PTTK in Cracow (Centralny
Ośrodek Turystyki Górskiej PTTK w Krakowie),
- Trade Fair Ltd. in Cracow (Targi w Krakowie Sp. z o.o.)
- „Karpaty” Publisher – Andrzej Łączyński in Cracow (Wydawnictwo „Karpaty”
– Andrzej Łączyński w Krakowie).
2) The goal of the Competition is to promote quality publications on both Polish
and world mountains in Polish or in Polish language version, as well as
albums on mountains regardless the language they were published.
3) The participation in the Competition is free of charge for the publishers and
without any registration fee.
4) The members of the Jury are the representants of:
- The Mountain Tourism Commission of the Main Board of PTTK (Komisja
Turystyki Górskiej Zarządu Głównego PTTK),
- Małopolska Tourist Organization (Małopolska Organizacja Turystyczna),
- The Central Mountain Library of PTTK (Centralna Biblioteka Górska PTTK),
- the editors of The Mountain Newspaper (redakcja Gazety Górskiej),
- „Karpaty” Publisher – Andrzej Łączyński (Wydawnictwo „Karpaty” – Andrzej
The Jury reserve the right to expand their composition of the authors and the
5) The Competition to be held under the patronage of:
- the Chairman of the Main Board of PTTK (Prezes Zarządu Głównego PTTK),
- the Chairman of Małopolska Tourist Organization (Prezes Małopolskiej
Organizacji Turystycznej).
6) The time limit of the Competition will every year depend on the date of the
Trade Fair Ltd in Cracow. The first edition will take place during the 20th
International Book Fair in Cracow to be held on 27-30 October 2016.
7) The publications presented at the Competition will be displayed on the
International Book Fair in Cracow exhibition in the allocated stands of
„Karpaty” Publisher and of COTG PTTK.
8) The publications which the authors are the members of the Jury are excluded
from the Competition.
II. The rules of the Competition.
1) The publications equivalent to A1 or B1 quire (e.g.16 pages of A5 or 16 pages
of B5) are to be subject of the evaluation of the Jury (the above mentioned
does not concern the maps).
2) All tourist publishers on mountains are allowed to take part in the Competition
and among others:
- publishing houses,
- authors,
- artistic associations,
- social organizations and associations,
- self-governments,
- national and landscape parks,
- other institutions and organizations not mentioned above after prior
agreement with COTG PTTK in Cracow. The correspondence address is as
Centralny Ośrodek Turystyki Górskiej PTTK w Krakowie, ul. Jagiellońska 6,
31-010 Kraków, or [email protected], phone: +48 12 422 28 40.
3) Unlimited quantities of the publications published between 2014-2016 which
have printed date could be proposed to the Competition. In the next years only
these publications printed in the year of the Competition or in the two following
years prior to it could be presented. The publications previously taking part in
the Competition are not admitted.
4) The publications will be assessed in the following categories:
albums – in any language
guidebooks – in Polish or in Polish language version,
monographs or popular scientific works and others in Polish or in
Polish language version
poetry – in Polish
maps and atlases – published with the text or at least the legend in
5) The conditions of the participation in the Competition are as follows:
- the written applications and the separate application forms of every
publications with one copy of each of them should be delivered until 20th
September of each calendar year to the following address: Centralny Ośrodek
Turystyki Górskiej PTTK, ul. Jagiellońska 6, 31-010 Kraków, with a note:
„The Best Publications on Mountains” Competition;
- 20th September is the deadline of the applications forms and the copies of
the publications to be at the above mentioned address.
6) The application form is available on and contains:
- the organization name or full name and address of the person who proposed
the publications and surname and name of the person entitled to get in touch with
the organizers of the Competition as well as the phone number and e-mail
- the list of proposed publications with the following data: the titles, the
authors, the place and the year of publishing and the numbers of the editions or
their reissues as well as ISBN numbers and to what categories the publication is
proposed (you can only choose one of them),
- the deadline of the applications.
7) The publications must be sent on the expenses of the sender and should be
suitably protected against the damages.
8) The Jury of the Competition will assess the publications and will choose the
winners. The Jury is entitled not to award all the prizes and distinctions which
were provided for.
9) The subject of the assessment will concern the substantive content of the
publications, their utility, forms of presentation of the discribed regions as well
as the editorial quality.
10) The organizers reserve the right to disqualified from the Competition the
publications which do not fullfil the conditions of the rules. The removed
publications will not be returned to the senders.
11) The winners-publishers in every categories (i.e. the first, the second and the
third awards) will receive the honourable diplomas and the wooden trophies.
The special prizes and distinctions endowed by the organizors and the
sponsors of the Competition are also provided. The others publishers will
receive the participation diplomas.
12) The announcement of the results of the Competition as well as the awarding
ceremony of the honourable diplomas and prizes and distinctions will take
place on the first day of the International Book Fair in Cracow in every
calendar year and will depend on its date.
13) The above mentioned rules of the Competition are available on where you will also find any current news concerning it.
III. The final decisions.
1) The Jury’s decision will be published on the first day of the International
Book Fair in Cracow in every calendar year after the announcement of the
results of the Competition which will also be available on the website:,,
2) The organizers reserve the right to promote the Competition in the media
using the presented publications free of charge.
3) After finishing the Competition all publications will be given without charge to
The Central Mountain Library of PTTK in Cracow (ul. Jagiellońska 6, 31-010
Kraków) and will be available there according to the general rules of the
4) The members of the Jury as well as the organizers of the Competition are
working for free.
5) The minutes in written form of the Jury’s meetings will be available to all the
members of the Jury and the organizers in two working days at the latest
after finishing the meetings.
6) The above rules goes into effect from 20th July 2016.