Publikacje punktowane przez MNiSW w latach 2014


Publikacje punktowane przez MNiSW w latach 2014
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Publikacje punktowane przez MNiSW w latach 2014 2014
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Katedra Mechaniki Stosowanej
Impact Factor Lista filadelfijska
Lista MNiSW
Współpraca z zagranicą Punkty Cytowania
Artykuły (31)
Aktywne zawieszenie wahadłowego eliminatora drgań
/ Kęcik Krzysztof //
MODELOWANIE INŻYNIERSKIE - 2014, nr 50, vol. 19, s. 83-88 [MNiSW: 4]
Analiza wytrzymałości masztu wirnika nośnego wiatrakowca metodą elementów
skończonych / Kłoda Łukasz, Łusiak Tomasz, Samborski Sylwester // TRANSACTIONS OF THE
INSTITUTE OF AVIATION - PRACE INSTYTUTU LOTNICTWA - 2014, nr 3, vol. 236, s. 49-57 [MNiSW: 4]
Broadband concept of energy harvesting in beam vibrating systems for powering
sensors / Rysak Andrzej, Müller Michael, Borowiec Marek, Zubrzycki Jarosław, Litak Grzegorz,
Godlewska Anna, Wittstock Volker // ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH JOURNAL 2014, nr 23, vol. 8, s. 62-67 [MNiSW: 5]
Complex response of the bistable laminated plate: Multiscale entropy analysis
Borowiec Marek, Rysak Andrzej, Betts D. N., Bowen C. R., Kim H. A, Litak Grzegorz // EUROPEAN
PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS - 2014, nr 10, vol. 129 [MNiSW: 30]
Control of bending-bending coupled vibrations of a rotating thin-walled composite
beam / Latalski Jarosław, Bocheński Marcin, Warmiński Jerzy // ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS - 2014, nr
4, vol. 39, s. 606-613 [MNiSW: 15]
Control of chaotic dynamics by magnetorheological damping of a pendulum
vibration absorber / Kęcik Krzysztof // STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS - 2014, nr 5,
vol. 51, s. 743-754 [MNiSW: 20]
Dynamics of a time delayed Duffing oscillator
/ Rusinek Rafał, Weremczuk Andrzej, Kęcik
Krzysztof, Warmiński Jerzy // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS - 2014, vol. 65,
s. 98-106 [MNiSW: 30]
Energy harvesting in a nonlinear cantilever piezoelastic beam system excited by
random vertical vibrations / Borowiec Marek, Litak Grzegorz, Friswell Michael I., Sondipon
14, s. 1-13 [MNiSW: 25]
Equations of motion of rotating composite beam with a nonconstant rotation
speed and an arbitrary preset angle / Georgiades Fotios, Latalski Jarosław, Warmiński Jerzy
// MECCANICA - 2014, nr 8, vol. 49, s. 1833-1858 [MNiSW: 30]
The influence of incudostapedial joint separation on the middle ear transfer
function / Szymański Marcin, Rusinek Rafał, Zadrożniak Marek, Morshed Kamal, Warmiński Jerzy //
An influence of the d311 effect on the behavior of the cantilever beam-shaped
piezoelectric activator made of two layers of PVDF with inverse polarity / Teter
Andrzej, Gawryluk Jarosław, Warmiński Jerzy // APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2014, nr 3, vol. 10, s.
23-33 [MNiSW: 6]
Influence of tool flank forces on complex dynamics of cutting process
/ Rusinek Rafał
1450115-1-1450115-17 [MNiSW: 30]
Koncepcja aktywnej eliminacji drgań w procesie frezowania
/ Weremczuk Andrzej,
Rusinek Rafał, Warmiński Jerzy // MECHANIK - 2014, nr 7-8, s. 99-105 [MNiSW: 7]
Magnetorheological damping and semi-active control of an autoparametric
vibration absorber / Kęcik Krzysztof, Mitura Andrzej, Sado Danuta, Warmiński Jerzy //
MECCANICA - 2014, nr 8, vol. 49, s. 1887-1900 [MNiSW: 30]
Modeling of delamination influence on mechanical characteristics of composite
cantilever beam / Samborski Sylwester // COMPOSITES THEORY AND PRACTICE - 2014, nr 4, s.
177-182 [MNiSW: 8]
Modelling and Simulation of 3 Blade Helicopter's Rotor Model
/ Latalski Jarosław,
Bocheński Marcin, Warmiński Jerzy, Jarzyna Wojciech, Augustyniak Michał // ACTA PHYSICA
POLONICA A - 2014, nr 6, vol. 125, s. 1380-1383 [MNiSW: 15]
Modelling of frictional chatter in metal cutting
/ Rusinek Rafał, Wiercigroch Marian, Wahi
Pankaj // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES - 2014, vol. 89, s. 167-176 [MNiSW:
Noise effected energy harvesting in a beam with stopper
/ Borowiec Marek, Litak
Grzegorz, Lenci Stefano // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS 2014, nr 8, vol. 14, s. 1440020-1-1440020-10 [MNiSW: 25]
Nonlinear dynamics and control of an active suspension of a pendulum vibration
absorber / Kęcik Krzysztof, Mitura Andrzej // MACHINE DYNAMICS RESEARCH - 2014, nr 1, vol. 38,
s. 47-53 [MNiSW: 6]
Nonlinear dynamics and control of composites for smart engineering design
/ Lenci
Stefano, Warmiński Jerzy // MECCANICA - 2014, nr 8, vol. 49, s. 1721-1722 [MNiSW: 30]
Nonlinear dynamics and synchronisation of pendula attached to a rotating hub
Warmiński Jerzy, Szmit Zofia, Latalski Jarosław // EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS 2014, nr 223, s. 827-847 [MNiSW: 25]
Nonlinear dynamics of a reduced multimodal Timoshenko beam subjected to
thermal and mechanical loadings / Warmińska Anna, Monoach E., Warmiński Jerzy //
MECCANICA - 2014, nr 8, vol. 49, s. 1775-1793 [MNiSW: 30]
Numerical and experimental studies of compressed composite columns with
complex open cross-sections / Dębski Hubert, Teter Andrzej, Kubiak Tomasz // COMPOSITE
STRUCTURES - 2014, vol. 118, s. 28-36 [MNiSW: 40]
On buckling collapse and failure analysis of thin-walled composite lipped-channel
columns subjected to uniaxial compression / Teter Andrzej, Dębski Hubert, Samborski
Sylwester // THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES - 2014, vol. 85, s. 324-331 [MNiSW: 35]
On simulation of a bistable system with fractional damping in the presence of
stochastic coherence resonance / Litak Grzegorz, Borowiec Marek // NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 2014, nr 3, vol. 77, s. 681-686 [MNiSW: 40]
Optimum weight design of multilayered fiber composite plates with discrete ply
angles and uncertainty in ply thicknesses / Latalski Jarosław // COMPOSITES THEORY AND
PRACTICE - 2014, nr 4, s. 183-188 [MNiSW: 8]
Parametric analysis of magnetorheologically damped pendulum vibration absorber
DYNAMICS - 2014, nr 8, vol. 14 [MNiSW: 25]
Regular and chaotic oscillations of a Timoshenko beam subjected to mechanical
and thermal loadings / Warmińska Anna, Manoach Emil, Warmiński Jerzy, Samborski Sylwester
// CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS - 2015, nr 4-5, vol. 27, s. 719-737 [MNiSW: 30]
A review on the mechanical behaviour of curvilinear fibre composite laminated
panels / Ribeiro Pedro, Akhavan Hamed, Teter Andrzej, Warmiński Jerzy // JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE
MATERIALS - 2014, nr 22, vol. 48, s. 2761-2777 [MNiSW: 30]
Time delay Duffing’s systems: chaos and chatter control
/ Rusinek Rafał, Mitura Andrzej,
Warmiński Jerzy // MECCANICA - 2014, nr on-line, vol. January 2014 [MNiSW: 30]
Wpływ nieliniowości w układzie skrawania na skuteczność redukcji drgań
samowzbudnych / Rusinek Rafał, Weremczuk Andrzej, Warmiński Jerzy // MECHANIK - 2014, nr
7-8, s. 81-87 [MNiSW: 7]
Projekty wynalazcze (1)
Urządzenie do formowania powierzchni wyrobów z materiałów plastycznych [ Nr
zgłoszenia 399707] / Klepka Tomasz, Latalski Jarosław // BIULETYN URZĘDU PATENTOWEGO 2014, vol. 42, 1, s. 16-16 [MNiSW: 2]
Rozdziały (9)
Coupled flexural-torsional vibrations of a composite beam attached to a rotating
hub / Warmiński Jerzy, Latalski Jarosław, Szmit Zofia // W: EURODYN 2014-9th International
Conference on Structural Dynamics : Conference [WOS], [Red:] Cunha A. , Caetano E. , Muller G. Munich, Germany: European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD), 2014, s. 1883-1889 [MNiSW:
Dynamics aspect of chatter suppression in milling
/ Rusinek Rafał, Weremczuk Andrzej,
Warmiński Jerzy // W: 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics; 5TH European Conference
on Computational Mechanics; 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vols II - IV
[WOS], [Red:] Onate E., Oliver X., Huerta A. - Barcelona, Spain: Int Center Numerical Methods
Engineering, 2014, s. 3056-3067 [MNiSW: 10]
Hopf bifurcations, quasi-periodic oscillations and frequency locking zones in a
self-excited system driven by parametric and external excitations / Warmiński Jerzy,
Warmińska Anna // W: Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2014 [WOS], New York: Amer
Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2014, s. 1-6 [MNiSW: 10]
Large amplitude vibrations of timoshenko beams with delamination in
temperature environment / Manoach Emil, Warmiński Jerzy, Warmińska Anna // W: EURODYN
2014-9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics : Conference [WOS], [Red:] Cunha A. ,
Caetano E. , Ribeiro P. , Müller G. - Munich, Germany: European Association for Structural Dynamics
(EASD), 2014, s. 1875-1881 [MNiSW: 10]
Non-smooth and intermittent model of cutting process
/ Mitura Andrzej, Rusinek Rafał //
W: 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics; 5TH European Conference on Computational
Mechanics; 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vols II - IV [WOS], [Red:]
Onate E., Oliver X., Huerta A. - Barcelona, Spain: Int Center Numerical Methods Engineering, 2014, s.
1646-1656 [MNiSW: 10]
Parametric resonance of a self-excited system under external force and time delay
influence / Warmiński Jerzy, Warmińska Anna // W: Proceedings of the ASME International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2013,
Vol 7b : Conference [WOS], New York: ASME, 2014, s. 1-8 [MNiSW: 10]
Temperature influence on nonlinear responses of Timoshenko beam
/ Warmińska
Anna, Warmiński Jerzy, Manoach Emil // W: Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering
Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2013, Vol 7b :
Conference [WOS], New York: ASME, 2014, s. 1-8 [MNiSW: 10]
Thermal effects on internal and external resonances of a nonlinear Timoshenko
beam / Warmińska Anna, Warmiński Jerzy, Manoach Emil // W: Proceedings of the ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference, 2014 [WOS], New York: Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2014, s. 1-7 [MNiSW: 10]
Vibration control of autoparametric system using SMA spring and MR dampers in
the pendula joints / Sado Danuta, Pietrzakowski Marek, Kęcik Krzysztof // W: Proceedings of the
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference, 2014 [WOS], New York: Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2014, s. 1-7 [MNiSW: