Competitive Strategies - Kolegia SGH


Competitive Strategies - Kolegia SGH
Course title
Competitive Strategies
Course number
120591 - 0637
Wojtysiak-Kotlarski Marcin, PhD
3 ECTS points
A. Course objective
An objective of the course is to acknowledge students in field of methodology of competition analysis and principles of
competitive strategy building and its assessment, and also to train in both analyzing and strategic planning skills at the
industry level.
B. Course syllabus
Company environment and its segmentation. Business sector - definition and principles of its distinguishing. Methods of
an industry attractiveness analysis. Analysis and prognosis methods of a macro-environment. Methods of a company
strategic potential analysis. SWOT analysis. Principles of a strategy building at the SBU (strategic business unit) level.
Competitive strategy models. Co-opetition - problems of competitors' co-operation. Strategies towards suppliers.
C. Educational outcome
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],
c.d.Competitive Strategies
1. Students know methodology of analysis and strategic planning at the industry level.
2. They distinguish competitive strategy form business model.
3. They understand relationship between environmental turbulences and firm's situation, risk
resulted from environmental turbulences and the need of strategic planning.
4. They know methods and procedures of industry analysis.
5. They know methods and procedures of macro-environmental analysis and prognosis.
6. They know methods and procedures of a firm's potential.
7. They know several theoretical models of competition; understand the role of theoretical
models in presentation and shaping competitive strategy.
8. They understand sources and creation process of competitive advantage.
9. They know methods of firm's resources analysis and crucial role of intangible resources in
creation process of competitive advantage.
10. They understand conditions of competitive strategy effectiveness.
1. Students make segmentation of an enterprise and distinguish industry sectors in its activities.
2. They analyze and assess industry attractiveness.
3. They analyze a macro-environment. Connects macro-environmental changes with industry
attractiveness and a firm's situation.
4. They are able to implement several methods of turbulence prognosis in an environment.
5. They use several methods of strategic firm potential analysis.
6. They compare competitive potentials of different enterprises.
7. They present competitive position of a firm using both SWOT and portfolio analysis.
8. They know how to use theoretical models of competition in both research and defining of
competitive strategy.
9. They know how to elaborate both strategic analysis and competitive strategy for chosen
10. They know how to elaborate a list of risk categories accompanying a strategy plan
implementation, and also methods to reduce them.
Other competences
1. The student improves its command of English when reading literature and texts from Internet.
2. The student familiarizes himself or herself with data basis on industries and companies.
3. The student learns about outstanding managers, consultants and authors of books in
strategic management.
4. The student is able to prepare a case study concerning a company on the basis of materials
gathered on his or her own.
5. The student individually gathers information about industries, sectors and companies using it
for analysis and crafting strategy.
6. The student prepares studies which may constitute parts of professional documents as:
strategic analysis of a company, business plan, partial strategic plans.
7. The student is capable of preparing and delivering business presentations.
8. The student learns how to cooperate with other members in a group working on analytical
and designing tasks.
D. Semester time table
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],
c.d.Competitive Strategies
Company environment and its impact on managerial strategic choices.
Risk in strategic management and methods of its reduction.
Company strategic segmentation methods. Strategic business units (SBU) separation in a
company activity. Principles of industrial sector defining.
Methods of industry attractiveness analysis. Theories of industry, product, and technology life
Competitive analysis in industry. Maps of strategic groups in sectors.
Industry structure analysis. Fragmented and concentrated sectors. Resistance both excessive
industry fragmentation and concentration.
Threats analysis of new entry into an industry. Entry and exit barriers. Entry profitability analysis.
Analysis of substitutes. Principles of an industry defense from substitutes.
Segmentation and analysis of industry suppliers and buyers. Principles of impact reduction of
both suppliers and buyers on an industry.
Presentation and assessment of various methods of a company strategic potential analysis. Key
success factors. Value chain analysis. Strategic balance of a firm.
Assessment of a firm's competitive position.
Competitive models review. Essence of enterprise competitiveness. Types of competitive
advantages and methods of building them up.
Resources and competences as sources of competitive advantages.
Business models vs. competitive strategies.
Issues related to competitive strategy implementation. Managerial strategic information systems.
Strategic controlling.
E. Basic literature
M.E. Porter, (1985) Competitive Advantage, Free Press, New York, 1985 (lub nowsze wydanie); Cooil B., Aksoy L.,
Keiningham T., Approaches to Customer Segmentation, 2008; Jaime Gil-Aluja, Handbook of Management under
Uncertainty (Applied Optimization), Springer, 2001.
F. Supplementary literature
C. S. Fleisher, B. E. Bensoussan, Strategic and Competitive Analysis, Prentice Hall 2003.
G. Author's most important publications concerning the offered course
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],
c.d.Competitive Strategies
Doctorate thesis: "Competition models in Polish sector of non-life insurance" directly related to the course topics. Chosen
publications / reasearch of the lecturer: 1. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Recenzja ksiąĪki R. Lyncha Pt. "Corporate Strategy" na
potrzeby wydawnictwa Pearson Education, materiaániepublikowany, Warszawa 2003. (autor). 2. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski,
Identyfikacja elementów przedsiĊbiorstwa przyszáoĞci, w: Teoria przedsiĊbiorstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia., praca
zbiorowa pod red. S. Kasiewicza i H. MoĪaryna, Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie, Warszawa 2004, rozdziaáw
publikacji ksiąĪkowej, recenzowany, publikowany. (autor) 3. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, "Audyt wewnĊtrzny i jego rola w
kreowaniu wartoĞci przedsiĊbiorstwa, cz. I", raport z badaĔstatutowych KNOP pod moim kierownictwem, w ramach
tematu "Opracowanie metodologii badania áaĔcucha materialnego i wirtualnego kreacji wartoĞci przedsiĊbiorstwa"
kierowanego przez dr Stanisáawa àobejko, Warszawa 2004, recenzowany. (autor) 4. Internal Audit and Its Role in
Creating Corporate Value. Introduction. Outcomes of the research project - present situation of IA in Poland., artykuána
konferencjĊInternal Audit and Corporate Governance Fourth European Academic Conference Cass Business School 5th
- 7th April 2006, publikacja w jĊzyku angielskim. (autor) 5. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, "Czáowiek musi myĞleüw sposób
moĪliwie jak najbardziej skomplikowany, a mówiüw sposób moĪliwie jak najbardziej prosty. O globalizacji", sprawozdanie
z wykáadu publicznego KNoP z dnia 19 kwietnia 2007 roku prowadzonego przez prof. W. SzymaĔskiego, materiaá
wewnĊtrzny niepublikowany, kwiecieĔ2007. (autor). 6. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Dokąd zmierza Ğwiatowa gospodarka?,
Gazeta SGH, Warszawa, paĨdziernik 2008, artykuábĊdący sprawozdaniem z konferencji naukowej z noblistąJ.E.
Stiglitzem, publikacja w jĊzyku polskim. (autor) 7. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Perspektywa aksjologiczna nauki a rola
systemów wartoĞci w ekonomii, w: Metodologia nauk ekonomicznych. Dylematy i wyzwania, praca zbiorowa pod red. K.
KuciĔskiego, Difin, Warszawa 2010. (autor). 8. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, ZmiennoĞü, záoĪonoĞü, niepewnoĞüi ryzyko determinanty wspyáczesnego przedsiĊbiorstwa, w: Zarządzanie zintegrowanym ryzykiem przedsiĊbiorstwa w Polsce,
praca zbiorowa pod red. S. Kasiewicza, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa 2011. (autor) 9. M.
Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Teoria przedsiĊbiorstwa a koncepcje zarządzania i praktyka biznesu, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH,
Warszawa 2011, monografia habilitacyjna. 10. M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, O metodologii nauk ekonomicznych. Wybrane
zagadnienia teoretyczne, rozmowy z przedstawicielami profesji, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2011.
H. Numbers of required prerequisites
not required
I. Course size and mode
Self-study plus e-learning
J. Final mark composition
traditional examination
K. Foreign language requirments
L. Selection criteria
Order of applications
M. Methods applied
case studies
Szkoáa Gáywna Handlowa w Warszawie
Al. NiepodlegáoĞci 162, 02-554 Warszawa
centrala: +48 22 564 60 00, faks kancelarii: +48 22 849 53 12, informacja: +48 22 564 64 64
e-mail: [email protected],