Pobierz PDF - Invest in Lubelskie


Pobierz PDF - Invest in Lubelskie
Established over 20 years ago, Linguaton is faithful to
its slogan: “If you know why, we know how”. The
school enjoys a reputation of excellence in teaching
and in creating a unique environment where English is
taught during unorthodox classes and during events
that promote the culture of the English speaking world
and a sense of togetherness. Th e courses of English
off ered on all levels to 6+ young learners, students,
and adults range from General English and examoriented courses to English for Specifi c Purposes (for
lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, entrepreneurs, and
future translators/interpreters). All students have
access to e-linguaton, a state-ofthe-art e-learning
platform which provides a wealth of additional
resources as well as a detailed register of the
coursework. Linguaton is a recognised local brand.
Produkty i usługi: Conducting courses of English as
a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, and
administering international examinations.
Strona internetowa: http://www.linguaton.pl [1]
Źródło: http://www.invest.lubelskie.pl/pl/firma/linguaton-sc-aam-janiszewscy
Kraj: Polska
Miejscowość: ul.
Paśnikowskiego 4a, 20-707
+48 81 527 88 17
+48 81 534 08 99
+48 81 527 88 17
[email protected]
Ms. Aneta Janiszewska
+48 81 527 88 17
Mr. Marek Lewandowski
Course Coordinator
+48 81 527 88 17

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