Local action groups – as an support for enterprise development in


Local action groups – as an support for enterprise development in
Jolanta Kondratowicz-Pozorska
LGD wsparciem rozwoju przedsiębiorczości na terenach wiejskich (na przykładzie województwa zachodniopomorskiego)
Local action groups – as an support for enterprise development in rural areas
(on example of region of West Pomerania)
The purpose of the paper is to present the activities of selected three local action groups (LAG) that were created
in rural areas of West Pomerania region after 2000 and analyze the nature of their impact on business development.
LAG is an example that there is a slow process of rebuilding of the social capital in rural areas that promotes raising
the level of living of the inhabitants of these regions, creates a favorable climate for all initiatives of entrepreneurship
and creates the common trust.
Translated by Jolanta Kondratowicz-Pozorska

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