483 REVIEW Statins: a new insight into their mecha


483 REVIEW Statins: a new insight into their mecha
REVIEW – Statins: a new insight into their mechanisms of action and consequent pleiotropic effects.
573 Synergistic protective effect of picroside II and NGF on
PC12 cells against oxidative stress induced by H O .
REVIEW – Growth hormone therapy in children and
580 Some drugs inhibit in vitro hydratase and esterase
activities of human carbonic anhydrase-I and II.
Magdalena Jasiñska, Jacek Owczarek, Daria
Robert Krysiak, Anna Gdula-Dymek, Bogus³aw
517 Modulatory role of 5-HT* receptors in the discriminative signal of amphetamine in the conditioned
taste aversion paradigm. Florencio Miranda, Alma
Sandoval-Sánchez, Laura N. Cedillo, Juan C. Jiménez,
Patricia Millán-Mejía, David N. Velázquez-Martínez
525 Chronic imipramine treatment reduces inhibitory
properties of group II mGlu receptors without
affecting their density or affinity. Agnieszka Pa³ucha,
Piotr Brañski, Kinga K³ak, Magdalena Sowa
531 Effects of some new antiepileptic drugs and progabide
on glucocorticoid receptor-mediated gene transcription in LMCAT cells. Agnieszka Basta-Kaim, Bogus³awa
Budziszewska, Monika Leœkiewicz, Magdalena Regulska,
Magdalena Otczyk, Marta Kubera, Grzegorz Jag³a,
Wojciech Nowak, Jarogniew J. £uszczki, Stanis³aw
J. Czuczwar, W³adys³aw Lasoñ
538 Role of polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration in
amiodarone’s anti-inflammatory effect mechanism.
Gunnur Ozbakis-Dengiz, Zekai Halici, Erol Akpinar,
Elif Cadirci, Dilek Bilici, Nesrin Gursan
545 Prostacyclin, but not nitric oxide, is the major mediator
of acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation in the isolated
mouse heart. Pawe³ GwóŸdŸ, £ukasz Drelicharz,
Valery I. Kozlovski, Stefan Chlopicki
553 Nephroprotective effect of cystathionine is due to its
diverse action on the kidney and Ehrlich ascites tumor
cells. Inga Kwiecieñ, Maria Soko³owska, Lidia W³odek
565 Antiproliferative activity of various Uncaria tomentosa
preparations on HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells.
Rados³aw Pilarski, Magdalena Poczekaj-Kostrzewska,
Danuta Ciesio³ka, Krzysztof Szyfter, Krzysztof Gulewicz
Jian-wen Liu, You-jun Yu, Pei-yong Zheng, Xiao-dong
Zhang, Ting Li, Yan Cao, Ming-chuan Guo
Deniz Ekinci, ªükrü Beydemir, Zuhal Alim
588 Effect of repeated co-treatment with imipramine and
metyrapone on the behavioral reactivity of the central
serotonin, dopamine and =-adrenergic systems in
rats. Zofia Rogó¿
595 Activation of the NMDA/glutamate receptor complex
antagonizes the NMDA antagonist-induced
antidepressant-like effects in the forced swim test.
Ewa Poleszak, Piotr WlaŸ, Andrzej Wróbel, Ma³gorzata
Dyba³a, Magdalena Sowa, Sylwia Fidecka, Andrzej Pilc,
Gabriel Nowak
601 Nitric oxide modulates the amphetamine effect
on [!H]glucose uptake in the brain of rats prenatally
exposed to lead. Przemys³aw Nowak, Marek Swoboda,
Ryszard Szkilnik, Jadwiga Joœko, £ukasz Noras, Adam
Kwieciñski, Katarzyna Sawczuk, Ewa Herba, Dorota
Pojda-Wilczek, Richard M. Kostrzewa, Ryszard Brus
606 The activity of cytochrome P450 CYP2B in rat liver
during neuroleptic treatment. Anna Haduch, Jacek
Wójcikowski, W³adys³awa A. Daniel
613 Effect of gas phase and particulate phase of cigarette
smoke on salivary antioxidants. What can be the role
of vitamin C and pyridoxine? Maria Greabu, Maurizio
Battino, Alexandra Totan, Maria Mohora, Niculina Mitrea,
Cosmin Totan, Tudor Spinu, Andreea Didilescu
619 Note to Contributors