Imię: Nazwisko: Grupa: Praca kontrolna numer 2 (język angielski


Imię: Nazwisko: Grupa: Praca kontrolna numer 2 (język angielski
Praca kontrolna numer 2
(język angielski)
1. Uzupełnij zdania używając czasu Present Simple.
1.Tom always ________ (get up) early and ________ (eat) his breakfast quickly.
2. ________ your son write to you every month? He's so far away, you must really miss him.
3.My parents ________ (live) in a village.
4.I ________ (not/like) playing football.
5.My sisters never ________ (wear) dresses, they prefer jeans because they are more comfortable.
6.How often ________ you go to the dentist? Twice a year?
7.Julie ________ (not) study philosophy, she ________ (study) sociology.
8.Wild flowers ________ (grow) in the wood and girls usually pick them.
9.I ________ (not) know anything about computers and I'm not interested in them.
10.Why ________ she cry so often? Is she unhappy?
2. Stwórz zaprzeczenia (czas Present Simple):
1.I eat red meat.
2.She hopes to get a new job.
3.He lives in New York.
4.They go out every night.
5.I drink coffee every morning.
6.She plays tennis twice a week.
7.My sister smokes a lot.
8.Your husband dances very well.
9.Ed plays the violin beautifully.
10.Susan and Harry drink milk every second day.

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