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REVIEW – Neuroprotective potential of three neuropeptides PACAP, VIP and PHI. Agnieszka Dejda,
Paulina Soko³owska, Jerzy Z. Nowak
367 Monocyte suppressing action of fenofibrate. Bogus³aw
Okopieñ, Jan Kowalski, Robert Krysiak, Krzysztof
£abuzek, Aldona Stachura-Ku³ach, Andrzej Ku³ach, Marek
Zieliñski, Zbigniew S. Herman
321 Amphetamine-induced effects on neuropeptide Y in
the rat brain. Ewa Obuchowicz, Jadwiga Turchan,
330 Influence of paraquat on dopaminergic transporter in
the rat brain. Krystyna Ossowska, Jadwiga Wardas,
373 Effects of some convulsant agents on the protective
activity of topiramate against maximal electroshockinduced seizures in mice. Mariusz J. Œwi¹der, Jarogniew
Ryszard Przew³ocki, Zbigniew S. Herman
Katarzyna Kuter, Przemys³aw Nowak, Joanna D¹browska,
Aleksandra Bortel, £ukasz Labus, Adam Kwieciñski, Anna
Krygowska-Wajs, Stanis³aw Wolfarth
336 Synthesis, anticonvulsant properties and 5-HT)/5-HT )
receptor affinity of new N-[(4-arylpiperazin-1-yl)- propyl]2-aza-spiro[4.4] nonane and [4.5]decane-1,3-dione
derivatives. Jolanta Obniska, Marcin Ko³aczkowski, Sijka
Charakchieva-Minol, Krystyna Nêdza, Ma³gorzata Dyba³a,
Andrzej J. Bojarski
345 Effect of cysteamine on bile secretion in the rat.
Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Ayman R. Baiuomy, Siham
M. EL-Shenawy
352 Differential effects of genistein, estradiol and raloxifene
on rat osteoclasts in vitro. Leszek Œliwiñski, Joanna
Folwarczna, Waldemar Janiec, Grzegorz Grynkiewicz,
Katarzyna Kuzyk
360 Induction of caspase 3 activity, bcl-2 bax and p65 gene
expression modulation in human acute promyelocytic
leukemia HL-60 cells by doxorubicin with amifostine.
Marek Ró¿alski, Marek Mirowski, Ewa Balcerczak, Urszula
Krajewska, Wojciech M³ynarski, Ryszard Wierzbicki
J. £uszczki, Anna Zwolan, Marian Wielosz, Stanis³aw
J. Czuczwar
380 Effect of licofelone against mechanical hyperalgesia
and cold allodynia in the rat model of incisional pain.
Vijay P. Singh, Chandrashekhar S. Patil, Shrinivas K. Kulkarni
385 Acute effect of ethanol on IgA immunoreactive cells in
the intestine-associated immune system. Mirela Budeè,
Vera Todoroviæ, Neda Drndareviæ
390 Effect of apigenin, kaempferol and resveratrol on the
expression of interleukin-1> and tumor necrosis
factor-= genes in J774.2 macrophages. Jan Kowalski,
Arkadiusz Samojedny, Monika Paul, Gra¿yna Pietsz,
Tadeusz Wilczok
405 Abstracts of the 20th Biennial Meeting of the ISN
445 Note to Contributors