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Review – Retigabine: the newer potential antiepileptic
drug. Piotr Czuczwar, Agnieszka Wojtak, Anna Cioczek-
Czuczwar, Jolanta Parada-Turska, Ryszard Maciejewski,
Stanis³aw J. Czuczwar
220 Review – Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Anand B.
Pithadia, Nimisha Kakadia
Review – COX-2 as a target for cancer chemotherapy.
Nilanjan Ghosh, Rituparna Chaki, Vivekananda Mandal,
Subhash C. Mandal
245 Effect of acute and chronic treatment with QCF-3
(4-benzylpiperazin-1-yl) (quinoxalin-2-yl) methanone,
a novel 5-HT! receptor antagonist, in animal models of
depression. Thangaraj Devadoss, Dilip K. Pandey,
Radhakrishnan Mahesh, Shushil K. Yadav
258 Buspirone improves 6-hydroxydopamine-induced catalepsy through stimulation of nigral 5-HT) receptors in
rats. Alireza M. Nayebi, Siyamak R. Rad, Mehdi Saberian,
Saeid Azimzadeh, Morteza Samini
265 Pregnenolone sulfate infused in lateral septum
of male rats impairs novel object recognition memory.
Federico Nanfaro, Ricardo Cabrera, Vanesa Bazzocchini,
Myrian Laconi, Roberto Yunes
273 Evaluation of the anticonvulsant activity of
6-(4-chlorophenyoxy)-tetrazolo[5,1-a]phthalazine in
various experimental seizure models in mice. Xian-Yu
Sun, Cheng-Xi Wei, Xian-Qing Deng, Zhi-Gang Sun,
Zhe-Shan Quan
278 Pharmaco-EEG-based assessment of the interaction
between ethanol and oxcarbazepine. Bogus³awa
Pietrzak, El¿bieta Czarnecka
287 Anti-inflammatory plasma cytokines in children and
adolescents with migraine headaches. Leszek Boækowski,
Joanna Œmigielska-Kuzia, Wojciech Sobaniec,
Beata ¯elazowska-Rutkowska, Wojciech Ku³ak, Krzysztof
292 Analysis of the excitatory motor response evoked by
nicotinic and muscarinic blockade of ovine small
bowel. Krzysztof W. Romañski
304 Effects of aspirin on the levels of hydrogen sulfide and
sulfane sulfur in mouse tissues. Anna Bilska,
Ma³gorzata Iciek, Inga Kwiecieñ, Karol Kaniecki,
Magdalena Paliborek, Eugeniusz Somogyi, Joanna
Piotrowska, Bogdan Wiliñski, Marta Góralska, Zbigniew
Srebro, Lidia W³odek
311 Aldosterone augments LOX-1-mediated low-density
lipoprotein uptake in human umbilical artery endothelial cells. Ashraf Taye, Tatsuya Sawamura, Henning
319 Anticancer activity of newly synthesized azaphenothiazines from NCI’s anticancer screening bank. Krystian
Pluta, Ma³gorzata Jeleñ, Beata Morak-M³odawska,
Micha³ Zimecki, Jolanta Artym, Maja Kociêba
333 Modulation of P-glycoprotein activity by the substituted quinoxalinone compound QA3 in adriamycinresistant K562/A02 cells. Li-Rui Sun, Julia Li Zhong,
Shu-Xiang Cui, Xun Li, Stephen Geoffrey Ward, Yan-Qiu
Shi, Xiao-Fan Zhang, Yan-Na Cheng, Jian-Jun Gao,
Xian-Jun Qu
343 Effect of simvastatin on nitric oxide synthases (eNOS,
iNOS) and arginine and its derivatives (ADMA, SDMA)
in ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat liver. Ma³gorzata
Trocha, Anna Merwid-L¹d, Andrzej Szuba, Ewa Chlebda,
Ma³gorzata Pieœniewska, Tomasz Sozañski, Adam Szel¹g
352 Selenitetriglicerydes affect CYP1A1 and QR activity by
involvement of reactive oxygen species and Nrf2 transcription factor. Piotr Suchocki, Irena Misiewicz-Krzemiñska,
Katarzyna Skupiñska, Katarzyna NiedŸwiecka, Katarzyna
Lubelska, Zbigniew Fija³ek, Teresa Kasprzycka-Guttman
362 Activities of biotransformation enzymes and flubendazole metabolism in lambs (Ovis aries): effect of gender
and flubendazole therapy. Hana Bártíková, Veronika
Køížová, Martina Štìpnièková, Jiøí Lamka, Vladimír Kubíèek,
Lenka Skálová, Barbora Szotáková
374 Residual fraction of the area under the curve as
a qualitative criterion in pharmacokinetic studies.
Tomasz Grabowski, Jerzy J. Jaroszewski, Piotr Jakubowski
383 Effects of sildenafil on pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in mice and amygdala-kindled seizures in rats.
Dorota Nieoczym, Katarzyna Soca³a, Chris Rundfeldt,
Piotr WlaŸ
392 Effects of sarcosine, a glycine transporter type 1
inhibitor, in two mouse seizure models. Katarzyna
Soca³a, Dorota Nieoczym, Chris Rundfeldt, Piotr WlaŸ
398 Carbamazepine intoxication in alcohol dependent epileptic patients. Wojciech Piekoszewski, Ewa Florek,
Dorota Szpak, Lucyna Kramer, Wojciech Jawieñ
405 Early co-administration of vitamin E acetate and methylcobalamin improves thermal hyperalgesia and motor
nerve conduction velocity following sciatic nerve crush
injury in rats. Aashish S. Morani, Subhash L. Bodhankar
410 Antiplatelet effect of statins is augmented in diabetic
rabbits. Ivan Kociæ, Beata Racek-Król, Iga Wapniarska,
Izabela Rusiecka, Robert Wasilewski, Marcin Bitel
414 Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of G3 PAMAM-NH
dendrimer-modified digoxin and proscillaridin A conjugates in breast cancer cells. Katarzyna Winnicka,
Krzysztof Bielawski, Anna Bielawska
427 Abstracts of the Third Conference on PROGRESS IN
447 Note to Contributors