
Finał edycji 2010/2011
Liczba uzyskanych punktów: ........... / 43
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Instrukcja dla ucznia
Otrzymałeś/aś do rozwiązania test składający się z czterech zadań. Przeczytaj uwaŜnie polecenia
do poszczególnych zadań i zgodnie z nimi rozwiąŜ test.
Nie pisz ołówkiem!
Nie uŜywaj korektora ani gumki!
W razie pomyłki przekreśl odpowiedź i wyraźnie zaznacz tę, którą uwaŜasz za poprawną!
I W kaŜdym zdaniu zaznacz jedną prawidłową odpowiedź. (11 pkt)
1. Everyone felt …………..for my father when he lost his best friend.
a) discontent
b) sad
c) sorry
d) unhappy
2. You can’t miss the shop. It’s ………………the police station.
a) against
b) opposite
c) across
d) aside
3. Do you know that to ………………….to obey orders is a serious offence in the army?
a) disagree
b) deny
c) refuse
d) ignore
4. By the time we reached the airport, the plane …............................... .
a) is setting off
b) has already set off
c) sets off
d) had already set off
5. Could you lend us some money? We’re very ………………..of cash at the moment.
a) down
b) empty
c) short
d) scarce
6. The president ……………….her intention to retire before the next election.
a) told
b) informed
c) promised
d) announced
7. When there are small children around, it is better to hide breakable ornaments out of ………….. .
a) place
b) hold
c) hand
d) reach
8. I’m going to ………………..my trousers dry-cleaned.
a) have
b) make
c) send
d) take
9. …………………the bad weather, the football match went ahead.
a) Although
b) In spite of
c) Owing to
d) However
10. She took someone else’s coat from the cloakroom by …………………….. .
a) forgetfulness
b) error
c) mistake
d) fortune
11. My mum and I have ………………….to meet at the theatre at 7 p.m.
a) confirmed
b) combined
c) appointed
d) arranged
II Po przeczytaniu tekstu z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Wybierz
jedną z moŜliwości: a, b, c lub d. (4 pkt)
Twin outshines brother on additive-free diet
An experiment involving identical twins has provided further evidence of the effect food additives
have on children’s behaviour.
Michael and Christopher Parker, aged five, were put on separate diets to test whether additives that were
routinely added to popular children’s foods caused temper tantrums and hyperactivity.
After two weeks, Michael, who was banned from eating snacks containing additives, became calmer,
chattier and more assertive than his brother, whose diet was unchanged.
Professor Jim Stevenson, a child psychologist from Southampton University, devised tests to measure the
twin’s concentration and IQ. Before the experiment, they achieved identical scores, but a fortnight later
Michael outperformed his brother by 15 per cent.
Ian Tokelove, from the Food Commission which campaigns for safer and healthier food, called on the
Government to investigate the ‘cocktail’ of additives that are added to popular children’s foods.
/adapted from The Daily Telegraph/
1. What was the purpose of the experiment?
a) to test if children’s favourite foods are as healthy as expected
b) to test if some ingredients can influence children’s behaviour
c) to test if children’s foods contain enough healthy ingredients
d) to test why some children are more hyperactive than others
2. What is it that Michael did not become as a result of a healthier diet?
a) talkative
b) peaceful
c) creative
d) self-confident
3. The twins’ mental abilities were measured
a) when the experiment was completed.
b) with the help of routinely implemented tests.
c) because they showed little progress.
4. As a result of the experiment, the government was challenged to
a) promote a healthier diet for children.
b) persuade food producers to add fewer substances.
c) look into the problem of unhealthy substances.
d) reject the idea of making children’s diet so varied.
III Przekształć podane wyrazy tak, by po ich wstawieniu do tekstu, uzyskać poprawne i logiczne zdania.
(8 pkt)
1. The cakes looked so delicious that I found them absolutely ………………… . RESIST
2. Professor Jones works as an ………………… to the Polish government.
3. After a chain of career failures he finally …………………. as a DJ.
4. Her ..................... saved us a lot of trouble during crisis.
5. This dress is too short, we must ………………………. it.
6. He can’t be a spy. This is highly …………………….. .
7. I sometimes ……………………… if the alarm clock doesn’t wake me up.
8. Mary is Peter’s ....................... . They divorced last year.
IV. Przetłumacz podane w zdania na język angielski. (20 pkt.)
1. Kiedy byłem dzieckiem, grywałem na pianinie.
2. Jestem ciekawa, co robiłeś wczoraj o siódmej wieczorem.
3. Dwa lata temu rzuciła palenie.
4. Jeśli ją zobaczysz, poradź jej, żeby do mnie zadzwoniła.
5. Twoje włosy są o wiele za długie.
6. Jak dotąd nie pokazali tego filmu w naszym mieście.
7. Nie pijmy tej kawy. Jest za gorąca.
8. W tym tygodniu wracam do domu na piechotę.
9. Co byś zrobił na ich miejscu?
10. Matka mojego przyjaciela powiedziała mi, że jest chory.