zgłoszenie tematu pracy dyplomowej


zgłoszenie tematu pracy dyplomowej
Zgłoszenie tematu pracy dyplomowej na studiach 1-go stopnia (inżynierskiej)
w roku akademickim 2014/2015 (semestr dyplomowy – zimowy 2015/206)
Kierunek studiów: Fizyka Techniczna
Temat: Implementation of straight track fit with multiple scattering in TAPI Analysis Framework
for CMOS sensors characterization
Opiekun naukowy: Dr inż. Daniel Kikoła, [email protected], Gmach Wydz. Fizyki PW,
pok. 117b.
Kierujący pracą dyplomową pracownik Wydziału Fizyki PW:
Praca dyplomowa związana jest ze specjalnością:
..x.... Fizyka komputerowa
Opis pracy:
Beam telescope is a widely used tool in the detector development community. It
consists in a set of planes arranged perpendicularly to the beam axis, which correspond to the
average direction of particles. The crossing positions measured on telescope planes are used
to determine the track parameters through a fit.
Depending on the material thickness and the particle momenta, multiple scattering
could alter more or less significantly the particle trajectory. The PICSEL group analysis
software, TAF [1], relies on a least square fit currently ignoring the probability of deviation.
Two propositions are found in the literature [2], [3], to take into account multiple scattering in
the fit and get accurate uncertainties for the track parameters.
This project proposes to implement one of this two methods in TAF. The improvements
expected are twofold. The first one is related to the track search procedure when multiple
scattering is non negligible. The second corresponds to the ability to predict the average
telescope extrapolation precision with an analytical computation. The later point could be
cross-checked with the current existing tool in TAF predicting the telescope accuracy: a toy
Problem inżynierski z zakresu fizyki technicznej, którego rozwiązanie ma
opracować dyplomant:
1. to understand least square fit procedure with and without multiple scattering, learn
TAF usage on provided data (one set at high energy, the other at low energy),
2. implemention of the new method of straight track fit
3. validation of the results with the Monte-Carlo tool (provided in TAF).
1. This project will be implemented in cooperation with PICSEL group in Institut
Pluridisciplinaire Hubert CURIEN (IPHC) in Strasbourg.
[1] http://www.iphc.cnrs.fr/-PICSEL-.html
[2] [1] TAF short Manual, the PICSEL group, available here
[3] G.Lutz, NIM A 273 (1988) 349, doi:10.1016/0168-9002(88)90836-4
[4] P.Zarnecki, P.Niezurawski, EUDET-Report-2007-01, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0703058.

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