
The name of the course/module
Main field of study
Educational profile
(general academic, practical)
Year / term
general academic
Language of course:
Course (core, elective)
Number of points
Level of
Laboratory classes:
Form of studies
(full-time studies/part-time studies)
Full-time studies
Course status in the studies’ program (basic, directional, other)
Liczba punktów
Projects / seminars:
ECTS division (number
and %)
Technical Sciences
prof. PP dr hab. inż. arch. Piotr Marciniak
e-mail: [email protected]
Faculty of Architecture
ul. Nieszawska 11A, 61-021 Poznań
tel.: 61 665 33 05
(general academic, from a different major)
Lecturer responsible for the course:
Educational area(s)
dr inż. arch. Gabriela Klause
e-mail: [email protected]
Faculty of Architecture
ul. Nieszawska 11A, 61-021 Poznań
tel.: 61 665 33 05
Prerequisites defined in terms of knowledge, skills, social competences:
student has basic knowledge of development trends in urban planning,
student can acquire information from field specific literature, data bases and
other properly selected sources in Polish and English, can integrate the
acquired information, interpret and critically assess the said information, as
well as draw conclusions and come up with opinions supported with
satisfactory reasons,
student can carry out critical analysis of the manner of operation and assess
the existing functional solutions in the space,
student can identify a design problem and on the basis thereof, can draw up
specification of practical tasks in the scope of urban planning,
student understands the need for lifelong learning; can inspire and organize
process of learning other people,
student is aware of the importance of non-technical aspects and effects of
engineering activities, in this impact upon the environment and liability for
environment affecting decisions,
correctly identifies and solves dilemmas in the scope of different spatial
situations in the urban planning scale.
Objective of the course:
Block of lecture topics, which goal is:
 formation of ideas of preservation in Europe and Poland from the half of 18th century till present time
 learning the problems related to conservation in the past and today
 demonstrating the continuity of some problems and topicality of issues related to activities of
preservation, intervention degree in monumental matter, monuments rebuilding, reconstruction
 perception of monuments in the context of the nearest surrounding, city, natural landscape
 focusing on the problem of contemporary architecture in historical surrounding
 get the ability to preparing analyses of preservation of monumental facilities and using the archival
studies (archive of Monuments Conservator, state archives, special collections of libraries, private
archives and others)
 becomes familiar with issues of modernization and adaptation of monumental facilities
 learning the issues, contemporary tendencies and trends in designing the modernization of
monumental facilities
 improving the ability to potential identification of existing architectural and urban planning structure:
analyses of various connections , existing values and determinations in existing facility and its
surrounding such as: cultural context, existing functional problems and socio-economic aspects
learning to finding a balance between technical requirements, requirements of preservation, functional
and aesthetic requirements, which must be considered during adaptation of monumental or historical
facility for contemporary goals
obtain and improving the ability to create the usable program of facility with complex function
improving the ability to functional integration with existing facility and its surrounding,
obtain the ability to creative look at the form, function and structure of building in the spatial and
cultural context, including historical value of facility
Learning outcomes
Student has explicit, well-grounded theoretical knowledge of the issues related to
the theory of renovation of historic buildings
Student has knowledge of development trends and most important achievements
in revitalisation, designing and modernising historical buildings
Student knows basic methods, techniques, tools and materials applied in the
solutions of complex engineering tasks in the scope of modernising historical
Student can acquire information from field specific literature, data bases and
other properly selected sources in Polish and English, can integrate the acquired
information, interpret and critically assess the said information, as well as draw
conclusions and come up with opinions supported with satisfactory reasons
Student can prepare scientific elaborations in Polish and English, presenting
his/her own research results and design decisions in the field of architecture
Student can identify the existing functional and spatial resources, can evaluate
these resources and come up with respective conclusions on possible
transformations of complex, in this atypical, architectural and urban spatial tasks
Social competences:
Student is aware of the importance of non-technical aspects and effects of
engineering activities, in this impact upon the environment and liability for
environment affecting decisions
Student can respectively determine priorities for the execution of goals set by
himself/herself or by others; is fully aware of the importance of professional
The evaluation methods:
Lectures in theory of historical monuments conservation end with an exam. Two exams are planned in the
session, but second term of exam is resit exam.
Exam is in the form of descriptive and drawing test.
Summative assessment:
Grade for written exam issued on the basis of points sum obtained for individual partial questions
(knowledge and drawing skills).
Final grading scale: 2,0; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 4,5; 5,0
Positive grade for module depends on achieved by student all learning outcomes specified in the
Course contents
1. Preliminary information: topics and lectures schedule, conditions of the course credit. Goals and
assignments of monuments conservation, crucial concepts. Problem of authenticity of matter and form in
the contemporary conservation.
2. Forming the ideas of preservation in Europe and Poland since the half of 18 th century till the half of 19th
century. Interest in antiquity, romantic restoration of monuments.
3. Scientific approach to monuments restoration (half of 18th century – beginnings of the 20th century) –
purism, Viollet-le-Duc.
4. Doctrines of preservation of John Ruskin, Alois Riegl. The birth of contemporary principles of preservation.
5. History of restoration and conservation of Wawel Royal Castle (the beginnings of 19th century till the half
of 20th century).
6. Development of conservation services in Poland under partitions, the importance of “carta del restauro”
from 1909. Specifics of conservation in Wielkopolska annexed by Prussia – the role of legal regulations,
the function of provincial conservator, the importance of Polish social organisations.
7. The problem of destructions of World War I (Kalisz, Kazimierz n/ Wisłą) and forming the conservation in
Poland in the interwar period. The state of monuments in Poznań and Wielkopolska after regaining
independence, attitude to Prussian heritage.
8. Reconstruction problem of cities after World War II in Europe and Poland. First stage of post-war
reconstruction of Warsaw, Poznań, Gdańsk according to principles formulated by prof. Jan
9. Second stage of reconstruction – introduction of modernistic architecture and break the urban planning
compactness of cities on so-called Recovered Territories. Revalorization of historic cities exemplified by
10. Retroversion, the retrospective creation – development of contemporary model of reconstruction
the former urban tissue exemplified by center of Elbląg and Szczecin.
11. Legal conservation in the past and today. The importance of international and non-governmental
organisations. Content and importance of selected international documents e.g. Charte d’Athenes,
1933, The Venice Charter 1964, Megarida Card, Card of Cracow 2000, conference arrangements in
Nara1994, the importance of Docomomo.
12. Activities of preservation in the scale of facility: polonisation of monuments, the problem of historical truth,
credibility and creation of preservation – reconstruction of Poznań cathedral, Górków palace in Poznań,
Gedachtniskirche in Berlin and cathedral in Coventry in Great Britain.
13. Selected contemporary issues of preservation related to architectural and urban planning scale –
communication and historical cities centers, monuments displacement, exposure and conservation of
ruins, new architecture in historical surrounding, problem of requisites, which are imitation of objects,
architectural detail (preparations of preservation, the color of facades polychromies in interiors).
14. Technical issues in conservation of monuments - causes of monumental buildings destructions,
principles of materials selection, methods of masonry construction reinforcement, damp-proofing,
selection principles of new technologies.
Basic bibliography:
Badania i ochrona zabytków w Polsce w XX wieku, materiały konferencji naukowej,
Wydawnicza Towarzystwa Opieki nad Zabytkami, Warszawa 2000
Borusiewicz Władysław; Konserwacja zabytków budownictwa murowanego; W-wa 1985
Dettloff Paweł, Odbudowa i restauracja zabytków architektury w Polsce w latach 1918-1930. Teoria
i praktyka, Universitas, Kraków 2006
Dzieło sztuki i zabytek; Materiały z XXV sesji Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki; W-wa 1976
Frycz Jerzy; Restauracja i konserwacja zabytków w Polsce w latach 1795 – 1918; W-wa 1975
Jakimowicz Teresa (red.) Architektura i urbanistyka Poznania w XX wieku, Wydawnictwo
Miejskie, Poznań 2005
Jakimowicz Teresa; Pałac Górków w Poznaniu; Poznań 1998
Jakimowicz Teresa; Polska szkoła konserwatorska – mit i rzeczywistość; w: KAiU 1993
10. Kadłuczka Andrzej; Ochrona zabytków architektury. Zarys doktryn i teorii, T. 1, Stowarzyszenie
11. Konserwatorów Zabytków, Kraków 2000
12. Klause Gabriela; Próba nowego spojrzenia na problem odbudowy Starego Rynku w Poznaniu, w: KMP
13. Kondziela Henryk; Stare Miasto w Poznaniu. Zniszczenia-odbudowa-program dalszych prac,
Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 1971
14. Majewski Piotr; Ideologia i konserwacja. Architektura zabytkowa w Polsce w czasach
socrealizmu; Wydawnictwo Trio, 2009
15. Małachowicz Edmund; Ochrona środowiska kulturowego; Tom I, II; W-wa 1982, (wyłącznie teksty
16. Porębski Mieczysław; Rewaloryzacja w świetle historii; w: Podług nieba i zwyczaju polskiego. Studia z
historii architektury, sztuki i kultury ofiarowane Adamowi Miłobędzkiemu; W-wa 1998
17. Pruszyński Jan; Ochrona zabytków w Polsce. Geneza, organizacja, prawo; W-wa 1989
18. Rymaszewski Bohdan; Jak służy zabytkom „niebo i zwyczaj polski; w: Podług nieba i zwyczaju
polskiego. Studia z historii architektury, sztuki i kultury ofiarowane Adamowi Miłobędzkiemu; W-wa 1998
19. Skibiński Szczęsny; Polskie katedry gotyckie; Poznań 1996
20. Tomaszewski Andrzej; Na przełomie tysiącleci. Międzynarodowa sytuacja konserwacji zabytków; w:
Ochrona Zabytków 1997.
21. Zachwatowicz Jan; O polskiej szkole odbudowy i konserwacji zabytków; w: Ochrona Zabytków 1981
22. Zin Wiktor, Kalinowski K., Biegański P. (red.), Zabytki urbanistyki i architektury w Polsce. Odbudowa i
konserwacja, T. 1, w; Miasta historyczne, Arkady, Warszawa 1986
Supplementary bibliography:
1. Dutkiewicz Józef E.; Sentymentalizm, autentyzm, automatyzm; w: Ochrona Zabytków 1961
2. Lewicki Jakub; Zabytkowe Okna. Metody badań i konserwacji; w: Ochrona Zabytków 1998
3. Jarzewicz Magdalena; Ochrona zabytków w międzywojennym Poznaniu; w: Kronika Miasta Poznania
Nr.3; Poznań 1993
4. Frycz Jerzy; Uwagi o kolorystyce wnętrz gotyckich; w: Podług nieba i zwyczaju polskiego. Studia z
historii architektury, sztuki i kultury ofiarowane Adamowi Miłobędzkiemu; W-wa 1998
5. Krzyżanowski Lech; Historyzm na opak. Refleksja nad konserwacją zabytków w XX wieku; w:
Ochrona Zabytków 1990
Lubocka-Hoffmann Maria; Elbląg. Stare Miasto; Elbląg 1998
Linette Eugeniusz; O gotyckiej architekturze katedry poznańskiej; w: Podług nieba i zwyczaju
8. Studia z historii architektury, sztuki i kultury ofiarowane Adamowi Miłobędzkiemu; W-wa 1998
Słomiński Maciej; Szczecińskie Podzamcze; Szczecin 1999
The student workload
Form of activity
Overall expenditure
Classes requiring an individual contact with
Practical classes
Balance the workload of the average student
Form of activity
Number of hours
participation in lectures
participation in classes/ laboratory classes (projects)
preparation for classes/ laboratory classes
preparation to colloquium/final review
participation in consultation related to realization of learning process
preparation to the exam
attendance at exam
Overall expenditure of student:
2 ECTS credits
As part of this specified student workload:
activities that require direct participation of teachers:
2 ECTS credits
45 h

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