Klasa 5


Klasa 5
X Międzypowiatowy Konkurs
Języka Angielskiego
Żarki 2016/2017
pod patronatem
Burmistrza Miasta i Gminy Żarki
Klemensa Podlejskiego
Klasa V etap I
…................./60p.(awans od 48p)
Imię i nazwisko..........................................................................................................
Szkoła Podstawowa....................................................................................................
Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Brakuje w nim wielu wyrazów. Dopisz właściwe. Za każde poprawne
rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.
Sara wants to have a new room. Her old one is small and has dark colours
on the..................(1) . She has got a …........(2) sofa and two …...................(3)
near the sofa. The............................(4) are white and you can see the
garden from them. Her …................(5) is small and it has blue cushions on
it. She loves sleeping in it, but she wants to have …........(6) bigger bed.
Sara loves animals. ….…........(7) favourite ones are hamsters and guinea
…...........(8). She has ….........(9) an aquarium with ….............(10). She also has
got a lot of …................(11) on the walls. She loves music. Her..........................
(12) band is One Republic. In her free …...............(13) she dances hip hop
and she …......................................(14) with friends
Zapisz zdania w przeczeniu: She's happy- she isn't happy. Nie wolno popełnić żadnego błędu.
Każde poprawne rozwiązanie daje 2 punkty
1. Sara loves animals. ….......................................................................................
2. Ben and Tomy have got a big house. …............................................................
3. They are good friends. …..................................................................................
4. Ben's swimming now. …...................................................................................
5. I'm bored today. …............................................................................................
Dopisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. Jeden drobny błąd odejmuje 1 punkt. Poprawne
rozwiązanie daje 2 punkty.
1. …..........................................................................................................................?
Samatha, but people call me Sam.
2. Where.....................................................................................................................?
My room is upstairs, on the second floor.
3. Which....................................................................................................................?
Snails are slower than cats.
4. What ….................................................................................................................?
I'm doing my homework in my room.
5. …...........................................................................................................................?
Yes, she does. She rides a horse.
Wstaw przymiotniki w stopniu równym, wyższym lub najwyższym. Każda dobra odpowiedź daje 2
punkty. Nie można popełnić żadnego błędu literowego.
1. Greg is ….....................(tall) than his friend, Sam.
2. Giraffes have the...........................................(long) necks of all the living animals in the
3. Diana is a …...........................(good) friend, but Sara is ….........................(good) than her.
4. We are the…........................................(intelligent) people in the world.
5. Ben is ….........................(funny), but Sara is …..............................(funny) than him.
6. Angelina Jolie is the..............................................(beautiful) actress in Hollywood.
Dopisz liczbę mnogą do podanych rzeczowników. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1
A baby-
A child-
A wolf-
A goose-
A wife-
A mouse-
A city-
A cat-
A watch-
A woman/10p