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Past Simple cz. 2
Past Simple
Kiedy używamy Past Simple?
zakończone wydarzenia w przeszłości
I bought my car 2 days ago.
I finished my studies in 1995.
określamy kiedy coś się zdarzyło w przeszłości
I bought my car in 2007.
She got married 20 years ago.
wydarzenia następujące po sobie w przeszłości
I got up, had shower, went to work, had lunch etc.
Czasowniki regularne (ed)
nieregulane (tabela- 2 kolumna)
I worked for IBM. We worked for IBM.
You worked for IBM. You worked for IBM.
He/she/it worked for IBM. They worked for IBM.
Pytanie – słówko posiłkowe did
Did I work for IBM? Did we work for IBM?
Did you work for IBM? Did you work for IBM?
Did he/she/it work for IBM? Did they work for IBM?
Did you worked for IBM? Did you work for IBM? Did we work for IBM?
Yes, I did. No, we didn’t.
Did she work for IBM? did + not= didn’t
Yes, she did.
I didn’t work for IBM? We didn’t work for IBM?
You didn’t work for IBM? You didn’t work for IBM?
He/she/it didn’t work for IBM? They didn’t work for IBM?
regularne→ ‘ed’
nieregularne np:
read- read-read
Forma przeszła w czasownikach regularnych
work+ ed, stay+ ed
like+ d
study (y→ ie) + d = studied
stop (podwajamy spółgłoskę) + ed = stopped www.edudu.pl - filmy edukacyjne on-line
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Ściąga eksperta
prefer ( r→ rr) = preferred
answer = answered Po czym poznajemy Past Simple?
słówka charakterystyczne
• yesterday
• określenie daty- np. on 21st April
• lata, miesiące- in 2003, in November
• last night/week/month/year/winter
• two days/weeks/months ago
• during
pytania o szczegóły
who, why, where, what, which
Why did you go to Italy last year?
Where did you spend your holidays in 2007?
Indywidualista- czasownik ‘być’
‘to be’- nie potrzebuje słówek posiłkowych did i didn’t
I was ill yesterday. We were ill yesterday.
You were ill yesterday. You were ill yesterday.
He/she/it was ill yesterday. They were ill yesterday.
Pytania- inwersja
Was I ill yesterday? Were we ill yesterday?
Were you ill yesterday? Were you ill yesterday?
Was he/she/it ill yesterday? Were they ill yesterday?
Were you ill yesterday?
Yes, I was.
No, I wasn’t. was/ was not= wasn't Przeczenie was/were +not
I was not ill yesterday. We were not ill yesterday.
You were not ill yesterday. You were not ill yesterday.
He/she/it was not ill yesterday. They were not ill yesterday. was not = wasn’t
were not= weren’t
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