2014 EHF - Zadania SP klasa 5


2014 EHF - Zadania SP klasa 5
Arkusz testowy zawiera
informacje prawnie chronione
do momentu rozpoczęcia
SP 5
10 GRUDNIA 2014
Czas pracy: 45 minut
Sprawdź, czy arkusz testowy jest dopasowany do Twojej kategorii wiekowej i czy jest obustronnie zadrukowany. W każdym pytaniu
poprawna jest tylko jedna odpowiedź. Za brak odpowiedzi otrzymujesz 0 punktów. Za odpowiedź błędną otrzymujesz punkty
ujemne równe ¼ liczby punktów przewidzianych dla danego zadania. W czasie konkursu nie wolno wykorzystywać słowników,
notatek, podręczników i innych pomocy naukowych. O szczegółach i wydarzeniach konkursu czytaj na stronie www.jersz.pl
i fb.com/LowcyTalentowJersz. Wyniki konkursu będą dostępne 6 tygodni po konkursie. Spróbuj swoich sił w konkursie English Ace
i konkursie filmowym Filman oraz w pozostałych konkursach programu edukacyjnego Łowimy Talenty.
Życzymy sukcesów i zapraszamy do testu konkursowego English High Flier!
1. Listen! A baby … .
A. cry
B. is crying
C. are crying
D. cries
E. must cried
C. usually
D. now
E. every day
D. don’t read/does
E. aren’t read/does
D. Steak
E. A nut
C. were buying
D. wasn’t buy
E. bought
B. a chest of drawers
C. a wardrobe
D. a lamp
E. a pillow
B. Who / they
C. Where / his
D. Whose / these
E. Why / there
C. a nurse
D. a journalist
E. a waitress
C. British
D. American
E. English
C. How late
D. How much time
E. What time
C. my
D. your
E. their
C. On
D. At
E. Last
2. I brush my teeth … .
A. yesterday
B. always
3. We … books, but our mum … .
A. don’t reads/doesn’t B. doesn’t reads/don’t C. don’t read/don’t
4. … is NOT food.
A. A gooseberry
B. A wheel
C. Fish and chips
5. I went shopping yesterday and I … a toy train.
A. buyed
B. has buying
6. Which one is not in a bedroom?
A. a sink
7. - ……. shoes are …?
- They’re Jerry’s.
A. What / this
8. She serves dishes in a restaurant.
A. a waiter
B. a carpenter
9. Marie comes from the USA. She’s … .
B. America
10. - … is it?
- It’s half past eleven. We must hurry up!
A. Which hour
B. Which time
11. This isn’t Nataly’s crayon. It’s … .
A. his
B. her
12. … Christmas we get a lot of presents.
A. To
B. In
13. We’ve got … milk, but we haven’t got … glasses.
A. much / a
B. --- / some
C. all / much
D. some / many
E. a / any
C. the / A
D. the / The
E. a / The
C. a
D. an
E. isn’t
C. him
D. it
E. its
C. a rhino
D. a porcupine
E. a raccoon
C. go
D. went
E. did go
C. greens
D. sweets
E. cereal
D. along / take
E. in / walk
D. the least beautiful
E. less beautiful
14. I’ve got … dog. … dog’s name is Cherry.
A. a / An
B. an / The
15. Look! There … any sheep in my garden!
A. aren’t
B. is
16. Don’t touch the knife. Don’t touch … !
A. them
B. his
17. Which animal is the tallest?
A. a beaver
B. a deer
18. Who … at the cinema at the weekend?
A. was
B. were
19. Cabbage, spinach and lettuce are … .
A. lentils
B. fruit
20. Go … Madonna Street, then … the second turning on the right.
A. straight / go
B. on / turn
C. to / bend
21. Hannah is not the most beautiful girl. She’s … .
A. ugliest
B. more ugly
C. the uglier
22. A/An … is something you put around your waist to hold up your trousers.
A. leather
B. handlebar
C. belt
D. sleeve
E. pocket
C. since
D. for
E. before
C. have to
D. haven’t to
E. didn’t
C. all
D. small
E. mole
C. drink
D. prefer
E. make
C. make
D. sweep
E. iron
C. the London Eye
D. the Nile
E. the Seine
C. Loch Lomond
D. Windermere
E. Lake Bala
C. Ireland
D. Iceland
E. Germany
23. Have you ever been to London … ?
A. yet
B. never
24. It’s Tuesday. You … go to school.
A. was
B. don’t have to
25. Which word doesn’t rhyme with “ball”?
A. crawl
B. Paul
26. Do you … orange juice to tea?
A. like
B. hate
27. I never … the dishes. It’s my dad’s job.
A. do
B. eat
28. The longest river in England is …
A. Big Ben
B. the Thames
29. The most famous lake in Great Britain is … .
A. Loch Ness
B. Loch Morar
30. The Channel Tunnel links the UK with … .
A. the USA
B. France