

BLAIM ARTUR, prof. dr hab.
Zainteresowania naukowe: teoria literatury semiotyka kultury, utopia/dystopia w filmie
i literaturze, William Shakespeare.
Wykształcenie: 1997 – profesor tytularny; 1988 – habilitacja;1979 - doktorat; 1974 –
Przebieg kariery zawodowej: 2008-profesor, UG; 2006, 2004, 1998-99-visiting professor,
Rutgers University; 2000-2006 kierownik Studium Doktoranckiego, UMCS;; 1991-2000,
1980-81 dyrektor Instytutu Anglistyki, UMCS; od 1993 – 2014 - kierownik Zakładu
Literatury Angielskiej, UMCS; 1994-95-Senior Fulbright Scholar, University of Missouri, St.
Louis; 1989-90-visiting professor, Siegen University; 1983-84-visiting fellow, University of
Najważniejsze publikacje: Gazing in Useless Wonder. English Utopian Fictions 1516-1800
(2013), Aesthetic Objects and Blueprints: English Utopias of the Enlightenment (1997), The
English Robinsonade of the Eighteenth Century. SVEC, Voltaire Foundation (1990); książki
współredagowane: Literatura i komunikacja. Od listu do powieści autobiograficznej (1998),
Texts of Literature, Texts of Culture (2005), Texts in/of Texts (2007), Structure and
Uncertainty (2008), Imperfect Worlds and Dystopian Narratives in Contemporary Cinema
(2011), Spectres of Utopia. Theory, Practice, Conventions (2012); Mediated Utopias: From
Literature to Cinema (2015).
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Literary Theory, Cultural Semiotics, Utopian/Dystopian Fiction
and Cinema; William Shakespeare.
ACADEMIC TITLES AND DEGREES: 1997 - full professor; 1988 – habilitation; 1979 Ph.D.; 1974 - M.A.
1998-99-visiting professor, Rutgers University; 2000-2006 head, post-graduate studies,
UMCS; 1991-2000, 1980-81- head, Institute of English, UMCS; from 1993 – 2014, head,
Department of English Literature, UMCS; 1994-95-Senior Fulbright Scholar, University of
Missouri, St. Louis; 1989-1990-Visiting professor, Siegen University; 1983-84- Visiting
Fellow, University of London.
MAJOR PUBLICATIONS: Gazing in Useless Wonder. English Utopian Fictions 1516-1800
(2013), Aesthetic Objects and Blueprints: English Utopias of the Enlightenment (1997), The
English Robinsonade of the Eighteenth Century. SVEC, Voltaire Foundation (1990); co-edited
books: Literatura i komunikacja. Od listu do powieści autobiograficznej (1998), Texts of
Literature, Texts of Culture (2005), Texts in/of Texts (2007), Structure and Uncertainty (2008),
Imperfect Worlds and Dystopian Narratives in Contemporary Cinema (2011), Spectres of
Utopia. Theory, Practice, Conventions (2012), Mediated Utopias: From Literature to Cinema

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