Present continuous


Present continuous
Students > Steps in English Fun Zone > Steps in English Fun Zone Level 2 > Unit 3
> Present continuous - przeczenia
Present continuous - przeczenia
Wpisz brakujące słowo
1. Fiona
eating her lunch.
2. Craig and Tim
3. We
playing the guitar.
shopping for clothes.
4. I
staying with my grandma.
5. It
raining at the moment.
6. You
listening to the teacher.
Students > Steps in English Fun Zone > Steps in English Fun Zone Level 2 > Unit 3
> Present continuous - twierdzenia
Present continuous – twierdzenia
Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności
1. riding bike is outdoors. her Linda
2. using this a computer are We lesson.
3. Tilly about music. is a question asking
4. and Kim playing violins. their are Meg
5. on I 'm an old sitting chair.
6. favourite You song. my are singing
Students > Steps in English Fun Zone > Steps in English Fun Zone Level 2 > Unit 3
> Present continuous - przeczenia
Present continuous - przeczenia
Napisz zdania w present continuous.
1. We / not / feel / nervous / today.
2. Beth / not / dance / with / her / friends.
3. You / not / use / that computer.
4. I / not / play / tennis / today.
5. Neil / not / sing / in / the concert.
6. They / not / do / their / homework.