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International Arbitration Conference
Applicable Law in the International Arbitration
University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
20th November 2015
University of Silesia
the Arbitration Court at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw
the Chamber of Legal Advisers in Katowice
The conference will be concerned with the private international law issues arising
in arbitration, such as, inter alia: the law applicable to arbitration agreement, application
of substantive law in arbitral proceedings, the role of lex mercatoria in arbitration, arbitration
ex aequo et bono, the application of mandatory rules in international arbitration
and the preservation of the public policy of various competing jurisdictions, etc.
Prof. Bettina Heiderhoff (Germany)
Prof. Davor Babić (Croatia)
Mr Marnix Leijten (the Netherlands)
Prof. Vladimir Pavić (Serbia)
Dr Paolo Michele Patocchi (Switzerland)
Prof. Marek Safjan (Luxembourg) [TBC]
Prof. Monika Pauknerova (Czech Republic)
Prof. Maciej Szpunar (Luxembourg)
Mr Ernst Johansson (Germany)
Prof. Grzegorz Żmij (Poland)
Dr Maxi Scherer (United Kingdom)
Dr Maciej Zachariasiewicz (Poland)