
Review – Nicotine dependence – human and ani-
mal studies, current pharmacotherapies and future perspectives. Magdalena Zaniewska, Edmund
Przegaliñski, Ma³gorzata Filip
Review – Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxic-
Review – Tramadol as an analgesic for mild to
Review – Polymer-based non-viral gene delivery
as a concept for the treatment of cancer. Anna
Thrash, Kariharan Thiruchelvan, Manuj Ahuja, V
ishnu Suppiramaniam, Muralikrishnan Dhanasekaran
ity: the road to Parkinson’s disease.
moderate cancer pain.
Wojciech Leppert
Halama, Micha³ Kuliñski, Tadeusz Librowski,
Stanis³aw Lochyñski
1000 Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in rat medial prefrontal cortex are colocalized with calbindin- but not
parvalbumin- and calretinin-positive GABA-ergic
neurons. Krzysztof Wêdzony, Agnieszka Chocyk
1008 ERK signalling pathway is not involved in PSANCAM-dependent alterations of hippocampal
plasticity evoked by CB1 receptor activation.
Marzena Maækowiak, Dorota Dudys, Krzysztof
1017 Influences of chronic venlafaxine, olanzapine
and nicotine on the hippocampal and cortical concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF). Anna Czubak, El¿bieta Nowakowska,
Krzysztof Kus, Kinga Burda, Jana Metelska, Wanda
Baer-Dubowska, Micha³ Cichocki
1024 Role of silent polymorphisms within the dopamine
D receptor associated with schizophrenia on
D–D receptor hetero-dimerization. Katarzyna
Grymek, Sylwia Lukasiewicz, Agata Faron-Górecka,
Magdalena Tworzydlo, Agnieszka Polit, Marta
1034 Impact of postnatal dexamethasone on psychotomimetic effects of MK-801 measured on adult rats.
Krzysztof Wêdzony, Katarzyna Markowicz-Kula,
Agnieszka Chocyk Katarzyna Fija³, Aleksandra
Przyborowska, Marzena Maækowiak
1042 Effects of GABA* receptor agonists on cocaine
hyperlocomotor and sensitizing effects in rats.
Ma³gorzata Frankowska, Ewa Nowak, Ma³gorzata
1050 Effect of co-administration of fluoxetine and
amantadine on immunoendocrine parameters in
rats subjected to a forced swimming test. Zofia
Rogó¿, Marta Kubera, Katarzyna Rogó¿, Agnieszka
Basta-Kaim, Bogus³awa Budziszewska
1061 Gestational manganese intoxication and
anxiolytic-like effects of diazepam and the 5-HT)
receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT in male Wistar rats.
1078 Effect of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
antagonists on =-synuclein-evoked neuronal nitric
oxide synthase activation in the rat brain. Agata
Adamczyk, Grzegorz A. Czapski, Anna KaŸmierczak,
Joanna B. Strosznajder
1086 Peripheral antinociceptive effects of MC4 receptor
antagonists in a rat model of neuropathic pain
– a biochemical and behavioral study. Katarzyna
Starowicz, Shaaban A. Mousa, Ilona Obara,
Agnieszka Chocyk, Ryszard Przew³ocki, Krzysztof
Wêdzony, Halina Machelska, Barbara Przew³ocka
1096 Magnesium ions and opioid agonists in
vincristine-induced neuropathy Magdalena
Bujalska, Helena Makulska-Nowak, Stanis³aw W.
1105 Inhibitory effects of amantadine on the production
of pro-inflammatory cytokines by stimulated in vitro human blood. Marta Kubera, Michael Maes,
Bogus³awa Budziszewska, Agnieszka Basta-Kaim,
Monika Leœkiewicz, Beata Grygier, Zofia Rogó¿,
W³adys³aw Lasoñ
1113 Age-dependent stimulatory effect of desipramine
and fluoxetine pretreatment on metastasis formation
by B16F10 melanoma in male C57BL/6 mice. Marta
Kubera, Beata Grygier, Beatriz Arteta, Krystyna
Urbanska, Agnieszka Basta-Kaim, Boguslawa
Budziszewska, Monika Leskiewicz, Elzbieta
Kolaczkowska, Michael Maes, Marian Szczepanik,
Monika Majewska, Wladyslaw Lason
1127 m-Trifluoromethyl-diphenyl diselenide attenuates
pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in mice by inhibiting GABA uptake in cerebral cortex slices.
Marina Prigol, César A. Brüning, Benhur Godoi,
Cristina W. Nogueira, Gilson Zeni
1134 Effect of atorvastatin and fenofibric acid on adipokine release from visceral and subcutaneous
adipose tissue of patients with mixed dyslipidemia
and normolipidemic subjects. Robert Krysiak,
Krzysztof £abuzek, Bogus³aw Okopieñ
1146 Sildenafil increases the force of right atrial contractions in vitro via the NO-guanylyl cyclase pathway involving >-adrenoceptor linked mechanisms.
Sadhana Kanoo, Shripad B. Deshpande
1153 Tumor anti-initiating activity of some novel 3,4dihydropyrimidinones. Hanaa A. Tawfik, Fatma
Bassiuni, Amira M. Gamal-Eldeen, Mona A. Abo-Zeid,
Wageeh S. El-Hamouly
1163 Study of the cytotoxicity and antioxidant capacity
of N/OFQ(1–13)NH and its structural analogues.
Margarita Kirkova, Rositsa Zamfirova, Monika
Leœkiewicz, Marta Kubera, W³adys³aw Lasoñ, Simeon
Adam Kwieciñski, Przemys³aw Nowak
1069 Concomitant administration of fluoxetine and
amantadine modulates the activity of peritoneal
macrophages of rats subjected to a forced swimming test. Adam Roman, Zofia Rogó¿, Marta
Kubera, Dominika Nawrat, Irena Nalepa
1173 Potentiation of the antidepressant-like effect of desipramine or reboxetine by metyrapone in the
forced swimming test in rats. Zofia Rogó¿
Continued on the inner page
Continued from the last page
1179 Antidepressant-like effect of PRE-084, a selective I receptor agonist, in Albino Swiss and C57BL/6J mice.
1211 Antihistaminic activity of carane derivatives in isolated
guinea pig ileum. Tadeusz Librowski, Karolina Pytka,
1184 Zinc-induced adaptive changes in NMDA/glutamatergic
and serotonergic receptors. Agnieszka Cichy,
1216 Effect of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) and ticlopidine
on CYP1A2 activity and caffeine metabolism: an in vitro comparative study with human cDNA-expressed
CYP1A2 and liver microsomes. Marta Kot, W³adys³awa
Gra¿yna Skuza, Zofia Rogó¿
Magdalena Sowa-Kuæma, Beata Legutko, Lucyna
Pomierny-Chamio³o, Agata Siwek, Anna Piotrowska,
Bernadeta Szewczyk, Ewa Poleszak, Andrzej Pilc, Gabriel
1192 Effects of morphine and methadone treatments
on glutamatergic transmission in rat frontal cortex.
Bartosz Bobula, Grzegorz Hess
1198 Preoperative tramadol combined with postoperative
small-dose tramadol infusion after total abdominal hysterectomy: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial.
FuZhou Wang, XiaoFeng Shen, ShiQin Xu, YuSheng Liu
1206 Effect of peptide and nonpeptide antagonists of angiotensin II receptors on noradrenaline release in hypothalamus of rats with angiotensin II-induced increase
of water intake. Stefanka Stancheva, Liana Alova,
Miroslava Stefanova
Marcin Szaleniec
A. Daniel
Abstracts of the Neurochemical Conference 2009
1223 Oral communications
1236 Posters
1255 Note to Contributors