exam rescue - eOmnibus.pl


exam rescue - eOmnibus.pl
Konferencje metodyczne dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum
29 sierpnia (poniedziałek) godz. 11.00
Szczecin, Hotel Park, ul. Plantowa 1
10.30 - 11.00 Rejestracja uczestników
11.00 - 12.15 GIMNAZJUM
Trenerzy: Czesław Kiński i Jacek Łagun
Sesja metodyczna: No pain, no gain? Towards a perfect
Materiały konferencyjne: Nowy Egzamin Gimnazjalny 2012.
Przykładowe arkusze egzaminacyjne dla poziomu
podstawowego i rozszerzonego.
12.15 - 12.30 Przerwa
12.30 - 13.45 LICEUM
Trenerzy: Czesław Kiński i Jacek Łagun
Sesja metodyczna: Less is more … no more! Evaluating
the new oral matura
Materiały konferencyjne: Vademecum maturalne.
Kompendium wiedzy o kryteriach oceniania i zasadach
punktacji matury ustnej.
13.45 - 13.55 Losowanie nagrody specjalnej ufundowanej przez biuro
podróży ATAS – tygodniowego wyjazdu szkoleniowego
do Londynu!
ZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ na konfrencję online >>
Czesław Kiński
A graduate of the Teacher Training College in Olsztyn and the
University of Gdańsk, Czesław is now an academic teacher and a
PhD candidate at the University of Warmia and Mazury. His other
professional affiliation is the English Perfect school of languages,
where he is a teacher and Assistant Director of Studies. Czesław is
also an UCLES examiner and a regular speaker at IATEFL
conferences. With 15 years of experience in teaching all age groups
and all levels, he’s never completely satisfied with his work and
always looks for something new. His professional interests include
public speaking, group dynamics and the influence of culture on
language acquisition.
Jacek Łagun
Jacek Łagun graduated from the Teacher Training College in
Olsztyn in 1996 and acquired an MA from the University of Gdańsk
in 2000. He has been teaching for 15 years, starting from a group
of 10-year-olds, moving on a year later to teach Grammar School
students for three years. He has been teaching in English Perfect
since 1997 where he became an Assistant Director of Studies in
2007. His professional experience also includes being an UCLES
examiner since 2003 and being a lecturer and a PhD candidate at
the University of Warmia and Mazury since 2007.
No pain, no gain? Towards a perfect lesson.
In many ways, preparing for the gimnazjum exam can be compared to working out at the gym. Both are
tiresome and energy-consuming activities. Preparing for either of these, you need to adjust your
training regime to your level and target, bearing in mind that every gym-goer or student is unique. You
have to select what works and ‘unselect’ what is not very effective.
In our workshop, we would like to show you how to prepare towards the perfect workout… oops…
lesson. We will show you ways to prepare exam-focused classes that will be both effective and
engaging. So, the new saying goes “little pain, lots of gain.”
The session will be illustrated with examples from the new version of the bestselling Egzamin
Gimnazjalny. Repetytorium z testami.
Less is more … no more! Evaluating the new oral matura.
Panta rei – so Matura exam was bound to change and this is happening in front of our very eyes. It’s up
to us, teachers, to make sure that our students succeed in May 2012. Challenging as it may seem,
taking and passing oral Matura is not as difficult as some might believe.
In our session about the new oral matura exam we will demonstrate the changes, paying particular
attention to the new marking scheme. You will have a chance to evaluate sample exam transcripts in
order to see for yourself how the new criteria translate into everyday classroom practice of teaching
speaking. So if you’re looking for a lot of practical information, hands-on exam training and a bit of
fun, be there.

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