Współpraca z zagranicą w latach 2013 - 2013


Współpraca z zagranicą w latach 2013 - 2013
Raport wygenerowany z Bazy Publikacji Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej (03-08-2017 15:48:26)
Współpraca z zagranicą w latach 2013 - 2013
dla jednostki:
Katedra Urzadzeń Elektrycznych i Techniki Wysokich Napięć
Impact Factor Lista filadelfijska
Lista MNiSW
Współpraca z zagranicą Punkty Cytowania
Artykuły (23)
Analysis of mechanical effects of short-circuit forces on transformers
/ Gutten
Miroslav , Sebok Milan, Korenciak Daniel, Żukowski Paweł // POMIARY AUTOMATYKA KONTROLA 2013, nr 2, vol. 59, s. 111-115 [MNiSW: 7]
Annealing of (CoFeZr)x(CaF2)100-x nanocomposites produced by the ion-beam
sputtering in the Ar and O2 ambient / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Bondariev Vitalii,
Fedotov A.K., Fedotova J. // ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 932-934 [MNiSW:
Application of DC magnetron sputtering for creation of gas-sensitive indium oxide
thin films and their properties / Luhin Valery, Zharsky Ivan, Żukowski Paweł // ACTA PHYSICA
POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 837-839 [MNiSW: 15]
Application of HPLC for the analysis of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside in flaxseeds
/ Feskova Alena, Luhin Valery, Leontiev Viktor, Sovastei Olga, Kołtunowicz Tomasz // ACTA PHYSICA
POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 834-836 [MNiSW: 15]
Current-Voltage characteristic features of diodes irradiated with 170 MeV Xenon
Ions / Poklonski N. A., Gorbachuk N. I, Nha Vo Quang , Tarasik M. I., Shpakovski S. V., Filipenia V. A.,
Skuratov V. A., Wieck A., Kołtunowicz Tomasz // ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s.
926-928 [MNiSW: 15]
Effect of Cu Negative Ion Implantation on Physical Properties of Zn 1- x Mn x Te
Films / Pogrebnjak A.D., Shypylenko A.P., Amekura H., Takeda Y., Opanasyuk A.S., Kurbatov D.I. ,
Kolotova I.A. , Klymov O.V., Kozak Czesław // ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s.
939-942 [MNiSW: 15]
Effects of Al dopant on structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared
by sol-ge / Pogrebnjak A.D., Muhammed A.K.M., Karash E.T, JamII N.Y. , Partyka Janusz //
PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY - 2013, nr 3b, vol. 89, s. 315-317 [MNiSW: 10]
Electrochemically deposited cobalt nanoarrays in SiO2/N-Si templates produced
by swift heavy Ion-Induced modification technology / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski
Paweł, Fedotova J., Bayev V. G., Streltsov E., Baran L. V. // ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5,
vol. 123, s. 929-931 [MNiSW: 15]
Elemements automatic control of hydrodynamic systems
/ Voronin Anatoli, Ajtchanov
Bekmurza, Partyka Janusz, Aldibekova Aitkul // INFORMATYKA, AUTOMATYKA, POMIARY W
GOSPODARCE I OCHRONIE ŚRODOWISKA - 2013, nr 2, s. 35-36 [MNiSW: 3]
The elemental composition, topography and wettability of Pb 0.25 Sn 1.75 S 2 thin
films / Tashlykov I., Turavets A., Gremenok V.F., Żukowski Paweł // PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY
- 2013, nr 3b, vol. 89, s. 285-287 [MNiSW: 10]
EPR investigations of electrons and neutrons irradiated cubic boron nitride
/ Azarko
Igor, Ignatenko Oleg, Karpovich Igor, Odzhaev Vladimir, Kozlova Elena, Żukowski Paweł // ACTA
PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 923-925 [MNiSW: 15]
Formation of multilayered Ti-Hf-Si-N/NbN/Al2O3 coatings with high physical and
mechanical properties / Pogrebnjak A.D., Prozorova M. S. , Kovalyova M.G., Kolisnichenko O. V.,
Beresnev V.M., Oyoshi K., Takeda Y., Kaverina A.Sh., Shypylenko A.P., Partyka Janusz // ACTA
PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 813-815 [MNiSW: 15]
Formation of perspective composite coatings by ion-beam assisted deposition
Karwat Czesław, Kozak Czesław, Kiszczak K., Komarov F.F., Pilko V. V., Pogrebnjak A.D. // ACTA
PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 800-803 [MNiSW: 15]
Hydrogen profiling in rapidly solidified Al-Fe alloy foils
/ Tashlykova-Bushkevich Iya ,
Kozak Czesław // PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY - 2013, nr 3b, vol. 89, s. 318-320 [MNiSW: 10]
Influence of matrix type on negative capacitance effect in nanogranular composite
films FeCoZr-Insulator / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Fedotov A.K., Larkin A.V., Patryn
A., Andryevskyy B., Saad A. M., Fedotova J., Fedotova Vera V. // ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA 2013, nr 4, vol. 19, s. 37-40 [MNiSW: 15]
Influence of sputtering atmosphere on hopping conductance in granular
nanocomposite (FeCoZr)x(Al2O3)1−x films / Svito I., Fedotova Julia A., Milosavijević M.,
Żukowski Paweł, Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Saad A. M., Kierczyński Konrad, Fedotov A.K. // JOURNAL OF
ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS - 2013, vol. 615, s. 344-347 [MNiSW: 35]
The monitoring of oil distribution transformers in laboratory conditions
/ Gutten
Miroslav , Korenciak Daniel, Jurcik Jozef, Kołtunowicz Tomasz // POMIARY AUTOMATYKA KONTROLA 2013, nr 2, vol. 59, s. 116-119 [MNiSW: 7]
Morphotropic phase boundary in Bi 1-x Ca x Fe 1-x/2 Nb x/2 O 3 multiferroics
Troyanchuk I.O, Tereshko N.V, Karpinsky D.V, Fedotova Vera V., Kopcewicz M., Kozak Czesław //
PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY - 2013, nr 3b, vol. 89, s. 264-266 [MNiSW: 10]
Multicomponent (Ti-Zr-Hf-V-Nb)N nanostructure coatings fabrication, high
hardness and wear resistance / Pogrebnjak A.D., Beresnev V.M., Kolesnikov D. A., Bondar O. V.,
Takeda Y., Oyoshi K., Kaverin M.V., Sobol O.V., Krause-Rehberg R., Karwat Czesław // ACTA PHYSICA
POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, s. 816-818 [MNiSW: 15]
Negative capacitance in (FeCoZr)-(PZT) nanocomposite films
/ Kołtunowicz Tomasz,
Fedotova J., Żukowski Paweł, Saad A. M., Fedotov A.K., Kasiuk J. V., Larkin A.V. // JOURNAL OF
PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS - 2013, nr 12, vol. 46 [MNiSW: 35]
Oszacowanie zawartości wilgoci w impregnowanym olejem izolacyjnym
preszpanie na podstawie pomiarów konduktywności stałoprądowej / Żukowski Paweł,
Subocz Jan, Szrot Marek, Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Gutten Miroslav , Sebok Milan // POMIARY
AUTOMATYKA KONTROLA - 2013, nr 2, vol. 59, s. 137-141 [MNiSW: 7]
SEM investigation of chitosan nanofibers produced by nanospider technology
Prokopchuk Nikolay, Luhin V., Vishnevskii K., Shashok Zh., Żukowski Paweł, Plowucha J. // HIGH
TEMPERATURE MATERIAL PROCESSES - 2013, nr 2-3, vol. 17, s. 195-203 [MNiSW: 15]
Surface morphological properties of Mo-based thin films on glass
/ Tashlykov I.,
Turavets A., Żukowski Paweł // ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2013, nr 5, vol. 123, s. 840-842 [MNiSW:
Projekty wynalazcze (2)
Sposob polučeniâ tonkih plenok s imiedanskom indyktivnogo tipa [Patent
białoruski nr 17897] / Fedotov A.K., Żukowski Paweł, Fedotova Ûliâ Aleksandrovna , Kołtunowicz
Tomasz, Alekseevič Maksimenko Aleksej , Viktorovič Larʼkin Andrej // BIAŁORUSKI URZĄD
Sposób wytwarzania bezuzwojeniowej indukcyjności do układów scalonych [ Nr
zgłoszenia 399392] / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Fedotova J., Fedotov A.K. //
BIULETYN URZĘDU PATENTOWEGO - 2013, vol. 41, 25, s. 42-42 [MNiSW: 2]
Referaty (32)
AC hopping conductivity in nanocomposite films ferromagnetic alloy-ferroelectric
Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Kierczyński Konrad, Fedotova J., Fedotov A.A. // W: 20th
International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino,
June 30 - July 5, 2013 : [book of abstracts] - 2013
Analysis thermal processes in distribution oil transformer
/ Korenciak Daniel, Gutten
Miroslav , Sebok Milan, Kucera Matej, Żukowski Paweł // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 35-35
Automatic milk quality control system
/ Aldibekova Aitkul, Ajtchanov Bekmurza, Voronin
Anatoli, Partyka Janusz // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies
and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka
streszczeń] - 2013, s. 19-19
Automation of the process of testing pressure sensors
/ Kostyuk Dmytro, Jonas M.,
Bulatov S., Demydenko M., Kierczyński Konrad // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and
Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 130-130
Education quality management based on educational statistics with data mining
methods / Partyka Janusz, Turganbaev E.M., Uvaliyeva I.M. // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 74-74
Effect of asymetry on reliability of a distribution transformer in star-delta
configuration / Żukowski Paweł, Korenciak Daniel, Kucera Matej, Sebok Milan // W: International
Conference Diagnostika ’ 13 Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering CDEE 2013, Parkhotel
Pilsen , September 2 – 4, 2013 - 2013, s. 37-40
Effect of thermal treatment on the structure and mechanical properties of coatings
based on (Ti, Hf, Nb, Si)N / Pogrebnjak A.D., Komarov F. F., Sobol O.V., Kaverina A.Sh.,
Shypylenko A.P., Karwat Czesław // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic
Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 :
[książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 86-86
The elemental composition, topography and wettability of PbxSn1-xS thin films
Żukowski Paweł, Gremenok V.F. , Tashlykov I., Turavets A. // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 100-100
Formation and characterization of nanostructured composite coatings based of the
TiN phase / Komarov F. F., Pilko V. V., Konstantinov S.V., Burmakov A.P., Zaykov V.A., Kozak Czesław
// W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial
Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s.
Formation of accelerated particle beam in isochronous cyclotron
/ Voronin Anatoli,
Partyka Janusz, Aldibekova Aitkul // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic
Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 :
[książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 173-173
Formation, characterization and electromagnetic shielding of single-walled carbon
nanotube buckypapers / Komarov F., Żukowski Paweł, Krivosheev R.M., Munoz E., Kołtunowicz
Tomasz, Rodionova V.N., Togambaeva A.K. // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and
Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 41-41
Hopping conductance in doped layered TIGaSe2 single crystals
/ Dawood S.A.,
Mammadov Tofig G., Żukowski Paweł, Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Saad A. M., Fedotov A.K., Drozdov N.A.,
Tarasik M.A. // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their
Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] 2013, s. 30-30
Hopping electron transport in granular nanocomposite films Cux(SiO2)1-x
deposited by ion-beam sputtering / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Fedotov A.A.,
Kalinin Yury, Saad A. M., Sitnikov Alexander , Svito I. // W: 20th International Symposium on
Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino, June 30 - July 5, 2013 :
[book of abstracts] - 2013
Influence of adsorption of the different chemical nature gas particles on the
thermoelectric parameters of semiconductor indium and tin oxide thin films / Luhin
V., Zarapin Vitaly, Zharsky Ivan, Kozak Czesław // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and
Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 83-83
Influence of deposition parameters on the structure and properties of nitride
coatings (Ti, Hf, Zr, V, Nb)N of high entropy alloys before and after annealing
under 600°C / Pogrebnjak A.D., Abadias G., Bondar A.V., Yakuschenko I.V., Takeda Y.,
Krause-Rehberg R., Kolesnikov D. A., Beresnev V.M., Partyka Janusz // W: 8th International
Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET
2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 54-54
Influence of sputtering atmosphere on hopping conductance in granular
nanocomposite films (FeCoZr)x(Al2O3)1-x / Svito I., Fedotova J., Milosavijević M., Żukowski
Paweł, Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Saad A. M., Kierczyński Konrad, Fedotov A.A. // W: 20th International
Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino, June 30 July 5, 2013 : [book of abstracts] - 2013
The kinetics of the change of SnOx thin films conductivity during the
gas-adsorptive interaction / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Luhin V., Zarapin Vitaly, Zharsky Ivan // W:
8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial
Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s.
Light emitting single-crystalline silicon wafers implanted with V and III group ions
/ Greben M., Komarov F. F., Vlasukova L., Milchanin O., Zuk J., Mudryj A., Karwat Czesław // W: 8th
International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial
Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s.
Low-temperature DC carrier transport in (Co0.45Fe0.45Zr0.10)x(Al203)1-x
nanocomposites sputtered in mixed argon-oxygen atmosphere / Svito I., Fedotov A.K.,
Saad A. M., Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Bury P. // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 117-117
Low-temperature DC carrier transport in (Co0.45Fe0.45Zr0.10)x(Al203)1-x
nanocomposites sputtered in pure Ar gas atmosphere / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski
Paweł, Fedotov A.K., Saad A. M., Svito I. // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and
Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 112-112
Magnetoresistive effect in Zinc Oxide implanted by cobalt ions
/ Kharchenko A.A,
Gumarov A., Shvarkov S., Bumai Yuri, Lukashevich M.G., Nuzhdin V. , Khaibullin R.I., Bazarov V., Valeev
V.F., Odzhaev Vladimir, Partyka Janusz // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and
Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 92-92
Microstructural evolution during annealing of rapidly solidified Al-Ge alloys
/ Kozak
Czesław, Shepelevich V.G., Tashlykova-Bushkevich Iya // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 124-124
Morphology of nanostructured materials: AFM study and data processing
/ Zlenko V.,
Demydenko M., Protsenko Serhiy, Bondariev Vitalii // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical
and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 131-131
Negative capacitance of nanocomposites containing CoFeZr nanoparticles
embedded into ferroelectric PZT matrix / Fedotova J., Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł,
Saad A. M., Fedotov A.K., Kasiuk J. V., Larkin A.V. // W: 8th International Conference "New Electrical
and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June
18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 115-115
Nondestructive diagnostics of electrical systems and equipments
/ Sebok Milan, Gutten
Miroslav , Kucera Matej, Korenciak Daniel, Kołtunowicz Tomasz // W: 8th International Conference
"New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013,
Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 36-36
Principle of offset from transient current imbalance for differential protection
Romanyuk O.N. , Loman M., Węgierek Paweł, Szrot Marek // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 55-55
Self-ion assited modification of elastomer and its properties
/ Kasperovich Andrei,
Bobrovich O., Tuljev V., Luhin V., Shashok Zh., Tashlykov I., Żukowski Paweł // W: 8th International
Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET
2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 48-48
Spin-polarized and normal hopping magnetoresistance in heavy doped silicon
Fedotov A.K., Prischepa S.L., Danilyuk A.L., Svito I., Żukowski Paweł, Kołtunowicz Tomasz // W: 8th
International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial
Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s.
Surface properties of Me/Si structures prepared by means of self-ion assisted
deposition / Tashlykov I., Żukowski Paweł, Baraishuk S.M., Mikhalkovich O.M. // W: 8th
International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial
Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s.
System automatisation for compensation and calibration of pressure smart
sensors / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Bulatov S., Demydenko M., Jonas M., Kostyuk Dmytro // W: 8th
International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial
Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s.
Thermal stability of the magnetic properties of film systems based on Fe, and Cr
Fedchenko Olena, Protsenko Serhiy, Żukowski Paweł // W: 8th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane,
Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [książka streszczeń] - 2013, s. 129-129
Tribologičeskije svojstva medi, legirovannoj atomami titana pod dejstvem
kompressionnych plazmennyh potokov / Cherenda N.N., Laskovnev A.P., Balasai A.V.,
Anischik V.M., Astashynski V. M., Kuzmitski A.M., Karwat Czesław // W: VITT-2013 (Vzaimodejstvie
Izlučenij s Tverdym Telom): Materialy 10-j Meždunarodnoj konferencji, Minsk, 24-27.09.2013 =
IRS-2013 (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Mińsk, 24-27.09.2013 - 2013, s. 226-228
Monografie (1)
Modifikaciâ ionnym oblučeniem struktury i svojstv materialov
/ Partyka Janusz,
Alonceva D. L., Denisova N., Rusakova A.V. / .- Usti-Kamenogorsk: Vostočno-Kazahstanskij
Gosudarstvennyj Tehničeskij Universitet, 2013, 151 s.
Rozdziały (1)
Analysis model of transformer by PDC method
/ Korenciak Daniel, Gutten Miroslav , Kucera
Matej, Kołtunowicz Tomasz // W: Diagnostika ’ 13 : International Conference on Diagnostics in
Electrical Engineering CDEE 2013, University of West Bohemia, 2013, s. 33-36