Author`s response to reviews Title: Differences in serum oxidative


Author`s response to reviews Title: Differences in serum oxidative
Author’s response to reviews
Title: Differences in serum oxidative status between glaucomatous and nonglaucomatous
cataract patients
Wojciech Rokicki ([email protected])
Jolanta Zalejska-Fiolka ([email protected])
Dorota Pojda-Wilczek ([email protected])
Alicja Hampel ([email protected])
Wojciech Majewski ([email protected])
Serap Ogultekin ([email protected])
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek ([email protected])
Version: 4 Date: 28 Jan 2017
Author’s response to reviews:
Response to Editor,
1. Alicja is first name, and Hampel is family name – was corrected.
2. List of abbreviations was included before the declarations section.
3. In my text editors (LibreOffice Writer and Word) I have noticed no tracked changes or

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