tomasz dietl - Instytut Fizyki PAN


tomasz dietl - Instytut Fizyki PAN
Spis publikacji/List of publications
Rozdziały w książkach oraz artykułu przeglądowe w czasopismach i encyklopediach
Chapters in books and review articles in journals or encyclopedias
T. Dietl, K. Sato, T. Fukushima, A Bonanni, M. Jamet, A. Barski, S. Kuroda, M. Tanaka, Phan
Nam Hai, H. Katayama-Yoshida, Spinodal nanodecomposition in semiconductors doped with
transition metals, Rev. Mod. Phys. 87 (2015) 1311
T. Dietl, H. Ohno Dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors: Physics and spintronic structures, Phys.
Rev. Mod. 86 (2014) 187
J. Chu, T. Dietl, W. D. Dobrowolski, M. Rusu, T. Story and D. Strauch, New Data and Updates for
several Semiconductors with Chalcopyrite Structure, for several II-VI Compounds and diluted
magnetic IV-VI Compounds, - Landolt-Börnstein, Group III, Condensed Matter, Semiconductors,
44F, (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013).
E. C. F. da Sliva, T. Dietl, W. D. Dobrowolski, J. Gutowski, B. Hönerlage, F. Matsukura, B. K.
Meyer, H. Ohno, K. Sebald, T. Story, D. Strauch, T. Voss, New Data and Updates for IV-IV, III-V,
II-VI and I-VII Compounds, their Mixed Crystals and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, - LandoltBörnstein, Group III, Condensed Matter, Semiconductors, 44D (Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2011).
T. Dietl, A ten-year perspective on dilute magnetic semiconductors and oxides, Nature Mat. 9
(2010) 965–974.
A. Bonanni and T. Dietl, A story of high-temperature ferromagnetism in semiconductors, Chem.
Soc. Rev. 39 (2010) 528–539.
J. Chu, T. Dietl, W. Dobrowolski, J. Gutowski, B. K. Meyer, K. Sebald, T. Story, T. Voss, New
Data and Updates for II-VI Compounds, - Landolt-Börnstein, Group III, Condensed Matter,
Semiconductors, 44B (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008).
T. Dietl, W. Dobrowolski, E. C. Fernandes da Sliva, B. Hönerlage, B. K. Meyer, U. Rössler, T.
Story, New Data and Updates for I-VII, III-V, III-VI and IV-VI Compounds, - Landolt-Börnstein,
Group III, Condensed Matter, Semiconductors, 44A (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008).
T. Dietl, Exchange interactions and nano-scale phase separations in magnetically doped
semiconductors, in: “Spintronics”, Semiconductors and Semimetals, vol. 82, eds. T. Dietl, D.D.
Awschalom, M. Kaminska, H. Ohno (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008)., p. 371
10. H. Ohno, T. Dietl, Spin-transfer physics and the model of ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As, J. Magn.
Magn. Mat. 320 (2008) 1293, (Current Perspectives: special issue on Spin Transfer).
11. T. Dietl, Interplay between carrier localization and magnetism in diluted magnetic and
ferromagnetic semiconductors, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) 031005, special issue on Advances in
12. T. Dietl, Diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors - theoretical aspects, The Handbook of Magnetism
and Advanced Magnetic Materials, eds. H. Kronmüller and S. Parkin, vol. 5 (J. Wiley & Sons,
2007), p. 2774-2789.
13. T. Dietl, H. Ohno, F. Matsukura, Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Heterostructures for Spintronics,
IEEE—Trans. Electronic Devices 54 (2007) 945.
14. T. Dietl, Origin of ferromagnetic response in diluted magnetic semiconductors and oxides, J.
Phys.: Condensed Matter 19 (2007) 165204, special issue on Spin Electronics.
15. T. Dietl and H. Ohno, Engineering Magnetism in Semiconductors, Materials Today 9 (11) (2006)
16. T. Dietl, Low-Temperature Properties of Materials: Charge Transport at Low Temperatures,
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005) p. 172.
17. T. Dietl, H. Fukuyama, M. Paalanen, D. Vollhardt, Low Temperature Physics at the Millennium,
in: Physics Now (International Commissions on Physics Education, 2004), IUPAP, vol. 39, p. 2746, ed. Jon Ogborn (available from
18. T. Dietl, Ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures, Europhysics News 34 (2003) 216.
19. T. Dietl, Dilute magnetic semiconductors: Functional ferromagnets, Nature Mat. 2 (2003) 646.
20. T. Dietl, H. Ohno, Ferromagnetic III-V and II-VI Semiconductors, MRS Bulletin, October 2003, p.
21. F. Matsukura, H. Ohno, T. Dietl, III-V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors, in: Handbook of Magnetic
Materials, vol.14, ed. K.H.J. Buschow (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002) p. 1-87.
22. F. Matsukura, T. Dietl, T. Omiya, N. Akiba, D. Chiba, E. Abe, H. Hashidume, K. Takamura, Y.
Ohno, T. Sakon, M. Motokawa, H. Ohno, Magnetic Properties of III-V Ferromagnetic
Semiconductors (Ga,Mn)As, in: Materials Science in Static High Magnetic Fields, eds. K.
Watanabe, M. Motokawa (Springer, Berlin, 2002) p. 169.
23. T. Dietl, Ferromagnetic Semiconductors, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17 (2002) 377.
24. T. Dietl, Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor, in: The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and
Technology (Pergamon/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001) p. 2176.
25. D. Ferrand, A. Wasiela, S. Tatarenko, J. Cibert, G. Richter, P.Grabs, G. Schmidt, L.W.
Molenkamp, T. Dietl, Applications of II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors for magnetoelectronics, Solid State Commun. 119 (2001) 237.
26. T. Dietl, (Diluted) Magnetic Semiconductor, in: Handbook on Semiconductors, Second Edition,
Volume 3B, Materials, Properties and Preparations, ed. S. Mahajan (North-Holland, Amsterdam
1994), Chap. 17, p. 1251-1342.
27. T. Dietl, Transport Properties of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, in: Diluted Magnetic
Semiconductors, ed. M. Jain (World Scientific, Singapore 1991) p. 142-184.
Artykuły na zaproszenie organizatorów konferencji, warsztatów i szkół
Invited papers at international conferences, workshops, and schools
28. M. Wegscheider, Tian Li, A. Navarro-Quezada, B Faina, A. Bonanni, W Pacuski, R Jakieła, and T
Dietl, Effects of magnetic ions on optical properties: the case of (Ga, Fe)N, 14th International
Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics, Bad-Hofgastein/Mauterndorf, Austria
Febr. 2008 (Festschrift for Guenther Bauer); J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 454222.
29. T. Dietl, Origin and control of ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors and oxides, 52nd
Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, Florida, USA, November 2007; J.
Appl. Phys. 103 (2008) 07D111.
30. T. Dietl, Diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors - Origin of magnetic ordering and spin-transport
properties, Int. J. Modern Phys. B 22 (2008) 104.
31. T. Dietl, Spin transport and spin transfer in modulated structures of (Ga,Mn)As, Proc. Joint
International Conference of the 4th International Symposium on System Construction of GlobalNetwork Oriented Information Electronics (IGNOIE-COE06 & SOIM-COE06) Sendai, Japan, Jan.
2007 (GNOIE, Tohoku U., 2007) p. 176.
32. P. Sankowski, R. Oszwałdowski, P. Kacman, J. A. Majewski, and T. Dietl, Coherent spin transport
in magnetization modulated semiconductor heterostructures, XXX Theoretical School on Electron
correlation in Nano- and Macrosystems, Ustroń, Poland, Sept. 2006, phys. stat. sol. (b) 244 (2007)
33. T. Dietl, High temperature ferromagnetism and nanoscale phase separations in diluted magnetic
semiconductors and oxides, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 2006, Acta Phys. Polon.
A 111 (2007) 27.
34. D. Chiba, M. Yamanouchi, F. Matsukura, T. Dietl and H. Ohno, Domain wall resistance in
perpendicularly magnetized (Ga,Mn)As, International Magnetism Conference, Kyoto, Japan,
August, 2006; J. Magn. Magn. Materials 310 (2007) 2078.
35. P. Sankowski, P. Kacman, J. A. Majewski, and T. Dietl, Vertical spin transport in semiconductor
heterostructures, XVI Ural International Winter School on the Physics of Semiconductors,
Ekaterinburg-Kyshtym, February 27 - March 4, 2006; Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 33 (2007) 187.
36. T. Dietl, Semiconductor Spintronics, Proc. 43rd Winter School in Schladming, Austria, Febr. 2005
Modern Aspects of Spin Physics – Lecture Notes, vol. 712 (Spinger, Berlin, 2007), pp. 1-46.
37. T. Dietl, Origin of ferromagnetism and nano-scale phase separations in diluted magnetic
semiconductors, 13th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics,
Mauterndorf, Austria Febr. 2006, Physica E 35 (2006) 293.
38. T. Dietl, G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, Spin filters of semiconductor nanostructures, Proc. of the 8th
International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology
- Tokyo 2005, eds. Sachio Ishioka and Kazuo Fujikawa (World Scientific, Singapore, 2006), p.
39. T. Dietl, Spintronics in nitrides, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Nov.
2004, MRS Proceedings, eds. C. Wetzel, B. Gil, M. Kuzuhara, M. Manfra, vol. 831, E9.1.
40. T. Dietl, Spin order manipulations in ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures, Joint
European Magnetic Symposia Dresden, Germany, September 2004, J. Magn. Magn. Materials 290291 (2005) 14 (plenary lecture).
41. T. Dietl, Spintronics and ferromagnetism in wide band-gap semiconductors, 27th International
Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, July 2004, ed. J. Mendez
(AIP Proceedings), p. 56 (plenary lecture).
42. T. Dietl, Magnetic anisotropy and domain structure in carrier-controlled ferromagnetic
semiconductors, 1st International Symposium on Nanospintronics Realisation and Design, Kyoto,
Japan, May 2004, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16 (2004) S5471.
43. J. Jaroszynski, T. Andrearczyk, G. Karczewski, J. Wróbel, T. Wojtowicz, E. Papis, E. Kaminska,
A. Piotrowska, D. Popovic, T. Dietl, Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in II-VI based alloys, 11th
International Conference on II-VI Semiconductors, 2003, Niagara Falls, USA; Physica Status
Solidi (b) 241 (2004) 712.
44. T. Dietl, Spin order manipulations in nanostructures of II-VI ferromagnetic semiconductors,
International Conference on Magnetism 2003, Rome, Italy, J. Magn. Magn. Materials 272276(2004)1969.
45. J. Jaroszyński, T. Andrearczyk, G. Karczewski, J. Wróbel, T. Wojtowicz, E. Papis, E. Kamińska,
A. Piotrowska, D. Popovic, and T. Dietl, Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in Magnetically Doped
Quantum Wells,15th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional
Systems, Nara, Japan, 2003, Physica E 22 (2004) 76.
46. G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, T. Dietl, E. Papis, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, A. Ratuszna, G.
Springholz, and G. Bauer, Ballistic Transport in PbTe-based Nanostructures, 11th International
Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors, Buffalo, New York, USA, 2003, Physica E 20 (2004)
47. T. Andrearczyk, J. Jaroszyński, J. Wróbel, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, E. Papis, E. Kamińska,
A. Piotrowska, D. Popović, T. Dietl, Quantum hall ferromagnet in magnetically-doped quantum
wells, XXXII Int. School of Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec 2003; Acta Phys. Pol. A 104
(2003) 93.
48. T. Dietl, Nitrides as spintronic materials, 5th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors,
Nara, Japan, 2003, phys. stat. solidi (b) 240 (2003) 263.
49. T. Dietl, III-V and II-VI Mn-based Ferromagnetic Semiconductors, Spring Meeting of Condensed
Matter Division of German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany 2003, Advances in: Solid State
Physics, ed. B. Kramer (Springer, Berlin, 2003) p. 413-426.
50. T. Dietl, Manipulation with spin ordering in ferromagnetic semiconductors, 11th Brazilian
Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2003, Brazilian J. Phys. 34 (2004) 560.
51. T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, Mn-based ferromagnetic semiconductors, Conference on Quantum Sensing:
Evolution and Revolution from Past to Future at “Photonics West”, San Jose, USA, 2003, Proc.
SPIE (2003) vol. 4999, eds. M. Razeghi and G.J. Brown, p. 19.
52. F. Matsukura, D. Chiba, Y. Ohno, T. Dietl, H. Ohno, Spin degree of freedom in ferromagnetic
semiconductors, 11th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics,
Mauterndorf, Austria 2002, Physica E 16 (2003) 104.
53. T. Dietl, F. Matsukura, H. Ohno, J. Cibert, and D. Ferrand, Hall effect and magnetoresistance in ptype ferromagnetic semiconductors, NATO Advanced Workshop, Les Houches, France, 2002, in:
Recent Trends in Theory of Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields (Kluwer, Dordrecht,
2003) p. 197.
54. T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, Le Van Khoi, J. Jaroszyński, P. Kossacki, J. Cibert, D. Ferrand, S. Tatarenko,
A. Wasiela, Ferromagnetism in II-VI Compounds; 10th International Conference on II-VI
Compounds, Bremen 2001, phys. stat. sol. (b) 229 (2002) 665.
55. J. Cibert, D. Ferrand, H. Boukari, S. Tatarenko, A. Wasiela , P. Kossacki and T. Dietl,
Ferromagnetism in II-VI based semiconductor structures; 10th International Conference on
Modulated Semiconductor Structures, Prague, 2001, Physica E 13 (2002) 489.
56. F. Matsukura, D. Chiba, T. Omiya, E. Abe, T. Dietl, Y. Ohno, K. Ohtani, H. Ohno, Control of
ferromagnetism in field-effect transistor of a magnetic semiconductor, 14th International
Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Prague, 2001, Physica E 12
(2002) 351.
57. P. Kossacki, A. Kudelski, J.A. Gaj, J. Cibert, S. Tatarenko, D. Ferrand, A. Wasiela, B. Deveaud
and T. Dietl, Light controlled and probed ferromagnetism of (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells, 14th
International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Physica E 12
(2002) 344.
58. J. Cibert, D. Ferrand, S. Tatarenko, A. Wasiela, P. Kossacki, and T. Dietl, Ferromagnetism in II-VI
Based Semiconductor Structures, 30th International School on Semiconducting Compounds,
Jaszowiec 2001, Acta Phys. Polon. A 100 (2001) 227.
59.  J. Jaroszyński, J. Wróbel, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, T. Dietl, E. Kamińska, E. Papis, A.
Piotrowska, D. K. Maude, P. van der Linden, J. C. Portal, Conductance Noise and Irreversibility in
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, in: Kondo Effect and Dephasing in Low-Dimensional Metallic
Systems, edited by V. Chandrasekhar, C. Van Haesendonck, and A. Zawadowski, NATO Science
Series, Volume 50 (2001) pp. 63-72 (Kluwer, 2001)
60. T. Dietl, Why ferromagnetic semiconductors? XXXVI Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Toruń 2001; Engl.
version: Acta Phys. Polon. A 100 (2001) 139, Suppl. (plenary lecture).
61. T. Dietl, Ferromagnetic interactions in doped semiconductors and their nanostructures, The 8th
Joint MMM Inter-Mag Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2001, J. Appl. Phys. 89 (2001) 7437.
62. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, Mesoscopic phenomena in diluted magnetic semiconductors, 8th NEC
Workshop - Spin-related transport, Nasu, Japan 2000, Materials Science & Engineering B 84
(2001) 81.
63. T. Dietl, Tailoring spin ordering in magnetic semiconductors, The International Conference on the
Physics and Application of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors, Sendai, Japan 2000,
Physica E 10 (2001) 120 (plenary lecture).
64. T. Dietl and H. Ohno, Ferromagnetism in III-V and II-VI semiconductor structures, 11th
International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics, Mauterndorf, Austria
2000, Physica E 9 (2001) 185.
65. T. Dietl, J. Cibert, P. Kossacki, D. Ferrand, S. Tatarenko, A. Wasiela, Y. Merle d'Aubigné, F.
Matsukura, N. Akiba, H. Ohno, Ferromagnetism induced by free carriers in p-type structures of
diluted magnetic semiconductors, 9th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor
Structures, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1999, Physica E 7 (2000) 967.
66. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl Universal conductance fluctuations and noise in mesoscopic random
magnets Quantum Physics at mesoscopic scale, Proceedings of the XXXIVth Rencontres de
Moriond Les Arcs France, 1999, eds. C. Glatti, M. Sanquer, J. Tran Thanh (Van EDP Sciences,
Les Ulis, France 2000) p. 451.
67. P. Kossacki, D. Ferrand, A. Arnoult, J. Cibert, Y. Merle d’Aubidné, A. Wasiela, S. Tateranko, J.-L.
Staehl, T. Dietl, Ordered magnetic phase in Cd1-xMnxTe/Cd1-y-zMgyZnzTe:N heterostructures:
magnetooptical studies, NATO Workshop on Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures,
edited by M.L. Sadowski, M. Potemski, and M. Grynberg (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000) p. 211.
68. T. Dietl, J. Cibert, D. Ferrand, Y. Merle d'Aubigné, Carrier-mediated ferromagnetic interactions in
structures of magnetic semiconductors, 7th NEC Workshop - Magnetic phase control, Nasu, Japan
1998, Materials Sci. Engin. B 63 (1999) 103
69. J. Cibert, P. Kossacki, A. Haury, D. Ferrand, A. Wasiela, Y. Merle d'Aubigné, A. Arnoult, S.
Tatarenko, T. Dietl, Carrier Induced Ferromagnetism in Semiconductors and Heterostructures,
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Jerusalem,
Israel (1998), ed. D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999) p. 51.
70. T. Dietl, Ferromagnetic transition in diluted magnetic semiconductors, INTAS-Ukraine Workshop
on Condensed Matter Physics, Condensed Matter Physics 2 (1999) 495.
71. T. Dietl, From magnetic polarons to ferromagnetism, XXVII Intern. School on Physics of
Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland 1998, Acta Phys. Polon. A 94 (1998) 111.
72. Y. Merle d'Aubigné, A. Arnoult, J. Cibert, T. Dietl, A.Haury, P. Kossacki, S. Tatarenko, A.
Wasiela, Ferromagnetic transition induced by a two-dimensional hole gas in a semimagnetic
quantum well, 10th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics,
Mauterndorf, Austria 1998, Physica E 3 (1998) 169.
73. T. Dietl, Effects of localized spins in mesoscopic conductors, XXI International Workshop on
Condensed Matter Theories, Luso, Portugal 1997, Condensed Matter Theories, vol. 13, eds. J. da
Providencia, F.B. Malik (Nova, 1998) p. 253.
74. T. Dietl, Confinement effects in semimagnetic semiconductors, 8th International Conference on IIVI Compounds, Grenoble, France 1997, J. Crystal Growth 184/185 (1998) 890.
75. G. Brunthaler, T. Dietl, A. Prinz, G. Stöger, M. Sawicki, J. Jaroszyński, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer,
Magnetic-Field Induced Metal to Insulator Transition in Si/SiGe Short Period Superlattices, 12th
International Conference on Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics,
Würzburg, Germany 1996, High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics II, eds. G. Landwehr,
W. Ossau (World Scientific, Singapore 1997), p. 955.
76. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, Influence of s-d Exchange interaction on Universal Conductance
Fluctuations, 12th International Conference on Application of High Magnetic Fields in
Semiconductor Physics, Würzburg, Germany 1996, High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor
Physics II, eds. G. Landwehr, W. Ossau (World Scientific, Singapore 1997), p. 497.
77. T. Dietl, At the Limit of Device Miniaturization, 32nd International Winter School in Theoretical
Physics, Karpacz, Poland 1996, >From Quantum Mechanics to Technology, eds. Z. Petrou et al.,
(Springer, Berlin 1996) Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 477, p. 75.
78. T. Dietl, Influence of Magnetic Impurities upon Universal Conductance Fluctuations, European
Conference on Magnetism, Poznan, Poland 1996, Acta Phys. Polon. A 91 (1997) 161.
79. G. Brunthaler, T. Dietl, J. Jaroszyński, M. Sawicki, G. Söger, A. Prinz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer,
Metal-Insulator Transition in Sb-doped Short Period Si/SiGe Superlattices, 9th International
Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics, Mauterndorf, Austria 1996, Semicond.
Sci. Techn. 11 (1996) 1624.
80. T. Dietl, J. Jaroszyński, J. Wróbel, M. Sawicki, E. Kamińska, T. Skośkiewicz, G. Karczewski, T.
Wojtowicz, A. Piotrowska, J. Kossut, Universal conductance fluctuations in submicron wiresof
Cd1-xMnxTe, 9th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics,
Mauterndorf, Austria 1996, Semicond. Sci. Techn. 11 (1996) 1618.
81. T. Dietl, Mesoscopic phenomena in semimagnetic semiconductors, 5th International Workshop on
Electronic Properties of Metal/Non-Metal Microsystems, Polanica, Poland 1995, SPIE
Proceedings, vol. 2780, p. 180.
82. T. Dietl, Y. Merle d'Aubigné, Excitonic Magnetic Polarons and their Formation Dynamics,
Symposium Claude Benoit a la Guillaume, Paris, France 1995, Annalles de Physique 20 (1995)
83. T. Dietl, P. Peyla, W. Grieshaber, Y. Merle d'Aubigné, Formation dynamics of magnetic polarons,
Intl. Workshop on Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Linz, Austria 1994, Materials Sci. Forum 182184 (1995) 515.
84. T. Dietl, G. Grabecki, J. Jaroszyński, Mesoscopic Phenomena in Diluted Magnetic
Semiconductors, 6th International Conference on Narrow-Gap Semiconductors, Southampton,
England 1992, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 8 (1993) S141.
85. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, Magnetic field-induced metal-insulator transition in diluted magnetic
semiconductors, 3rd International Symposium on High Field Magnetism, Amsterdam 1991,
Physica B 177 (1992) 469.
86. J. Kossut, Z. Wilamowski, T. Dietl, K. Świątek, Spatial Correlation of Impurity Charges in Doped
Semiconductors, 20th International Conference Physics of Semiconductors, Thessaloniki, Greece
1990, Proceedings, eds. E. Anastassakis, J.D. Joannopoulos (World Scientific, Singapore 1990) p.
87. T. Dietl, Transport Phenomena in Semimagnetic Semiconductors, International School on
Semimagnetic Semiconductors and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, Erice, Italy1990,
Semimagnetic Semiconductors and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, eds. M. Averous and M.
Balkanski (Plenum , London 1991) p. 161.
88. J. Kossut, Z. Wilamowski, T. Dietl, K. Świątek, Spatial Correlation of Impurity Charges Induced
by CoulombInteractions -- Application to DX Centers in GaAs, 19th International School on
Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland 1990, Acta Phys. Polon. A 79 (1991)
89. T. Dietl, Localization in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, 6th International Winterschool on New
Developments in Solid State Physics, Mauterndorf, Austria 1990, Localization and Confinement of
Electrons in Semiconductors, eds. F.Kuchar, H. Heindrich, and G. Bauer (Springer, Berlin 1990)
90. T. Dietl, Transport Properties of II--VI Semimagnetic Semiconductors, 4th International
Conference on II-VI Compounds, West Berlin 1989, J. Crystal Growth 101 (1990) 808.
91. J. Kossut, W. Dobrowolski, Z. Wilamowski, T. Dietl, K. Świątek, Correlation of Donor Electrons
in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors with Iron, 5th International Conference on Physics of Narrow
Gap Semiconductors, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA 1989, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 5 (1990) S260.
92. T. Dietl, Magneto-Transport and Metal-Insulator Transition in Hg1-xMnxTe, March Meeting of
the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, USA 1989, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37 (1989) 813.
93. T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, J. Jaroszyński, T. Wojtowicz, W. Plesiewicz, A. Lenard, Semimagnetic
Semiconductors near the Metal--Insulator Transition, 19th International Conference on the Physics
of Semiconductors, Warsaw 1988, Proceedings, ed. W. Zawadzki (IF PAN, Warszawa 1988) p.
94. T. Dietl Localization Phenomena in Semimagnetic Semiconductors, 8th General Conference of the
Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Budapest 1988, Physica Scripta T 25
(1989) 141.
95. T. Dietl, Localization and Magnetic Interactions in Semimagnetic Semiconductors at Low
Temperatures, 18th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Kyoto 1987, Japan J.
Appl. Phys. 26, Suppl. 26-3 (1987) 1907.
96. T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, T. Wojtowicz, J. Jaroszyński, W. Plesiewicz, L. Świerkowski, J. Kossut,
Interaction Effects near the Metal--Insulator Transition in Semimagnetic Semiconductors,
International Symposium on Anderson Localization, Tokyo 1987, in: Anderson Localization, ed. T.
Ando and H. Fukuyama (Springer, Berlin 1988) p. 58.
97. T. Dietl, Physics of Semiconductors below 1 K, 16th International School on Physics of
Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland 1987, Acta Phys. Polon. A 73 (1988) 793.
98. T. Dietl, Introduction to the Physics of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, 14th International School
on Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland 1985, Acta Phys. Polon. A 69
(1986) 817.
99. T. Dietl, Semimagnetic Semiconductors in High Magnetic Fields, Oji International Seminar on
High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, Hakone, Japan 1980, in: Physics in High
Magnetic Fields, eds. S. Chikazumi and N. Miura (Springer, Berlin 1981) p. 344.
Publikacje oryginalne/Original papers
100. S. D'Ambrosio, L. Chen, H. Nakayama, F. Matsukura, T. Dietl, H. Ohno, Ferromagnetic
resonance of Py deposited on ZnO grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 093001
101. N. Gonzalez Szwacki, Jacek A. Majewski, and T. Dietl, (Ga,Mn)As under pressure: A firstprinciples investigation, Phys. Rev. B 91, 184409 (2015)
102. R. Adhikari, W. Stefanowicz, B. Faina, G. Capuzzo, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, and A. Bonanni, Upper
bound for the s-d exchange integral in n-(Ga,Mn)N:Si from magnetotransport studies, Phys. Rev.
B 91, 205204 (2015)
103. T. Dietl, Spin dynamics of a confined electron interacting with magnetic or nuclear spins: A
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104. C. Simserides, J. A. Majewski, K. N. Trohidou, and T. Dietl, Theory of ferromagnetism driven by
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105. C. Śliwa, T. Dietl, Orbital magnetization in dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 90,
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106. W. Stefanowicz, R. Adhikari, T. Andrearczyk, B. Faina, M. Sawicki, J. A. Majewski, T. Dietl, and
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107. G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, M. Czapkiewicz, Ł. Cywiński, S. Gierałtowska, E. Guziewicz, M.
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108. J.-G. Rousset, J. Papierska, W. Pacuski, A. Golnik, M. Nawrocki, W. Stefanowicz, S. Stefanowicz,
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109. A. Kovács, B. Schaffer, M. S. Moreno, J. R. Jinschek, A. J. Craven, T. Dietl, A. Bonanni, and R. E.
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111. M. Sawicki, E. Guziewicz, M. I. Łukasiewicz, O. Proselkov, I. A. Kowalik, W. Lisowski, P.
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112. J. Papierska, B. S. Witkowski, A. Derkachova, K. P. Korona, J. Binder, K. Gałkowski, Ł.
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113. K. A. Kolwas, G. Grabecki, S. Trushkin, J. Wróbel, M. Aleszkiewicz, Ł. Cywiński, T. Dietl, G.
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114. T. Devillers, M. Rovezzi, N. Gonzalez Szwacki, S. Dobkowska, W. Stefanowicz, D. Sztenkiel, A.
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116. M. Birowska, C. Śliwa, J. A. Majewski, T. Dietl, Origin of Bulk Uniaxial Anisotropy in ZincBlende Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 237203 (2012)
117. M. Sawicki, T. Devillers, S. Gałęski, C. Simserides, S. Dobkowska, B. Faina, A. Grois, A.
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118. I. A. Kowalik, A. Persson, M. A. Nino, A. Navarro-Quezada, B. Faina, A. Bonanni, T. Dietl, D.
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119. O. Proselkov, D. Sztenkiel, W. Stefanowicz, M. Aleszkiewicz, J. Sadowski, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki,
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120. J. Sadowski, J. Z. Domagała, R. Mathieu, A. Kovács, T. Kasama, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, and T.
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121. A. Navarro-Quezada, N. Gonzalez Szwacki, W. Stefanowicz, Tian Li, A. Grois, T. Devillers, M.
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126. S. Gierałtowska, D. Sztenkiel, E. Guziewicz, M. Godlewski, G. Łuka, B.S. Witkowski, Ł.
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127. N. Gonzalez Szwacki, J. A. Majewski, T. Dietl, Aggregation and magnetism of Cr, Mn, and Fe
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128. A. Bonanni, M. Sawicki, T. Devillers, W. Stefanowicz, B. Faina, Tian Li, T. E. Winkler, D.
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130. G. Grabecki, K. A. Kolwas, J. Wróbel, K. Kapcia, R. Puźniak, R. Jakieła, M. Aleszkiewicz, T.
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131. A. Werpachowska and T. Dietl, Spin waves in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As, Phys. Rev. B 82 085204
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135. W. Stefanowicz, C. Śliwa, P. Aleshkevych, T. Dietl, M. Döppe, U. Wurstbauer, W. Wegscheider,
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136. D. Chiba, A. Werpachowska, M. Endo, Y. Nishitani, F. Matsukura, T. Dietl, and H. Ohno,
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139. C. Simserides, A. Lipińska, K.N. Trohidou, T. Dietl, Reducing influence of antiferromagnetic
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142. A. Lipińska, C. Simserides, K. N. Trohidou, M. Goryca, P. Kossacki, A. Majhofer, and T. Dietl,
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143. M. Rovezzi, F. D’Acapito, A. Navarro-Quezada, B. Faina, T. Li, A. Bonanni, F. Filippone, A. A.
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153. J. Jaroszyński, T. Andrearczyk, G. Karczewski, J. Wróbel, T. Wojtowicz, Dragana Popović, T.
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162. T. Andrearczyk, J. Jaroszynski, G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, T. Fukumura, and M. Kawasaki, Spinrelated Magnetoresistance of n-type ZnO:Al and Zn1-xMnxO:Al Thin Films, International
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168. K.-Y. Wang, M. Sawicki, K.W. Edmonds, R.P. Campion, A.W. Rushforth, A.A. Freeman, C.T.
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169. G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, T. Dietl, E. Janik, M. Alaszkiewicz, E. Papis, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska,
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171. T. Andrearczyk, J. Jaroszyński, G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, T. Fukumura, M. Kawasaki,
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175. K. W. Edmonds, S.V. Novikov, M. Sawicki, R.P. Campion, C.R. Staddon, A.D. Giddings, L.X.
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176. P. Van Drope, W. Van Roy, J. de Boeck, G. Borghs, P. Sankowski, P. Kacman, J. A. Majewski, T.
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181. E. M. Hankiewicz, T, Jungwirth, T. Dietl, C. Timm, and J. Sinova, ac conductivity and magnetooptical effects in the metallic (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors from the infrared to visible
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184. J. Jaroszyński, T. Andrearczyk, E.A. Stringer, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Wróbel, D.
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189. M. Zenger, J. Moser, W. Wegscheider, D. Weiss, T. Dietl, High-field magnetoresistance of
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190. H. Kępa, Le Van Khoi, C. M. Brown, T. Dietl, J. K. Furdyna, T. M. Giebultowicz, Determination
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217. J. Wróbel , T. Dietl, K. Fronc, A. Łusakowski, M. Czeczott, G. Grabecki, R. Hey, K.H. Ploog , 2D
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222. J. Jaroszyński, G. Karczewski, J. Wróbel, T. Andrearczyk, A. Strycharczuk, T. Wojtowicz, G.
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Dynowska, T. Dietl, J. Kossut Magnetic characterization of MBE grown Cd1-xMnxTe structures,
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283. A. Lenard, W. Plesiewicz, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, AC susceptometer for spin-glass dynamics
measurements, Cryogenics 34 (1994) 429.
284. P. Glód, T. Dietl, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, I. Miotkowski, Resonant donors in semiconductors: Scimpurity in CdSe and Cd1-xMnxSe, Phys. Rev. B 49 (1994) 7797(R).
285. B. A. Aronzon, N. K. Chumakov, T. Dietl, J. Wróbel, Double-dip negative magnetoresistance and
quantum effects in conductivity of compensated InSb crystals, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 105 (1994) 405
[Sov. Phys. JETP 78 216 (1994)].
286. G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, A. Lenard, T. Skośkiewicz, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska,
Mesoscopic phenomena in a dilute magnetic semiconductor Hg1-x-yCdyMnxTe, J. Crystal Growth
138 (1994) 481.
287. T. Dietl. C. Śliwa, G. Bauer, H. Pascher, Mechanisms of exchange interactions between carriers
and Mn or Eu spins in lead chalcogenides, Phys. Rev. B 49 (1994) 2230(R).
288. J. Wróbel, F. Kuchar, K. Ismail, K.Y. Lee, H. Nickel, W. Schlapp, G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, The
influence of reduced dimensionality on the spin-splitting in GaAlAs/GaAs quantum wires, Surface
Science 305 (1994) 615.
289. P. Glód, T. Dietl, T. Fromherz, H. Krenn, G. Bauer, Sc impurity in CdSe and Cd1-xMnxSe,
Materials Science Forum 143-147 (1994) 693.
290. P. Glód, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, I. Miotkowski, Temperature dependent localization in diluted
magnetic semiconductors, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, Eugene, Oregon
1993, Physica B 194-196 (1994) 995.
291. G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, A. Lenard, T Skośkiewicz, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska,
Second-harmonic generation in a spin-glass microstructure, Physica B 194-196 (1994) 1107.
292. P. Głód, T. Dietl, T. Wojtowicz, M. Sawicki, I. Miotkowski, Light-controlled transport in doped
diluted magnetic semiconductors near localization boundary, Acta Phys. Polon. A 84 (1993) 657.
293. G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, M. Cieplak, W. Plesiewicz, A. Lenard, T. Skośkiewicz, E. Kamińska, A.
Piotrowska, R. Zarecka, G. Springholz, G. Bauer, Second harmonic generation in spin-glass
microstructures and fabrication of microstructures in IV-VI epilayers, Acta Phys. Polon. A 84
(1993) 781.
294. G. Grabecki, J. Jaroszyński, A. Lenard, W. Plesiewicz, T. Skośkiewicz, T. Dietl, E. Kamińska, A.
Piotrowska, G. Springholz, G. Bauer, Quantum interference effects in microstructures of
HgCdMnTe bicrystals and PbMnTe epilayers, Proc. 21st Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors,
Beijing 1992, eds. P. Jiang and H-Z. Zheng (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993) p. 1407.
295. J. Wróbel, F. Kuchar, K.Ismail, K. Y. Lee, H. Nickel, W. Schlapp, G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, Manybody effects and absence of spin-splitting in a quasi-one dimensional electron gas, Proc. 21st Int.
Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Beijing 1992, eds. P. Jiang and H-Z. Zheng (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1993) p.1306.
296. B.A. Aronzon, N.K. Chumakov, J. Wróbel, T. Dietl, Double-dip negative magnetoresistance in
compensated InSb, Proc. 21st Int. Conf. Phys. Semicon., Beijing 1992, eds. P. Jiang and H-Z.
Zheng (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993) p. 249.
297. G. Grabecki, A. Wittlin, T. Dietl, P.A.A. Teunissen, S.A.J.Wiegers, J.A.A. Perenboom, Precision
of the Hall quantization in a naturally occurring two-dimensional system–HgCdMnTe bicrystals,
Semicond. Sci Technol. 8 (1993) S95.
298. G. Grabecki, A. Wittlin, T. Dietl, P.A.A. Teunissen, S.A.J. Wiegers, J.A.A.J. Perenboom Precision
of the Hall quantization in naturally occurring two-dimensional system--HgCdMnTe Bicrystals,
Acta Phys. Polon. A 82 (1992) 733.
299. T. Dietl, G. Bauer, s-p-d-f exchange interactions in Mn and Eu based IV-VI semimagnetic
semiconductors, Acta Phys. Polon. A 82 (1992) 729.
300. J. Blinowski, T. Dietl, P. Kacman, The ferromagnetic p-d exchange in diluted magnetic
semiconductors, Acta Phys. Polon. A 82 (1992) 641.
301. C. Benoit a la Guillaume, D. Scalbert, T. Dietl Wigner-Seitz approach to spin splitting, Phys. Rev.
B 46 (1992) 9853(R) .
302. M. Cieplak, B. Bulka, T. Dietl, Universal conductance fluctuations in spin-glasses, Phys. Rev. B
44 (1991) 12337.
303. H. Enichlmair, K. Kaltenegger, H. Krenn, T. Dietl, G. Bauer, Light-induced magnetization in Hg1xCdxTe, J. Crystal Growth 117 (1991) 844.
304. K. Fronc, G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, T. Dietl, M. Gajewska, Observation of two-dimensional electron
gas in LPE-grown GaInAs-InP heterostructures, Acta Phys. Polon. A 80 (1991) 449.
305. G. Grabecki, A. Lenard, W. Plesiewicz, J. Jaroszyński, M. Cieplak, T. Skośkiewicz, T. Dietl, E.
Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, B. Bulka, Conductance fluctuations in microstructures of HgCdMnTe
Bicrystals, Acta Phys. Polon. A 80 (1991) 307.
306. T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, E. D. Isaacs, M. Dahl, D. Heiman, M. J. Graf, S. I. Gubariev, D. L. Alov,
Spin-Flip Scattering near the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in Cd0.95Mn0.05Se:In, Phys. Rev. B
43 (1991) 3154.
307. T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, E. D. Isaacs, M. Dahl, D. Heiman, M. J. Graf, S. I. Gubariev, D. L. Alov,
Spin-Flip Scattering near the Metal--to--Insulator Transition in Cd0.95Mn0.05Se:In, Proc. 20th
Inter. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Thessaloniki 1990, eds. E. Anastakassis and J. D.
Joannopoulos (World Scientific, Singapore 1990) p. 1823
308. P. Głód, M. Sawicki, A. Lenard, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, Conductivity Near the Metal-to-Insulator
Transition in Cd1-xMnxSe:Sc, Acta Phys. Polon. A 79 (1991) 389.
309. A. Lenard, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, W. Dobrowolski, K. Dybko, T.Skośkiewicz, W. Plesiewicz, S.
Miotkowska, A.Witek, A. Mycielski, Millikelvin Studies of Mixed--Valence HgSe:Fe, J. Low.
Temp. Phys. 80 (1990) 15.
310. E. D. Isaacs, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, D. Heiman, M. Dahl, M. J. Graf, S. I. Gubariev, D. L. Alov,
Inelastic--Light--Scattering in Cd0.95Mn0.05Se:In near the Metal-to-Insulator Transition, Physica
B 165-166 (1990) 235.
311. A.Lenard, M. Arciszewska, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, W. Plesiewicz, T. Skośkiewicz, W. Dobrowolski,
K. Dybko, Absence of Resonant Scattering in Mixed Valent, Hg1-xFexSe, Physica B 165-166
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312. J. Wróbel, T. Dietl, G. Karczewski, J. Jaroszyński, W. Plesiewicz, A. Lenard, M. Dybiec, M.
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313. T. Suski, P. Wiśniewski, E. Litwin-Staszewska, J. Kossut, Z. Wilamowski, T. Dietl, K. Świątek, K.
Plog, J. Knecht, Pressure Dependence of Electron Concentration and Mobility in GaAs:Si-Effects
of on-Site and inter-Site Interactions within a System of DX Centers, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 5
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314. M. Arciszewska, A. Lenard, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, T. Skośkiewicz, W. Dobrowolski, Magnetic
Susceptibility of Hg1-xFexSe, Acta Phys. Polon. A 77 (1990) 155.
315. T. Dietl, L. Dmowski, J. Kossut, E. Litwin--Staszewska, R. Piotrzkowski, T. Suski, K. Świątek, Z.
Wilamowski, Inter--Donor Interactions--Source of Electron Mobility Increase under Pressure,
Acta Phys. Polon. A 77 (1990) 29.
316. Z. Wilamowski, K. Świątek, T. Dietl, J. Kossut, Resonant States in Semiconductors: a Quantitative
Study of HgSe:Fe, Solid State Commun. 74 (1990) 833.
317. H. Krenn, K. Kaltenegger, T. Dietl, J. Spalek, G. Bauer, Photoinduced Magnetization in Dilute
Magnetic (Semimagnetic) Semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 39 (1989) 10918.
318. P. Wiśniewski, T. Suski, G. Grabecki, P. Sobkowicz, T. Dietl, Pressure Studies of Metastable
Electron Trap in Grain Boundaries of p—HgMnTe and p—HgCdMnTe in: Polycrystalline
Semiconductors, ed. H. J. Moller et al. (Springer, Berlin 1989) p. 338.
319. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, T. Wojtowicz, W. Plesiewicz, Critical Behavior of the Hall
Coefficient and Dielectric Susceptibility near the Anderson-Mott Transition in p- Hg1-xMnxTe in:
High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics II, ed. G. Landwehr (Springer, Berlin 1989) p.
320. P. Sobkowicz, G. Grabecki, P. Wiśniewski, T. Suski, T. Dietl Potential Shape and Band Structure
near Grain Boundaries in HgMnTe and HgCdMnTe Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Physics of
Semiconductors, Warsaw 1988, ed. W. Zawadzki (IF PAN, Warszawa 1988) p. 611.
321. K. Świątek, T. Dietl, Z. Wilamowski, J. Kossut, Numerical Studies of Wigner Condensation
inHg1-xFexSe Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Warsaw 1988, ed. W. Zawadzki
(IF PAN, Warszawa 1988) p. 1571.
322. M. Sawicki, T. Dietl , Hall Effect of n—Cd0.95Mn0.05Se in the Weakly Localized Regime, Proc.
19th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Warsaw 1988, ed. W. Zawadzki (IF PAN, Warszawa
1988) p. 1217.
323. T. Wojtowicz, M. Sawicki, J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, Conductivity in a SpinPolarized Band near the Metal-Insulator Critical Point, Physica B 155 (1989) 357.
324. K. Świątek, T. Dietl, Z. Wilamowski, J. Kossut, Numerical Studies of Wigner Condensation in
Hg1-xFexSe, Acta Phys. Polon. A 75 (1989) 253.
325. A. Lenard, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, K. Dybko, W. Dobrowolski, T. Skośkiewicz, W. Plesiewicz, A.
Mycielski, Millikelvin Studies of Hg1-xFexSe, Acta Phys. Polon. A 75 (1989) 249.
326. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, T. Wojtowicz, T. Piotrowski, W. Plesiewicz Critical Behavior
of the Hall Coefficient and Dielectric Constant near the Anderson--Mott Transition in
Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Acta Phys. Polon. A 75 (1989) 245.
327. P. Sobkowicz, G. Grabecki, T. Suski, T. Dietl, On the Explanation of Subband Structure of 2D
Inversion Layers at Grain Boundary in HgCdMnTe, Acta Phys. Polon. A 75 (1989) 39.
328. T. Suski, P. Wiśniewski, L. Dmowski, G. Grabecki, T.Dietl, Novel Trap State at the Grain
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329. T. Dietl, J. Kossut, Band Offsets in HgTe/CdTe and HgSe/CdSe Heterostructures from Electron
Mobility Limited by Alloy Scattering, Phys. Rev. B. 38 (1988) 10941.
330. P. Wiśniewski, T. Suski, C. Skierbiszewski, L. Dmowski, G. Grabecki, T. Dietl Metastable,
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Polon. A 73 (1988) 443.
331. L. Świerkowski, T. Dietl, Stability of Self-Trapped Magnetic Polarons, Acta Phys. Polon. A 73
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332. M. Chmielowski, M. Gliński, W. H. Zhuang, G. B. Liang, D. Z. Sun, M. Y. Kong, W. Plesiewicz,
T. Dietl, T.Skośkiewicz, Fundamental Magnetotransport Properties of a GaAs—AlGaAs
Modulation--Doped Heterostructure, Acta Phys. Polon. A 73 (1988) 327.
333. M. Chmielowski, M. Gliński, W. H. Zhuang, G. B. Liang, D. Z. Sun, M. Y. Kong, W. Plesiewicz,
T. Dietl, T.Skośkiewicz, Fundamental High Field Transport Properties of a GaAs/AlGaAs
Modulation Doped Heterostructure, Surface Sci. 196 (1988) 299.
334. T. Wojtowicz, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, J. Jaroszyński, Magnetic Field Driven
Insulator-to-Metal Transition in Semimagnetic Semiconductors, in: High Magnetic Fields in
Semiconductor Physics, ed. G. Landwehr (Springer, Berlin 1987) p. 442.
335. G. Grabecki, T. Suski, T. Dietl, T. Skośkiewicz, M. Gliński, Quantum Hall Effect in Bicrystals of
p-Hg0.75Cd0.23Mn0.02Te, in: High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, ed. G. Landwehr
(Springer, Berlin 1987) 71, p. 127.
336. M. Chmielowski, T. Dietl, P. Sobkowicz, F. Koch Cyclotron Resonance and Spin--Splitting Studies
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Semiconductors, Stockholm 1986, ed. O. Engström (World Scientific, Singapore 1987) p. 1787.
337. M. Sawicki, T. Wojtowicz, T. Dietl, J. Jaroszyński, W. Plesiewicz, J. Igalson Influence of Magnetic
Impurities on Conductivity near Metal—Insulator Transition: n-Cd1-xMnxSe Proc. 18th Int. Conf.
Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm 1986, ed. O. Engström (World Scientific, Singapore 1987)
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338. T. Dietl, L. Świerkowski, J. Jaroszyński, M. Sawicki, T. Wojtowicz, Remarks on Localization in
Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Physica Scripta T 14 (1986) 29.
339. T. Dietl, L. Świerkowski, On the Influence of s--d Exchange Interaction on the Metal—Insulator
Transition, Acta Phys. Polon. A 71 (1987) 213.
340. T. Wojtowicz, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, W. Plesiewicz, J. Jaroszyński, Nonmetal--Metal Transition in
Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Acta Phys. Polon. A 71 (1987) 205.
341. G. Grabecki, T. Suski, T. Dietl, T. Skośkiewicz, J. Przeor, Quantum Hall Effect and
Magnetoresistance under Hydrostatic Pressure in p--HgCdMnTe Bicrystals, Acta Phys. Polon. A
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342. T. Dietl, J. Spalek, L. Świerkowski, The Theory of Bound Magnetic Polaron: A Physical
Discussion and a Comment, Phys. Rev. B 33 (1986) 7303.
343. T. Wojtowicz, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, W. Plesiewicz, J. Jaroszyński, Metal-Insulator Transition in
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344. M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, J. Kossut, J. Igalson, T. Wojtowicz, W. Plesiewicz, Influence of s-d exchange
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56 (1986) 508.
345. M. Chmielowski, T. Dietl, F. Koch, P. Sobkowicz, J. Kossut, Far Infrared Spectroscopy of the
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346. M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, T. Wojtowicz, W. Plesiewicz, Quantum Corrections to Conductivity in
Weakly Localized Regime Acta Phys. Polon. A 69 (1986) 1021.
347. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, Magnetoconductivity of n--CdSe and n-- Cd1-xMnxSe in the Vicinity of the
Metal--Nonmetal Transition, Acta Phys. Polon. A 69 (1986) 1017.
348. M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, J. Kossut, Magnetoresistance in Weakly Localized Regime: CdSe versus
CdMnSe Acta Phys. Polon. A 67 (1985) 399.
349. L. Świerkowski, T. Dietl, Fine Structure of Spin—Flip Resonance of Bound Magnetic Polarons,
Acta Phys. Polon. A 67 (1985) 395.
350. G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, P. Sobkowicz, J. Kossut, W. Zawadzki, Grain Boundaries in Hg1-kMnkTe
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351. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, Exchange splitting of acceptor states in semimagnetic-semiconductors:
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352. G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, P. Sobkowicz, J. Kossut, W. Zawadzki, Quantum Transport Studies of Grain
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353. G. Grabecki, T. Dietl, J. Kossut, W. Zawadzki, Quantum Transport in Semimagnetic HgMnTe
Inversion Layers – Experiment and Theory, Surface Science 142 (1984) 588.
354. A. Mycielski, C. Rigaux, M. Menant, T. Dietl, M. Otto,, Spin Glass Phase Transition in Hg1kMnkTe Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Solid State Commun. 50 (1984) 257.
355. A. Twardowski, T. Dietl, M. Demianiuk, The Study of the s-d Type Exchange Interaction in Zn1xMnxSe Mixed Crystals, Solid State Commun. 48 (1983) 845.
356. M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, W. Plesiewicz, P. Sękowski, L. Śniadower, M. Baj, L. Dmowski, Influence of
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Magnetic Fields in Physics of Semiconductors, Grenoble 1982, ed. G. Landwehr (Springer, Berlin
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357. T. Dietl, J. Antoszewski, L. Świerkowski, Hopping Conduction of the Bound Magnetic Polarons in
n—CdMnSe, Physica B+C 117-118 (1983) 491.
358. J. Jaroszyński, T. Dietl, M. Sawicki, E. Janik, Exchange Contribution to the Acceptor Binding
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359. T. Dietl, Optical properties of donor electrons in semimagnetic semiconductors, J. Magn. Magn.
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360. T. Dietl, J. Spałek, Effect of Thermodynamic Fluctuations of Magnetization on the Bound Magnetic
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361. T. Dietl, J. Spałek, Effect of Fluctuations of Magnetization on the Bound Magnetic Polaron:
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362. M. Dobrowolska, W. Dobrowolski, M. Otto, T. Dietl, R. R. Gałązka, The Relation Between
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(1980) 815, Suppl. A.
363. J. J. Dubowski, T. Dietl, W. Szymańska, R. R. Gałązka, Electron Scattering in CdxHg1-xTe, J.
Phys. Chem. Solids 42 (1981) 351.
364. R. R. Gałązka, T. Warmiński, J. Bąk, J. Auleytner, T. Dietl, A. S. Okhotin, R. P. Borovikova, I. A.
Zubritski, Directional Crystallization of CdHgTe in Microgravity Condition, J. Crystal Growth 53
(1981) 397.
365. I. Solomon, T. Dietl, D. Kaplan, Influence of Interface Charges on Transport Measurements in
Amorphous Silicon Films, J. de Physique 39 (1978) 1241.
366. T. Dietl, Dingle Temperature in HgSe, J. de Physique 39-C6 (1978) 1081.
367. T. Dietl, J. Dubowski, W. Szymańska, Interband Optical Phonon Scattering in CdxHg1-xTe, Proc.
14th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Edinghburg 1978, ed. B. L. H. Wilson (Institute of
Physics, Bristol 1978) p. 245.
368. R. Iwanowski, T. Dietl, The influence of disorder scattering on the longitudinal NernstEttingshausen effect in Cd0.2Hg0.8Se mixed crystals, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 11 (1978) 3239.
369. N. P. Gavaleshko, W. Dobrowolski, M. Baj, L. Dmowski, T. Dietl, V.V. Khom, Band Structure of
ZnxHg1-xSe from Shubnikov de Haas and Hydrostatic Pressure Measurements, Proc. 3rd Int.
Conf. Physics of Narrow—Gap Semiconductors, Warsaw 1977, eds. M. Górska et al. (PWN,
Warszawa 1978) p. 331
370. R. Iwanowski, T. Dietl, W. Szymańska, Electron Mobility and Electron Scattering in CdxHg1-xSe
Mixed Crystals, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39 (1978) 1059.
371. T. Dietl, W. Szymańska, Electron Scattering in HgSe, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39 (1978) 1041.
372. W. Szymańska, T. Dietl, Electron Scattering and Electron Transport Phenomena in Small Gap
Zinc—Blende Semiconductors, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39 (1978) 1025.
373. R. Iwanowski, J. Kossut, T. Dietl, Composition Dependence of Electron Mobility in CdxHg1-xSe
Mixed Crystals, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Rome 1976, ed. F. G. Fumi
(Tipografia Marves, Rome 1976) p. 447.
374. W. Dobrowolski, T. Dietl, Spin Splitting of Landau Levels and Effective g--Factors in HgSe—CdSe
Mixed Crystals, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors, Rome 1976, ed. F. G. Fumi
(Tipografia Marves, Rome 1976) p. 491.
375. T. Dietl, W. Dobrowolski, R. R. Gałązka, R. Iwanowski, Spin Split Quantum Oscillations of
Thermoelectric Power in HgSe, Solid State Commun. 20 (1976) 1133.
376. R. Iwanowski, T. Dietl, Low Temperature Electron Mobility in CdvHg1-vSe Mixed Crystals, phys.
stat. sol. (b) 75 (1976) K83.
377. A. Jędrzejczak, T. Dietl, Thermomagnetic Properties of n-Type and p-Type HgTe, phys. stat. sol.
(b) 76 (1976) 737.
378. T. Dietl, A. Jędrzejczak, Temperature Dependence of the Band Structure Parameters in HgSe from
Thermomagnetic Measurements, phys. stat. sol. (b) 71 (1975) K39.
Artykuły popularno-naukowe/Popularizing papers (in Polish)
379. Ł. Cywiński, T. Dietl, Izolatory topologiczne - niespodzianki ukryte w strukturze pasmowej
izolatorów, Postępy Fizyki 61 (2010) 134
380. T. Dietl, Spintronika. Elektronika XXI wieku, Wiedza i Życie, nr. Specjalny 2 (2010) "Sekrety
381. T. Dietl, Między teorią a praktyką, Nauka Polska, jej potrzeby, organizacja i rozwój, Rocznik Kasy
im. Józefa Mianowskiego Fundacji Popierania Nauki, Warszawa, t. XVI (XLI) (2008) 69.
382. T. Dietl, Nanotechnologie przyszłości, Komisja Zagrożeń Cywilizacyjnych PAU, Kraków, t. 7, s.
15 (2006).
383. T. Dietl, Spintronika, Encyklopedia Fizyki Współczesnej, w druku.
384. T. Dietl, Le Van Khoi, M. Sawicki, Otrzymywanie monokryształów i interpretacja wyników badań
metodą niesprężystego rozpraszania neutronów ferromagnetyzmu półprzewodników
półmagnetycznych, Działalność Naukowa PAN 17 (2004) 65.
385. J. Jaroszyński, T. Andrearczyk, G. Karczewski, J. Wróbel T. Wojtowicz, T. Dietl, Uporządkowanie
ferromagnetyczne w obszarze kwantowego zjawiska Halla w półprzewodnikach półmagnetycznych,
Działalność Naukowa PAN 15 (2003) 81.
386. T. Dietl, Dlaczego pólprzewodniki ferromagnetyczne? Postępy Fizyki 53D (2002) 14.
387. J. Wróbel, S. Maćkowski, K. Fronc, M. Czeczott, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, T. Skośkiewicz, T.
Dietl, Wykonanie nanostruktur hybrydowych z półprzewodników III-V i II-VI zawierających
mikromagnesy, Działalność Naukowa PAN 11 (2001) 90.
388. T. Dietl, J. Jaroszyński, S. Koleśnik, Doświadczalne wykrycie ferromagnetyzmu w Zn1-xMnxTe
oraz opracowanie teorii ferromagnetyzmu wywołanego przez swobodne nośniki w
półprzewodnikach półmagnetycznych grupy III-V i II-VI, Działalność Naukowa PAN 10 (2000) 79.
389. T. Dietl, O przyszłości miniaturyzacji, Delta No 10 (305) (1999) 12.
390. T. Dietl, Dokonania fizyki ciała stałego w XX wieku, Delta No 10 (305) (1999) 4.
391. T. Dietl, Nagroda Nobla z fizyki, Postępy Fizyki 50 (1999) 49.
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półprzewodnikach z wąską przerwą energetyczną, Postępy Fizyki 28 (1977) 533.
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