Contents - Societas/Communitas


Contents - Societas/Communitas
From the Editor
.............................................................................. 9
The Legacy of Leon Petra¿ycki
in Law & Society Studies ..................................... 13
Edoardo Fittipaldi
Bonae fidei possessor fructus consumptos
suos facit. Tentative Answers to One Question
Left Open by Petrazycki’s Economic
Analysis of Law ................................................... 15
Ma³gorzata Fuszara
Leon Petra¿ycki’s Theory
and Women’s Rights ............................................. 37
Jacek Kurczewski
Bronis³aw Malinowski Misunderstood
– or How Leon Petrazycki’s Concept
of Law Is Unwittingly Applied
in Anthropology of Law ...................................... 47
Aleksandra Ni¿yñska
Masoch, Ehrlich and Petra¿ycki: Literature
and Law As a Framework for Analysis
of Sado-masochistic Relations
in the XIXth Century .......................................... 63
Carol Weisbrod
Petra¿ycki According to Pound: A Note
on an American Discussion of Legal Pluralism ..... 69
Masaki Abe
Citizens’ Evaluations of Institutional
Advice Providers Used for Dealing
with Everyday Problems in Japan ........................ 81
Ma³gorzata Fuszara, Jacek Kurczewski
Disputes and Courts in Poland 25 Years Later ...... 101
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Grzegorz Makowski
Global Anticorruption Policy:
A New Better Law or Construction
of a Social Problem (Polish Case) ................... 135
Vittorio Olgiati
The Notion of Legal Pluralism:
A Theoretical Assessment .............................. 173
Piers Pigou
Truth Recovery and Accountability in
the South African Transition:
Challenges and Opportunities ........................ 199
in Progres
Jolanta Arcimowicz
Civil Service in Poland
– Regulatory Framework, Political Conflicts .... 211
Mariusz Cichomski
From “Benkiel” to “Mafia”: On the
Transformation of Local Crime Groups
Into Developed Structures: A Case Study ........ 223
Aneta Gawkowska
New Feminists and Their Vision
of Rights and Law .......................................... 239
Pawe³ Kociszewski
The Institution of the Witness
in Legal Practice in Ancient Mesopotamia ....... 249
Anna Krajewska
Mediation in Poland: The Prospects .............. 259
Beata £aciak
Children’s Rights in Polish Families
– Theory and Practice .................................... 271
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Book Reviews
Adriana Mica
Jack R. Friedman “Shame and the Experience
of Ambivalence on the Margins of the Global:
Pathologizing the Past and Present in Romania’s
Industrial Wastelands” and “Schock
and Subjectivity in the Age of Globalization.
Marginalization, Exclusion, and the Problem
of Resistance”; David A. Kidelckel, Getting by
in Postsocialist Romania: “Labor, the Body,
and Working-Class Culture” ............................... 281
Dorota Or³owska
Jacek Kurczewski (Ed.), Lokalne wzory kultury
politycznej (Local Patterns
of Political Culture) .......................................... 287
Anna Krajewska and Anna Konieczna
Jerzy Kwaœniewski & Jan Winczorek (Eds.),
Idee naukowe Adama Podgóreckiego
(Adam Podgórecki’s Scientific Ideas) ............... 293
Jacek Kurczewski
Wojciech Pawlik, Grzech. Studium
z socjologii moralnoœci (Sin. A Study
in Sociology of Morale) ..................................... 299
the Authors
........................................................................… 307
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