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pobierz/download - Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu
Application of the patch – matrix – corridor model in
restructuring of the regional system of nature conservation
in Opole voivodeship
Zastosowanie modelu patch – matrix – corridor do przebudowy
regionalnego systemu ochrony przyrody województwa opolskiego
Krzysztof Badora
Katedra Ochrony Powierzchni Ziemi, Uniwersytet Opolski,
Pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole
e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Among models used in ecological studies of landscape, the model used most often for delimitation of
spatial systems of nature protection is the patch – matrix – corridor model, described e.g. by Formann and Godron
[1986] and Forman [1995]. In Poland the model was adopted with modifications e.g. by Chmielewski [1990, 1992]
and Kozłowski [1992]. It is used to determine systems of nature protection at different spatial scales, from the national
to local level. It is used in analyses of structure and functioning of landscapes of protected areas, in particular – of
national and landscape parks. The most important modification of the patch – matrix – corridor model, proposed by
Chmielewski [1990, 1992] was identification of ecological junctions being centres of biodiversity.
The effect of adaptation of the model in research and implementation of nature protection in Poland were e.g. the concept
of Econet-Pl [Liro ed., 1995, 1998], delimitation of ecological systems of nature protection in many voivodeships, and
a number of management plans of landscape and national parks. Common use of the model in nature protection and
spatial development indicates its great importance in systematic nature conservation in Poland.
Key words: nature conservation, patch – matrix – corridor model, protected areas system
Słowa kluczowe: ochrona przyrody, model płatów, matrycy i korytarzy, system obszarów chronionych
Material and methods
Delimitation of the aimed system of protected areas in the Opole voivodship was done based on the
method proposed by Chmielewski [1992]. It was preceded by nature and landscape evaluation of the
Opole voivodeship based on combined results of evaluation of flora and vegetation cover done by Nowak
et al. [2002], of fauna by Hebda et al. [2004], and of landscape diversity by Badora and Badora [2006].
Earlier concepts of spatial system of protected areas [Dubel ed. 1973, Dubel 1974, Parki… 1984, Plan…
1991, 2002, Program… 2003] were considered in the evaluation. Based on this analysis, junctions,
patches and ecological corridors of the spatial system were pointed out. Protection of junction areas as
nature reserves and landscape parks was proposed, landscape patches and ecological corridors were
Badora K.
designated as areas of protected landscape. The basis of the delimitation of the system was to achieve
spatial connectivity of elements covered with protection.
Spatial arrangement of elements of the aimed system of protected areas in the Opole voivodeship
designed according to the patch – matrix – corridor model is presented at figure 1. In table 1 main
elements of the system are listed. It includes in total 35 existing and 20 designated nature reserves,
one existing and five designated Natura 2000 sites, three current and two designated national parks,
7 existing and 22 designated areas of protected landscape.
Fig. 1. Aimed system of protected areas of the Opole voivodeship. Source: author.
Application of the patch – matrix – corridor model...
Tab. 1. Elements of the system of protected areas of the Opole voivodeship.
Junction elements:
- nature reserves
- designated nature
- Natura 2000 sites
- designated
Natura 2000 sites
- landscape parks
- designated
landscape parks
Patchy elements:
- areas of protected
- designated areas of
protected landscape
Ecological corridors:
- designated areas of
protected landscape
Name of site covered with or designated for protection
Bażany, Biesiec, Blok, Boże Oko, Cicha Dolina, Dębina, Góra Gipsowa, Góra Św.
Anny, Grafik, Jaśkowice, Jeleni Dwór, Kamieniec, Kamień Śląski, Kokorycz, Komorno,
Krzywiczyny, Las Bukowy, Lesisko, Leśna Woda, Ligota Dolna, Lubsza, Nad Białką,
Płużnica, Prądy, Przylesie, Przyłęk, Przysiecz, Rogalice, Rozumice, Smolnik, Srebrne
Źródło, Staw Nowokuźnicki, Śmiechowice, Tęczynów, Złote Bagna
Barucice, Brzyniczka, Czapliniec, Góra Szpica, Gwarkowa Perć, Krasiejów, Ligota Dolna,
Mała Panew, Nadziejów, Nowy Dwór, Otmuchowskie Błota, Pielgrzymów, Sławniowice,
Stawy Niemodlińskie, Stawy Tułowickie, Topiel, Ujście Libawy, Wąwozy Biechowskie,
Wilczy Staw, Wilemowice
Grądy Odrzańskie
Forty Nyskie, Góra św. Anny, Góry Opawskie, Kamień Śląski, Ostoja BurgrabickoSławniowicka
Góra św. Anny, Góry Opawskie, Stobrawski
Dolina Małej Panwi, Stawy Niemodlińskie i Tułowickie
Bory Niemodlińskie, Las Głubczycki, Lasy Stobrawsko-Turawskie, Łęg Zdzieszowicki,
Otmuchowsko-Nyski, Rejon Wronin – Maciowakrze, Rejon Mokre –Lewice
Bory Kędzierzyńsko-Kozielskie, Wzniesienia Kozłowicko-Jaworzniańskie
Dolina Białej, Dolina Cielnicy, Dolina Grodkowskiej Strugi, Dolina Liswarty i Łomnicy,
Dolina Nysy Kłodzkiej, Dolina Opawicy, Dolina Osobłogi, Dolina Potoku Cisek, Dolina
Pratwy, Dolina Prosny, Dolina Prudnika, Dolina Przyleskiego Potoku, Dolina Psiny, Dolina
Starej Strugi, Dolina Straduni, Dolina Ścinawy Niemodlińskiej, Dolina Świdnej, Dolina Troi,
Dolina Widawy, Dolina Wołczyńskiej Strugi
Source: author.
The most important of new junction elements are designated nature reserves, landscape parks and
Natura 2000 sites. New patchy elements consist of two designated areas of protected landscape, and
ecological corridors include twenty further areas of protected landscape.
Typical features of the existing network of protected areas of the Opole voivodeship are: a lack of
spatial connectivity between large-scale forms of nature protection, prevalence of weakest forms of legal
protection of wildlife and landscape values – areas of protected landscape, and not representing wildlife
diversity of the region (regional landscape diversity).
The mosaic structure of natural environment of Opole voivodeship and isolation of areas of the greatest
wildlife and landscape values are the reasons why protection of ecological corridors is the greatest problem in
organising the system of nature protection. For example, spatial analyses excluded possibility of protecting
the Oder river valley, which in many studies is indicated as the main ecological corridor of the voivodeship. Also
Badora K.
a number of junction elements of the system – existing and designated nature reserves, are islands
isolated from landscape parks or areas of protected landscape.
The new system of spatial development of the nature protection, based on the patch – matrix – corridor
model, is adapted to the requirement of being representative of the regional diversity of natural landscapes.
Key elements of the system optimisation for the area of the voivodeship are: designation of 20 new nature
reserves, each of an area of 20-200 ha, enlargement of the Landscape Park of Opawa Mountains by
including the fragment of these mountains located south west of Głubczyce and the Region of MokreLewice – being currently the Area of Protected Landscape, designation of the Landscape Park of the
Mała Panew River Valley and the Landscape Park of Niemodlińskie and Tułowickie Ponds, establishment
of Natura 2000 sites, creation of areas of protected landscape in Paczkowskie Foothills and Strzelińskie
Hills region to the south and the north of the existing Otmuchowsko-Nyski Area of Protected Landscape
(can be achieved by extending its present boundaries towards the south and the north), enlargement
of the Area of Protected Landscape of Stobrawsko-Turawskie Forest by including forest areas of new
municipalities of the voivodeship, designation of the Area of Protected Landscape of Prosna River Valley,
extension of the Landscape Park of Mt. St. Anna towards the east and the north, designation of numerous
areas of protected landscape which would preserve ecological corridors, in particular covering river
valleys in the south of the region.
Proper representation of types of landscape in forms of nature protection was achieved by including
into the system areas not yet covered with protection. These areas are landscapes of Sudety Foothills,
located to the south of the Otmuchowsko-Nyski Low, within municipalities of Głuchołazy, Nysa and
Paczków, landscapes of Ziębice Upland, located in the northern part of municipalities Otmuchów, Nysa,
in the municipality Kamiennik, and in western areas of municipalities of Skoroszyce and Pakosławice,
Landscapes of Woźnicko-Wieluńska Upland within municipalities Praszka, Gorzów Śląski and Rudniki
and south-eastern part of Byczyna municipality.
The majority of areas which form the aimed system of protected areas have a character of patches. These
are islands of high wildlife values with concentrations of the most natural ecosystems in the region, which
are in majority covered with protection. New patches in the system are Kędzierzyn Forests, designated
for preservation as the area of protected landscape, and small areas of Oleski district incorporated in the
voivodeship in 1998. The new system suggests enlargement of existing patches in many places, such
as in the case of all landscape parks and a number of areas of protected landscape. For some patches
covered with areas of protected landscapes, the increase of the level of protection in the landscape
park is recommended. Good examples are new landscape parks of the Mała Panew River Valley and of
Niemodlińskie and Tułowickie Ponds designated at current Areas of Protected Landscape StobrawskoTurawskie Forests and Niemodlińskie Forests. Some parts of protected patches were assigned for the
Natura 2000 network.
The greatest changes in the spatial organisation of nature protection of the Opole voivodeship consider
ecological corridors. Until present no areas protecting ecological corridors have been established. Before
2004 Polish legislation did not provide any form of protection to preserve functions of ecological corridors.
The possibility of protecting ecological corridors in the form of areas of protected landscape, introduced
by the Act on Nature Protection, gives new possibilities of optimisation of the system. In the area of the
voivodeship 20 ecological corridors were designated for protection, including 4 of supra- regional value.
All of them cover river valleys. In the Opole voivodeship only in river valleys strips of concentration of
natural and semi-natural ecosystems occur, which can serve as corridors between other forms of nature
Application of the patch – matrix – corridor model...
1. The analysis of the network of protected areas of the Opole voivodeship with the patch – matrix
– corridor model showed that it did not meet the requirements of the system.
2. The network of protected areas is not representative of natural and landscape diversity of the
3. The most important new elements of the system of nature protection are 20 ecological corridors
designated for being covered with protection as areas of the protected landscape.
4. 20 new nature reserves and 2 landscape parks were proposed, which are crucial junction elements
of the system.
5. The main task to optimise existing forms of nature protection is to correct boundaries of existing
protected areas, in particular – enlargement of existing landscape parks and nature reserves.
6. Key areas providing spatial connectivity of elements of ecological spatial system are river valleys.
Przestrzenna sieć obszarów ochrony przyrody województwa opolskiego ukształtowała się pod koniec
lat 80. W okresie ostatnich 30 lat nie dokonano w niej istotnych zmian poza powołaniem Stobrawskiego
Parku Krajobrazowego i kilku rezerwatów przyrody. Sieć obszarów chronionych województwa nie spełnia
warunków systemowości. Brak w niej przestrzennych powiązań między obszarami chronionymi, nie jest
też reprezentatywna dla zróżnicowana walorów środowiska przyrodniczego województwa. Znaczna część
obszarów o dużych walorach nie podlega ochronie. W wyniku waloryzacji przyrodniczo-krajobrazowej
przy zastosowaniu modelu patch – matrix – corridor na terenie województwa wskazano do ochrony
w formie obszaru chronionego krajobrazu 20 głównych korytarzy ekologicznych łączących obszary
węzłowe i płatowe systemu. Wytypowano 20 rezerwatów przyrody, 2 parki krajobrazowe i 2 obszary
chronionego krajobrazu dla zachowania płatów i węzłów ekologicznych.
Badora K., Badora K., 2006: Waloryzacja krajobrazu województwa opolskiego wraz z programem czynnej
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voivodship, including the programme of active and passive protection. Msc, Opole Voivodship
Chmielewski T.J., 1990: Parki krajobrazowe w Polsce, metody delimitacji i zasady zagospodarowania
przestrzennego, SGGW, Warszawa, s. 1-228. [Landscape parks in Poland, methods of delimitation
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Chmielewski T.J., 1992: Ekologiczne podstawy projektowania parków krajobrazowych. [w:] Ryszkowski,
L., Bałazy S., (red.) Wybrane problemy ekologii krajobrazu, Poznań, s. 166-190. [Ecological basics of
designing of landscape parks. In: Selected issues of ecology of landscape].
Dubel K. (red.), 1973: Kompleksowy program ochrony środowiska w województwie opolskim. Materiały
i Studia Opolskie 16, z. 29, Opole, s. 1-188. [Comprehensive programme of nature conservation in
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Dubel K., 1974: Kształtowanie i ochrona środowiska człowieka w województwie opolskim. Materiały
i Studia Opolskie zeszyt specjalny, Opole, s. 1-119. [Shaping and protection of human environment in
the Opole voivodeship. Materials and studies of Opole, special issue, Opole, pp. 1-119].
Badora K.
Forman R.T.T., 1995: Land mosaics. The ecology of landscapes and regions. Cambridge Univeristy
Press, London, 1-632.
Forman R.T.T., Godron M., 1986: Landscape ecology. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1-619.
Hebda G., Blaik T., Kuńka A., 2003: Strategia ochrony fauny w województwie opolskim ze wskazaniem
obszarów o najwyższych walorach faunistycznych grupujących stanowiska zwierząt objętych
ochroną prawną, rzadko występujących, zagrożonych wyginięciem oraz opracowaniem propozycji
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strategy of protection of fauna in the Opole voivodeship, indicating areas of the greatest faunistic
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Kozłowski S., 1992: Ochrona krajobrazu przyrodniczego w koncepcji Wieloprzestrzennego Systemu
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Liro A. (red.), 1998: Strategia wdrażania krajowej sieci ekologicznej Econet - Polska. IUCN, Warszawa,
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Nowak A., Nowak S., Spałek K. 2002: Waloryzacja florystyczna województwa opolskiego ze wskazaniem
siedlisk gatunków roślin objętych ochroną prawną, rzadko występujących, endemicznych, podatnych
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czynnej i biernej ochrony różnorodności florystycznej. Maszynopis, Opolski Urząd Wojewódzki.
[Floristic evaluation of the Opole voivodship with indication of locations of species protected by
law, rare, endemic, vulnerable and endangered, and proposals of regional directions of active and
conservative protection of diversity of fauna. Msc, Opole Voivodeship Office].
Parki krajobrazowe i obszary chronionego krajobrazu województwa opolskiego – synteza dokumentacji
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