Europe at the time of Crisis


Europe at the time of Crisis
Europe at the time of Crisis
8 – 9 May 2009 Warsaw, Poland
May 8th (Friday)
Hotel Ibis-Centrum, Al. Solidarności 165, Warsaw
13.00 – 14.00
Participants' Registration
14.00 – 14.30
Anna RADWAN – The President of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation
Stephan RAABE – The Director of the Polish Office of The Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Michał NASTULA – The CEO of Eureko Poland
Opening Speech:
Mikołaj DOWGIELEWICZ – The Secretary of State, The Office of the Committee for
European Integration - tbc
14.30 – 16.00
Europe in the world
Is Europe, concentrated on fighting the crisis, capable of playing an important role in the
global politics? Will the crisis impede the fulfillment of a common vision in Europe’s foreign
policy? What about new instruments of EU aid policy (Eastern Partnership, EuropeAid)?
Andrzej CIESZKOWSKI – Commissioner of the Eastern Partnership to the Polish Minister
of Foreign Affairs
Anne-Catherine CLAUDE – EU Policy Officer, ActionAid International
Roland FREUDENSTEIN - Centre for European Studies, Brussels
Moderation: Łukasz LIPIŃSKI - Gazeta Wyborcza
16.00 – 16.30
16.30 – 18.00
Coffee Break
Europe between integration and desintegration?
Will the economical crisis delay institutional reforms in EU? Supposing that the Lisbon Treaty
is passed, will it provide new and better instruments to cope with the crisis at the European
Stephen EISEL - Member of the European Commision in Bundestag
Piotr NOWINA–KONOPKA - European Parliament, Director of the Directorate for
Relations with National Parliaments
Paweł ŚWIEBODA – demosEuropa, Warsaw
Moderation: Elisa WALTON – University of Wroclaw
May 9th, (Saturday)
The Royal Castle, Warsaw
9.30 – 11.00
Europe in the time of crisis.
A discussion on the twentieth anniversary of the Polish transition.
Anna RADWAN – The President of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation
Tadeusz MAZOWIECKI – Former Prime Minister of Poland, Chairman of the Founders'
Council of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation
Leszek BALCEROWICZ – economist, former Minister of Finance and former CEO of the
National Bank of Poland
Bronisław KOMOROWSKI — Speaker in the Parliament of the Republic of Poland
Moderation: Justyna POCHANKE - TVN
Piotr NOWINA–KONOPKA – Chairman of the Program Board of the Polish Robert
Schuman Foundation
12.00 – 14.00
From Plac Zamkowy to Nowy Świat
We will update the program as soon as further information is available. In the meantime, if you have any
questions, please contact Paweł Zerka ([email protected],+48 22 6212161).
Partners of the conference: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Fondation Robert
Schuman. Exclusive private partner of The Polish European Meetings: Eureko.