Certificate of Registration - Platforma Internetowa ASTOR.


Certificate of Registration - Platforma Internetowa ASTOR.
Certificate of Registration
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has assessed whether the management system at
GE Intelligent Platforms Embedded Systems, Inc.
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Huntsville, Alabama 35803
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Edinburgh, GB EH66EZ
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Raleigh, NC 27607
is suitably designed to provide reasonable assurance that the requirements of the standard noted below (the Requirements) have been
met, as of October 4, 2011.
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Standard
Management is responsible for ensuring the management system meets the Requirements. Our responsibility is limited to expressing an
opinion as to whether the Requirements were met, based on our assessment. The ISO 9001:2008 standard can be found at www.iso.org.
In our opinion, the management system was suitably designed to provide reasonable assurance that the Requirements were met, in all
material respects, as of August 6, 2011.
The design, manufacture, supply, and service of open architecture embedded computer products and systems including single board
computers, I/O devices, high speed communication interfaces, computer peripheral devices and control software.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Vancouver, Canada
Certificate No.
Date of Original Certification:
Date of Current Certification:
Date Certification Expires:
December 12, 2002
November 10, 2011
November 9, 2014
PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the Canadian firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the other firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
Our assessment was conducted in accordance with the ISO 19011:2002 management system auditing standard and, accordingly,
included examining, on a sample basis, evidence supporting management’s assertion that the Requirements were met and performing
such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We planned and performed our work in order to obtain
reasonable, rather than absolute, assurance with respect to the information examined. We believe our work provides a reasonable basis
for our opinion.