RADZYNA PODLASKI: Lubelskie [Radzyń Podlaski, Rodzin, Radzy


RADZYNA PODLASKI: Lubelskie [Radzyń Podlaski, Rodzin, Radzy
RADZYNA PODLASKI: Lubelskie [Radzyń Podlaski, Rodzin, Radzy, Radzyń, Radzin, Kozirynek]
Last Updated Sunday, 04 January 2015 00:22
Alternate names: Radzyń Podlaski [Pol], Rodzin, ‫[ ראדזין‬Yid], Radzyn', Радзынь-Подляски.
[Rus], Radzyń, Radzin, Kozirynek. 51°47' N, 22°37' E , 37 miles N of Lublin, 30 miles SSE of
Siedlce. 1900 Jewish population: 2,853.
. Yizkors:
Radzin 1939-1943
(Tel Aviv, );
Sefer Radzin
(Tel Aviv, 1957); and
Pinkas ha-kehilot; entsiklopediya shel ha-yishuvim le-min hivasdam ve-ad le-aher shoat
milhemet ha-olam ha-sheniya: Poland vol. 7: Kielce and Lublin
(Jerusalem, 1999). This town in eastern Poland about 60 km N of Lublin with 16,140 inhabitants
in 2004 in Lublin Voivodeship since 1999 and previously in Biala Podlaska Voivodeship
1975-1998 and the capital of Radzyń Podlaski powiat. Founded in 1468, the most important
landmark is the Potocki Palace. Jewish settlement in Radzyniu Podlaskim began shortly after it
has been established. In 1765, 537 Jews lived here. Radzyń has been a Chasidic center. In
1921, the 2,895 Jews were 59.7% of the population. During WWII, most of the Jews perished at
Treblinka. After the war, about 20 survivors returned and soon left. [June 2009]
- The old Jewish cemetery between Zabielską, Cichą, and Chomiczewsk had a fence with
straight, traditional matzevot. The site was abandoned and neglect. Two ohels existed before
the destruction of WWII. The site is built over. [June 2009]
- RADZYN PODLASKI (II): US Commission No. POCE000391
The Orthodox cemetery is located at ul. Zabielska, corner of ul. Chomiczewsiego. The
isolated urban area has no sign. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to
all. No fence or gate surround. No gravestones are visible. The cemetery property is now used
as a slaughterhouse. Properties adjacent are residential. The boundaries enclose a smaller
area than they did in 1939. The smaller area is a result of new roads and commercial
RADZYNA PODLASKI: Lubelskie [Radzyń Podlaski, Rodzin, Radzy, Radzyń, Radzin, Kozirynek]
Last Updated Sunday, 04 January 2015 00:22
development. The cemetery was vandalized during World War II and turned into a
Michal Witwicki, ul. Dembowskiego 12/53, 02-784 Warszawa, Tel: 6418345 completed
survey on 12/09/1991.
- In the early 20th century, the local kahal established a second cemetery on ul Lubelski
about 2 km from the city on the road
leading to Czemiernik and directly adjacent to the
municipal cemetery
. Destroyed by the Nazis during
WWII, devastation continued in communist Poland as thieves stole gravestones for paving or
discs for grinding machines. Various Jewish groups and local authorities organized to clean the
0.69 ha cemetery site
On 16 August 1995, an obelisk inscribed in Hebrew, Polish, and English and dedicated to the
victims of the Holocaust was unveiled at the cemetery. Few gravestones or fragments are
visible. Cleaned annually, in 2008 someone from the nearby villages brought a matzevah used
as a shield during WWII to the cemetery. Directions: Follow the signs from the city center
toward Parczew. Both cemeteries are located away from the buildings of the city about 300-400
meters as a crossroads of Wisznickiej Lubelskiej on the left side of the road. The ohel is that of
tzaddik Mordechaj Joseph ben Gershon Henocha Eleazar.
. [June 2009]
- US Commission No. POCE000314
- Alternate German name: Reissen. The town is located in Leszczynskie region at 51º47E
16º41N, 10 km. from Leszno; 79 km from Poznan; and 86 km. from Wroclaw. Cemetery:
Przedmiescie, Kosciuszki Street. Present population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
- Local: [Mayor] Burmistrz Wladyslawa Rosinska, ul. Konopnickiej 3, 64-100 Leszno, tel.
20-58-87. Jolanta Kanska, Urzad Miasta I Gminy Rydzyna, ul. Rynsk 1, 64-130 Rydzyna, tel.
20-24-24. 380-143.
- Regional: Ewa Piesiewicz, Panstwowy Urzad Ochrony Zabytkow w Lesznie, ul.
RADZYNA PODLASKI: Lubelskie [Radzyń Podlaski, Rodzin, Radzy, Radzyń, Radzin, Kozirynek]
Last Updated Sunday, 04 January 2015 00:22
Mickiewicza, tel. 20-63-83.
- 1921 Jewish population was 0. The unlandmarked Progressive/Reform and Conservative
cemetery was established beginning of the 19th century. The isolated rural crown of a hill has
no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no
wall, fence, or gate. The cemetery is 0.09 ha as before WWII. No stones are visible. The
cemetery contains no mass graves. The municipality owns property used for storage and waste
dumping. Adjacent property is agricultural and residential. It was vandalized prior to World War
II. No maintenance. Within the limits of the cemetery are no structures. Weather erosion and
vegetation are moderate threats. Security is a slight threat.
- Dariusz Czwojdrak, ul. Lipowa 22a/4, 67-400 Wschowa completed this survey on Nov. 7,
1991. He interviewed Jolanta Kanska, Rydayna on 6 Nov. 1991.
RADZYN PODLASKI: (I) US Commission No. POCE000390
Alternate name: Rodzin (Yiddish). Radzyn Podlaski is located in Biala-Podlaska at 51º47 22º37,
69km N of Lublina. The cemetery is located at ul. Lubelska. Present population is 5,000-25,000.
- Town: Urzad Miasta i Gminy Radzyn Podlaski, ul Warszawaska 32. Local: Urzad Miasta i
Gminy Radzyn Podlaski, ul. Warszawska 32.
- Regional: PSOZ-WKZ, ul. Brzeska 41, 21-500 Biala Podlaska.
- Interested: Urzad Ochrony i Konserwacji Zespolow Padacowo-Ogrodowych, ul.
Szwolezerow 9, 00-464 Warszawa, Tx: 817481.
The Jewish population (census) before World War II was 3500. Effecting the Orthodox Jewish
Community was Hasidic court. Tzaddik Gershou Hanoch Leiner (1839-? in Radzyni) founder of
the dynasty, lived and is buried here. The unlandmarked, suburban flat land, separate but near
other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is
open to all with no fence, gate, or wall. Fewer than 20 visible concrete (primarily fragments and
foundations only) gravestones are left in the cemetery. The cemetery contains no known mass
graves. The municipality owns property used for Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are
agricultural and Catholic cemetery. Rarely, private visitors stop. The cemetery was vandalized
during World War II. No maintenance. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem that
prevents access. Uncontrolled passage across the cemetery by local farmers is the greatest
RADZYNA PODLASKI: Lubelskie [Radzyń Podlaski, Rodzin, Radzy, Radzyń, Radzin, Kozirynek]
Last Updated Sunday, 04 January 2015 00:22
Michal Witwicki, ul. Dembowskiego 12/53, 02-784 Warszawa, Tel: 6418345. M. Witwicki and
Eleonora Bergman visited site on August 3, 1991 and completed survey on 12/09/1991.