Załącznik E11 do OPZ - messageheader-eudragmdp


Załącznik E11 do OPZ - messageheader-eudragmdp
Załącznik E11 do OPZ - messageheader-eudragmdp-1.0.xml
E11 do OPZ
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="2.0">
<!--Message header type-->
<xsd:complexType name="messageheader">
<xsd:element name="messagetype">
<xsd:documentation>This element contains
a value of the system that this file is destined for. The value is always "INSP"
when the file is sent from the Data Provider to EudraGMP. The value is
"INSP_ACKL" when EudraGMP sends a load report.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="INSP"/>
<xsd:element name="messageformatversion"
<xsd:documentation>This element contains
the version number of the file being supplied. This is currently
<xsd:element name="messageformatrelease"
<xsd:documentation>This element contains
the release number of the file being supplied. This is currently
<xsd:element name="messagenumb" type="xsd:string">
<xsd:documentation>This is a number
supplied by the data provider. This number must be unique in every file
provided. This number can be a specific sequence – e.g. 1, 2, 3
<xsd:element name="messagesenderidentifier"
<xsd:documentation>Identifier for each
NCA – e.g. for MHRA: MHRAUKGMPTEST in Test and MHRAUKGMP in production. This
will be provided by the Gateway team when the gateway configurations are
<xsd:element name="messagereceiveridentifier"
<xsd:documentation>EUDRAGMPTEST while in
testing, when the exchange of file will be in production it will be
<xsd:element name="messagedateformat" type="xsd:string">
Strona 1
Załącznik E11 do OPZ - messageheader-eudragmdp-1.0.xml
<xsd:documentation>This element contains
a value of the date format used for the element messagedate. In this case the
value is always 204</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="messagedate" type="xsd:string">
<xsd:documentation>This is the
generation date of the message. The format for this date is:yyyyMMddHHmmSS, yyyy
= 4-digit year – e.g. 2005, MM = 2-digit month – e.g. 01, dd = 2-digit day –
e.g. 02, HH = 2-digit 24-hour format – e.g. 15, mm = 2-digit minutes – e.g. 44,
SS = 2-digit seconds – e.g. 55, For example: 20050102154455</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name="messageheader" type="messageheader">
<xsd:documentation>This is EU ESTRI Gateway message
header used for routing.</xsd:documentation>
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