b-laktamazy pałeczek z rodziny Pseudomonadaceae


b-laktamazy pałeczek z rodziny Pseudomonadaceae
2000, 39, 2, 99-132
Agnieszka E. Laudy, Bohdan J. Starościak
1. Wstęp. 2. Pseudomonadaceae - czynniki etiologiczne zakażeń u ludzi. 3. Mechanizmy warunkujące
oporność na antybiotyki β-laktamowe. 4. β-laktamazy rodziny Pseudomonadaceae. 4.1. β-laktamazy
serynowe kodowane chromosomalnie. 4.1.1. β-laktamaza AmpC. 4.1.2. Inne β-1aktamazy
P. aeruginosa. 4.1.3. β-laktamazy rodzajów Burkholderia i Stenotrophomonas. 4.2. β-laktamazy
serynowe kodowane plazmidowo. 4.2.1. β-laktamazy o dominującej aktywności penicylinaz. 4.2.2. βlaktamazy o szerokim i rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym. 4.3. Metalo-β-laktamazy.
5. Podsumowanie.
β-lactamases of Pseudomonadaceae family
The clinical isolates of bacteria from Pseudomonadaceae family demonstrate
high-level resistance to various antibiotics, including β-lactams. The resistance to a wide
range of β-lactams is connected with various factors such as synthesis of β-lactamases, outer
membrane permeability, the development of efflux system, and decreased target sensitivity.
In the strains such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
production of β-lactamases is the most prevalent and dangerous mechanism of resistance. In
this paper, main chromosomal- and plasmid-mediated β-1actamases from the most important
human pathogens of Pseudomonadaceae are described. They are both serine- and metallo-βlactamases. The major mechanism of P. aeruginosa resistance to the broad-specturm
cephalosponins is explained. It consists in derepression of ampC transcription inhibitory
pathway or production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases. The appearance of the βlactamases genes not only on plasmids but also in transpozons or integrons makes possible
spreading of the resistance among major bacterial pathogens. Some integron-borne enzyme
gene can be found in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa coming from different geographic
areas. Therefore, the multidrug resistance of some strains may become a major problem in
near future.
1. Introduction. 2. Pseudomonadaceae - etiologic factors of human infections. 3. Mechanisms of
resistance to β-1actam antibiotics. 4. β-lactamases of Pseudomonadaceae family. 4.1. Serine
chromosomal-mediated β-lactamases. 4.1.1. β-lactamase AmpC. 4.1.2. Other β-lactamases of
P. aeruginosa. 4.1.3. β-lactamases of Burkholderia and Stenotrophomonas. 4.2. Serine plasmidmediated β-lactamases. 4.2.1. β-1actamases preferentially hydrolized penicillins. 4.2.2. Broad- and
extended-spectrum β-1actamases. 4.3. Metallo-β-lactamases. 5. Summary.

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